Disclaimer: Do I look like a blond Brit to you? I thought so.

SoF: Now then! This is a new work of mine...among many all WIP's of course .; Anyway, this will eventually be a Severitus Challenge fic, though that migh change. If that happens then it will be a Sevitus fic. Warnings being hinting of abuse and possibly other dark themes, though still it's WIP so be prepared for anthing. Also looking for opinions as well as advice on what could be done to this. Don't point out speeling errors, didn't use spellcheck...


Chapter 1

A pair of two-toned eyes opened, glazed and rolling slightly. They closed once more, the owner held an object in their hands even tighter then before. A faint smile graced their face for a few scant moments before disappearing entirely. The face went slack as darkness took over their mind.


The overall look of the room was not what many wouold expect it to be for that of the Head of Slytherin House. It was neither dark nor cold. Though to at least uphold the tradiction of being a Head of House, the main room of Severus Snapes living quarters was done in greens, black, and silver.

Sitting in his favorite arm chair was the potions master himself, his mind concentrating on the book proped up in his lap. The merrily burning fireplace flared up and a head came into view.


Looking up from the text he came to find the blond head of one Narcissa Malfoy. Marking his place he shut the book and trained his atention to the woman. Seeing that she had his attention she spoke to the dark man sitting scross from her.

"Severus, I need a favor from you. I need you to take Draco for a few weeks, possibly the whole summer." The idea of taking care of his godson hit Severus as a bit odd, but after a moment he realized that Narcissa couldn't handle what was going on. Her world in short was slowly coming undone. Her husband was in prison and with her own life she had little time to look after a nearly sixteen year old boy.

Looking back to the blond he gave a curt nod, with this action the woman released the breath she had been holding.

"I'll send him in an hour." Again he nodded to soon be met with a once again empty fire place save for the now golden-yellow flames as before. Pausing for only a moment the potions master stood and left his quarters intent upon informing a certain 'old fool' of the news.


The sounds of flesh hitting flesh rang and bounced off the dirty off-white walls of the bedroom. Over and over again the sound came, punctuated only by hissed accusations and slight whimpers.

At long last the yelling stopped, with it all other noise. A door slammed, limbs and body flinched in responce. Seconds, then minutes ticked by before a slight form rose from the floor, wavering to and fro before falling face first onto a bed. Clutching the covers and finally laying, a stone was brought forth before a smile lit the persons face.

The room became quiet and still the only noise being that of the light breathing from the bed. Minutes passed before the breath evened out and the face went slack, darkness being welcomed.


Just as the Black turned Malfoy said, the younger Malfoy came threw the fireplace an hour after his mother had said he would. Looking around the familiar room the young man spotted his godfather and smiled.

"Hello Uncle Sev." The somewhat happy tone from the pale youth lifted a little weight on the older mans heart. He may act like a damned git to everyone else, but this was his godson. He'd known the boy since he was a toddler, he cared for him when Lucius wouldn't. With a nod he led Draco to the guest bedroom of his quarters then back to the fireplace to inform the 'old fool' that his godson arrived safely.


Laying down on the bed, the pale Slytherin stared up at the ceiling he had come to know since coming to Hogwarts. He felt safe now that he was back with his godfather rather than at Malfoy Manor with his mother. With the thought of his mother his mood darkened for a moment, shaking his head he stood from the bed and made his way to the main room. It was there that he found an empty room, walking further into it he came across a note.


I have a few things that need to be done. I'll be back around dinner time, if not, then the next morning.


Seeing that he was alone for the time being he went back to his room and read til it was time for dinner.


Jerking awake, semi darkness met his eyes. Looking around for what had woken him, he turned his head just in time to hear retreating footsteps from the bedroom door. Slowly making his way from the bed he knelt in front of the door searching for what was ever left there. His hand came in contact with a bowl, lifting it to his lips and sipping cautiously he found it to be a thin soup. Drinking slowly, he finished soon before venturing back to the bed. Once there he laid down and was once again lost to the darkness, the stone nearby but out of sight of wandering eyes.
