House Loyalties

by: angelicmayuka

Chapter 7: Learn

Pansy P.O.V.

No...bloody...way. HELL NO. They did not just tell me that I had to go to this bloody ball with Potter. No. They better not have. Are my ears working? That and we have to act as if we get along? Is that even bloody possible? Even as a detention, Dumbledore couldn't possibly...

"Don't forget it is mandatory wether you think it is or not. Dumbledore specifically asked that we tell you a few rules about it. One, you must be civil. Two, you must dance at lest 5 times in the numerous amount of songs we have and they must be spaced out, not just five quick dances and then it's over. Sorry but that won't work, though you are welcome to dance more than five if you so wish it." McGongall said looking past the both of us to avoid our death glares.

"He wishes." I muttered.

"Also of the five, at least 2 of them are to be slow dances. The only requirement on order is that you must dance the last song wether it is slow or fast." Snape added.

"The third rule is that you must not tell anyone that this is part of your detention, not even your friends Mr. Potter."

"Do I even want to know the consenquences for not going?"

"Dumbledore has decided to take 500 points from both your houses and add a month extra of detention if you do not comply."

"Five...hundred?" I asked as I felt my voice falter on me.


"Fine." Potter spat in annoyance. I had a feeling he'd agree, with his Gryffindor courage an all. I know my house would kill me if I lost that many points for them.

"I guess we have no choice really." I muttered.

"Good, now try toning down the fighting tomorrow, you want decent practise don't you?" McGongall said with a grin. I glared at her.

"Are we dismissed then?" I asked, venom lacing my words. McGongall nodded. "Good." I said with a final glare and flew away from the Great Hall and once out of their sight range I ran towards the common room. I muttered the password and ran towards my bed. I ignored the looks of the other Slytherin girls and snapped shut the curtains around my bed. I curled myself up in a ball and let my forehead rest against my arms. "What...what have I done? What if my parents find out?" I whispered to myself and I felt tears begin to form at my eyelashes. I felt that envy of Potter ebbing back again...he had friends...real friends that if he even tried to shut his curtains would drag him out of his bed and force him to spill his problems so they could help him. Why...was I never blessed with that? Am I that horrible of a child as mother and father say? That...undeserving? Fuck.

Harry P.O.V.

I watched as Pansy stormed off towards her dormitory and I decided to do the same. I can't believe Dumbledore would put me through this hell for "inter-house relationships". That old bat is seriously off his rocker and now I'm paying for it. This sucks. I wasn't actually planning on even going to that damn ball because I didn't want to be surrounded by groupies or have the poor girl I take with me get scorched by groupies for the rest of her life. Who knows what rumors will start now...we can't even tell everyone that it was forced upon us! Then again the groupies already hate Parkinson, but who knows what they'll try to do to her now, probably put poison in her food or something. Then again...why do I care? She doesn't give a flying fuck about me, why should I? I really wish I didn't have to go, but even quidditch wouldn't be able to fix 500 points. I can see that my life is really going to hell in a handbasket, and now that I think about it, Hermione was right, everything has gotten worse...much much worse. Things have just gone from bad to worse lately and I'm sick of it. I practically ran into the wall before I realized I was standing in front of the Fat Lady.

"Out causing trouble Harry?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"No, I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong as a child to deserve the punishments I'm recieving." I said dryly. I just really wasn't in the mood, I was more pissed of really.

"Right right, password?"

"Finkleberry." I murmered as she swung forward to allow me in. I saw Ron and Hermione both in the common room, but doing completely different things. Hermione as usual was adding finishing touches she really didn't need to her homework and Ron was mapping out chess tactics. I slumped onto the couch and both looked up.

"That was a quick detention mate." came Ron's voice. I tried to think quickly, I hated lying but I wasn't allowed to tell them what my real detention was.

"Oh yea, they just wanted lines."

"Ahh, decided to go easy on you for once eh?"

"Yea." I muttered. Not even close buddy. They went way harder than necissary.

"Are you alright Harry? You seem depressed." Hermione's soft voice was easily seeing through my facade and that sucked. Sure it's great when you want to talk about you're problems, but the fact that she always knows when I'm lying is bad. Always bad.

"I'm fine 'Mione, just tired. I think I'll turn in."

"What about your DADA essay?"

"I'll do it later, I wouldn't have my brains put together to write anything that made remote sense right now anyway." I said stifling a yawn. I waved goodnight to the two and went up to my dorm. I flopped onto my bead and stared at the celing of the canopy. Tomorrow was going to be utter hell.

Pansy P.O.V.

I woke up feeling quite poorly. I immediately remembered why and groaned. I opened the curtains around my four poster and looked around to see girls scrambling around squealing about the ball and their dates. I rolled my eyes. One of them turned to me.

