SoF: I'm not dead! Some people have obviously wondered as to where the heck I've been these last few months... No, I didn't abandon this fic. I just was unable to update, being out of state for five months and working in a National Park with little internet time. I've also been suffering from writers block... But I've tried my darndest to give this chapter to you... so here it is.
Chapter 6
The house for a time had been in a chaotic disaray when Severus had returned with a bloodied body cradled in his arms. The moment Medea saw Severus enter she took charge and began giving out orders. She was and still is concidered a certified mediwitch, she just kept a small practice in the nearby town.
The boy had been cleaned up and bandaged, that much could be seen. Shifting lightly in the chair next to the bed he brushed a bit of blond hair out of his face, starring down at the sleeping youth.
When he'd first saw the boy he'd wondered just what had happened. He'd looked as if he hadn't bathed in weeks and gotten in a fight with drunk deatheaters un-armed.
Now, his black hair was smooth and clean, his skin free from dried blood, and the pained look from his injuries. Though over the majority of the right side of his face was a thick white bandage.
This was his godfathers son... the one the man had cried over. Looking down at the pale and still fevered youth he could understand why Severus had acted the way he did.
Standing up as quietly as he could, he made his way across the floor and slipped out of the room.
In the main sitting room was Romulus on a dark colored couch, his body sprawled out and his head leaning tiredly against the top of the cusions. Severus was no where in sight. Tossing himself into a chair near the fireplace he stared dully.
At hearing Draco sit down Romulus opened his eyes and lifted his head to stare at the quiet blond. A look of concern briefly flashed across his face before disappearing back to normalcy. With a soft grunt the man brought himself to his feet and made his way over to the armchair. Noticing how close the man was Draco looked up.
"Is something wrong Draco?" Looking back to the fire Romulus thought for a moment that he wasn't going to say anything until a moment later he spoke.
"When is it going to happen?" With a look of understanding Romulus moved a few steps over and sat down in the chair also facing the fireplace.
"Whenever you're ready. Same with the name, if you've thought of one good. If not Medea and I can help with that." The calm and deep voice of his Godfathers brother helped in smoothing over his frazzled nerves. Looking at the man he answered.
"I'm ready whenever you are. As for a name... how about Aiden?"
By now you have obviously noticed that something is missing. Come to my quarters tonight an hour after dinner to talk.
"My Lord." A bent trembling figure made itself known, its pointed face looked down at the floor to avoid the sharp crimson eyes.
"Wormtail. What news do you bring me?" The voice was soft with a sharp hiss to its edge.
"The h-house was found, b-but the boy w-was not there..." With this small scrap of knowledge the crimsom eyes narrowed, a light hiss left his mouth. A moment passed before the faint dragging of a scaled body was heard. And with this the trembling man swallowed hard before trembling even harder.
"Continue looking... if you do not come back with something more useful... Nagini here will be allowed to have her fun. Now GO!" Crawling forward the man kissed the hem of the black robes before all but running from the room, Nagini snapping at his heels the whole way.
With a slight intake of breath Remus knocked on the picture frame to the Head of Slytherin quarters. The picture itself contained a young woman dressed entirely in black seated in a high-back chair with a book in her lap. When he'd arrived, the woman merely looked up from her book and glanced at the werewolf.
A moment passed before the frame opened to reveal the Potions Master himself. Looking at the man Snape paused before standing to the side leaving room for Remus to enter. With a polite nod he entered, what met his eyes was not what he expected for the dour mans quarters though.
The rough hewn walls were covered with bookcases interspaced by paintings of people and places, some of them still, some moving. The furniture was simple but with a touch of class to them. Movning threw the livingroom over to the fireplace Remus gazed at a picture of the same white from the entrance portrait. The quiet click of the entrance closing and the soft steps of the potions master were the only sounds other than the erratic snapping of the fire.
"You knew didn't you?" The softly spoken question caught the man off guard, turning to Severus Remus was a bit shocked to see the look of hate as well as hurt in the dark mans eyes.
"You knew who the boy was to me, yet you said nothing!" The words had started out just as quiet as the question before, but had risen in volume and acidity. For a brief moment there was confusion on his face before realization took over Remus.
"Yes, I knew. But with how you treated him, I felt it best that he didn't know. You acted as if he James' son and not yours." Annoyance and contempt permiated Remus' voice while staring at he darker man.
The darker mans face paled to the point it worried Remus before slowly regaining some color, with it seemingly his energy. With unsteady steps Severus stopped before the couch before sinking bonelessly.
"I didn't know. I didn't have the memories to know." With that simple admonishment Remus stared, confusion taking hold.