"You going Pansy?"

"Hmm? Oh, the ball? Yea."

"Really? Draco your date again?"

"No." I said almost scowling, but then remembering that I had to pretend I wanted it. The girls all grinned widely.

"Ooooh then who is the lucky guy?"

"It's a secret." I said giving a mysterious wink. They all squealed and started guessing my date with each other. I rolled my eyes, since when did they care anyhow? They wouldn't be excited anymore when they found out it was bloody Potter. They'd turn on me again spewing how I'm shaming my own house or something along those lines. I ran a hand through my stringy hair...damn I need a shower. I threw off my covers and stepped onto the cold stone floor of the girls dorm. I ignored the girls prying questions as I set off to take my shower. Once I was done I haphazardly threw up my hair into a messy bun and pulled on my school clothes. I slipped on my robe and went down to the common room. I was met by a crazy mob of Slytherins all either discussing their dates for the ball or the things they were hoping might happen a little after it. I snorted in disgust and left the room. My current destination was the Great Hall, not that I was looking forward to it all that much. Nothing even remotely good had happened to me in that place lately. I swept through the open doors and ignored all the catcalls, whispers and giggles followed me as I walked to my table. I passed the Gryffindor table to see Potter banging his head on the table telling the Weasel to shut up over and over again. Granger was then bickering with Weasel saying how he should "leave poor Harry alone" or something. Then again, I don't care, I was really thinking about if the Slytherin's would kill me faster for going to the ball with Potter and betraying the house or if I totally dropped them out of the running for house cup and unable to ever regain the points. Neither appealed to me and either way I was going to get chewed out by someone or other so how can I choose between the lesser of two evils? Just as I was sitting I saw a huge mob of girls approaching Potter. I almost choked with amusement at the look on his face. They were all asking him to the ball. His face really was priceless, the utmost horror and disgust was so amusing I started chuckling into my breakfast. I felt a heated glare and turned to see him with a frown and murder in his eyes as they met mine. I stifled my laughter and saw him turn to the girls coldly.

"No. No I won't go to the ball with any of you. One, I don't like you lot. Two, I don't even know half of you. Three, I'm already going with someone else." he listed as he pointed to three fingers as he spoke. I nodded to myself, those girls probably were incapable of counting anyway. The group around him gasped and even his friends looked confused.

"You're going with someone already mate?"

"Uh...yea. Did I forget to tell you or something?"

"Yup, you totally left that part out of the conversation yesterday."

"Oh, sorry Ron."

"Who are you going with?"

"I-uh..." he started and I suddenly felt a sweep of horror. If he told now, I'd be dead meat.

Harry P.O.V.

"-it's a secret for now, you'll find out tonight anyway won't you?" I finished thinking quickly and immediately noticing Parkinson's uneasy look.

"I guess."

"Ronald leave Harry alone, he can go to the ball with whomever he pleases, stop bugging him about it."

"Oh whatever, you know you're just as curious as I am Hermione."

"Curiostiy or not, you've been bothering him about this ball for hours on end, it's getting old."

"Come now Mione, you just don't want to know because you're jealous he didn't ask you instead." Ron said waving a hand. Hermione and I gaped at him. What the hell is he on?

"You're delusional Ron, I'm not jealous. Besides, I'm going with someone else as well."

"Oh? Who is it this time? Some other famous quidditch player?"

"Goodness Ron, are you still on that whole Krum kick? It's not like I went out with him very long."

"Whatever. You still did it." he said scathingly. Hermione frowned.

"Maybe it's you that is jealous seeing as Harry and I have dates and you don't." she snapped in annoyance. I smirked slightly at Ron's stunned face. That most likely was the true reason for any jealousy at this table.


"You know, if you keep you're mouth open like that, you'll start catching flies." came a drawl from behind us. Hermione frowned and Ron's mouth snapped shut. I supressed my laughteras best I could but once Hermione told me she always knew because my eyes were laughing. Huh...odd. Anyway back on track, I turned to Parkinson as she smirked in a proud sort of way for making fun of Ron.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of this little visit Parkinson?" I asked in amusement.

"Oh you're not worth my presence I assure you Potter."

"I totally agree that you're backwards."


"Whatever, something you want?" I said rolling my eyes. She glared at me as usual.

"Right. To the point, the arrangement."

"Oh right, 7 hours after in the biggest room." I said cryptically. She looked like she was going to gape at me but caught herself. Then she stood up straighter.

"Right, well if you're even one after yourself you're a dead man." she said cheekily and swept away from the table. I turned to see Ron and Hermione's confused faces. I grinned and shook my head.

"Forget about it guys, you wouldn't understand if I explained anyway."

Pansy P.O.V.

I sat on a large rock out by the lake staring at the smooth ripples. I hugged my knees as I thought about the horror that was coming in a few hours. Some random Slytherin's had just informed me that each couple was going to be interviewed by the Daily Prophet as they went to the ball. It totally explained why Snape and McGongall were wanting us to get to know one another. Who knows what totally off the wall questions those bloody reporters would ask. That and what if they actually printed it? I'd be royally screwed. Sure, Potter might lose a bit of his reputation, but me...

Harry P.O.V.

I can't honestly say to Ron that I don't know whom I'm going to this stupid ball with, but I can tell him to stop bugging me because it's really getting irritating. I think I've told him at least fifteen times in the past hour that I won't tell him who I'm taking and yet he continues to ask if he never heard my last hundred answers. I wish Hermione would drag him off like usual so I could get some peace, but no. She's in the library...again. I think she's avoiding the common room because she's sick of hearing Ron. Maybe I should follow her'd just follow me and get us kicked out or something. Cause I really need to be in more trouble now. Then again, what more torture could Dumbledore subject me to? Can it get much worse? Wait, didn't I ask that last time and it did? Yea...damn.

Quickly the day was coming towards and end...and usually that's a great thing, I'm closer to sleep! However today...that means I'm getting closer and closer to this...ball thing. Why can't the day drag on forever and never get to night? ugh...the guys are already getting dressed in their robes...I guess I should to...damn!

Pansy P.O.V.

I had already changed into my dress robes and I decided to be nice and let the other girls play with my hair. Just the prospect made them squeal and me want to roll my eyes. I just closed my eyes and listened to their conversation, sometimes adding in little bits here and there.

"I heard Draco is going stag since he you didn't ask him Pans." Rachel McTharty sai as she brushed through my hair. Sometimes I found it strange that Rachel was in Slytherin, she was the nicest of the group by far, probably closest I could call a "friend" in this hell-hole. Then again I've seen her at her worst...once and it scared me and that's saying something. I snorted at her comment.

"Well it's not like he couldn't get himself one, plus as he loves saying that I don't "own" him or control what he does, it's not like we're obligated to go together. He's just being a prat." I said making the other girls snicker.

"Maybe he went stag so he could dance with the Gryffindors but not actually be with them." some girl behind me said with a laugh. Mary was her name...Meggie? Whatever. I laughed.

"You honestly think Draco would be caught dead dancing with a Gryffie?" I said.

"Who knows, the head girl and the head boy are usually obligated to dance aren't they? So that's Granger and then I swear yesterday I saw him talking to Ginny Weasely." a third girl cut in.

"Dana are you sure? Maybe he was insulting her?" that was Mary/Meggie again.

"Meiry, I know the look on Weaselette's face when she's being insulted and it doesn't glow. Couldn't have been!" was her reply. Oops, guess I was wrong on both names. Oh well.

"Whatever, he's just asking for his family to grill him then. Narcissa is very picky and I can see his dad trying to kill him for even touching a Weasely let along not insulting her."

"Come on Pans, open you're eyes and see what we've done." Dana said. I did as I was told and about fell off my chair. My hair had been pulled into a fancy up-do with curls and ringlets, a few strands framing my face. Flowers had been placed strategically within them and easily matched my baby blue silk dress robes. I had on gentle make-up and I felt like I was staring at another person. How the hell did they manage that? I broke into a smirk.

"Well girls I have to get you a ten."

Harry P.O.V.

I stood fidgeting in front of the Library. I sometimes found it strange that the Library was bigger than the Great Hall. However right now I was more focused on preventing myself from killing myself before this night even started. Just as it rang 7 o'clock I heard footsteps. I turned around and saw Parkinson. On instinct I took a step back and barely caught myself in time to not allow my jaw to drop. This was Parkinson? What the hell? Since when did she actually look...well...attractive? Ugh, now I feel like I should go up myself with Looney Lovegood for actually thinking...that. Cut my brain apart and take out the thought you know? She stopped in front of me with a raised eyebrow.

"Not bad I guess, at least you have class." she muttered. I assumed she was talking about my dress robes.

"Right, let's just get this night of hell over with." I said and held out my arm. She frowned but took it anyway.

"Ready for the big charade?" she asked with a grin. I smirked.

"Of course Pansy dear, we wouldn't want the daily phrophet wouldn't want to think we're forced to be here now would we?"

"Of course not."

Pansy P.O.V.

The second we walked into the entrance hall, I swear every set of eyes was upon us. I felt like shriveling up and dying as I met the huge eyes of my room mates. Potter on the other hand looked perfectly calm and had a hint of a grin on his face. How the hell could he be calm? Act like this was ok with him? The next thing I knew we were walking through the Great Hall doors and met with flashes and reporters as close to us as I had never imagined and with their eyes the size of eggs asked the dreaded question.

"Mr. Potter, the man we've been waiting for, there was a rumor going around about you and Miss Parkinson, would you like to shed a little light on it for us?"

I about died. Then again, I realized that that was nothing compared to what I heard next.

"Well of course, I wouldn't want my readers to be mislead or anything." Potter replied with a strange sparkle in his eyes. That's when I realized what reporter was standing in front of us. Rita Skeeter.

A/N: Thanks for all the lovely comments, this chapter was strangely easy OO aside from the fact that I accidentally forgot about it. It's strange how I just realized how much Harry cusses in his head ; I guess my head is rubbing off into his. The ball is next chapter obviously. :D

I...just finished HBP and so now it seems like this story will be slightly AU-ish. Damn. Oh well, I'll continue it anyway because I can dream. :P

Disclaimer: OO I DON'T own Harry Potter and co.

Review Responses:

Coulbauth - Thanks for the idea, I'll take it into consideration.

PansyxDraco - Xx yes, six months is bad. I'm such a terrible person, this chapter was easier to write because there wasn't nearly as much filler needed :D

gina87 - :D Glad you liked it,

SlytherinDamian - You know, you rock :D You have like stuck with my story totally from the beginning even with my sucky updating skills. No I haven't dropped it and I will die before I drop it! oo I think you're reading my mind, that was partly my idea, and Ron was bugging him about asking Pansy :D I love writing fanclub parts, blowing their jelousy out of proportion is amusing to me :D

ChantalJ - XD well yes, a year is definately worse XD Wicked professors are fun :D

The Cheshire Katt - XD Well you could just look up what you wrote XP Anyway sorry about the long waiting, hopefully this was better?

DragonSpitfire22 - OO sup. XD Anyway that's two people so far whom say Harry for Pansy. True that'd be amusing, we'll have to see :D

Gweneviere-Oxford - I'm glad it's funny even with my strange sense of humor. I don't like purely sappy fics so adding humor is always a good way to go. Gah I'm still stuck for the choosing, we'll see how they writing goes. Glad you like!

Nice - Yes, I like how they're fighting all the way down :D Mwahaha

padfootedmoony - Yes I hope for quick updates to Oo Glad you like :D

grookill - OO I thought it was wrong...dangit. Xx Thanks for pointing that out. Don't worry, fanclub groupies never die easily :P I'm starting to like the idea of them falling at the same time, we'll see :D

szee - Yes thanks for pointing out my spelling error x.x Yes and evil-ness is fun :D

Scottiechick-2001 - Mwahahahaha you'll have to see then now won't you! XD

CMaca - Of course, Dumbledore always seems to doesn't he? XD We'll see how I feel later about who falls for who :D Hope you liked this chapter!

PP Ruffie - Glad you like it, I hope this chapter was as good as the rest seem to have been.

Tresa - I'm so happy you liked it, thank you!

sugarbomb53086 - XD Well I'll try and figure it out, but I agree at Pansy being as hard as nails :D She's one tough cookie to chew :P

oblivionknight7 - I'm working on it:P I'll try to keep you sufficiently supplied with Harry/Pansy goodness.

Sevetenks the Ultimate F - Glad to hear it, I hope you like this chapter as well even if it was mostly filler again :P

Painted Black Roses - Glad you liked it, I impatiently wait for my writing muse to kick me in the bum. :P Anyway it's hard to decide who will fall for who because I can imagine it both ways.

Fred - Glad you like it!

e - Uhh...well I'm glad you like it and want me to continue, but I'm afraid you won't be seeing any Ron/Hermione at all from EVER. I disagree with the pairing personally and I couldn't possibly write about a pairing I dislike. ; sorry.

dixie - XD glad you like it, sorry about the insane wait here.

Dungeonfire4 - woah that's one heck of a compliment! I'm glad I changed you're opinon of the pairing :D

Emma Carlton - I hope you liked this chapter, even if it was...filler-ific. However I'm not giving up and I promise not to make you all wait so long again! Ball next chapter :D

Prophet Zackkbum - thanks so much!

Christal - have the thick-headed girl fall first? Hmm I'll take it into consideration, thanks!

dave-gerecke - OO sorry about you're keyboard, hope you have a new one XD

flikchick83 - update you mean? Well here it is.

Lord Coake - eee you're compliments mean so much to me, thank you so much! Woah, eeee I can't think now, thank you!

Siry pop - thanks :D I'm glad you like it.

chunky-01 - of course! thanks.

wowowow - XD thank you so much! I'll take you're idea into consideration.

The Hunter - thanks so much! 10/10? Oo wow

the dark icon writers - eep sorry for the wait, hope you still like it!

Bluie Twilight Star - mwahaha I'm having fun, thanks for the review.

SlytherinPhyrePrincess - whee thanks.