Disclaimer: I don't own Joan of Arcadia and am lacking witty remarks about it.

A/N: I have seriously been lacking inspiration for this story. God, it's been forever since I updated. Hope I didn't loose readers! Anyway I'm sorry for the time I took, but I looked back at the good reviews and got mad at me for not continuing. So here I am.

"Adam, what did you think about me when I got Lyme Disease?" Joan asked, they were sitting on the bench right outside of school looking over one of his latest pictures. A guy who had been sleeping under a tree. A portrait, but when Joan looked closer at him he had a heart shape on his chest. And a torn shirt. His heart was torn in half. Adam's heart was that is.

"Uhh… I was surprised, confused." He replied, but Joan could see the lie dancing over his face.

"Really Adam. Really."

"Why did you bring this up now, what happened?" He asked her in his whispery voice, but today that whispery voice carried a hum of suspicion.

"Adam…" Joan started not sure if she wanted to finish the sentence, "I am—was a student counselor. I heard you." She scrunched up her eyebrows in a confused sort of look.

"That was you? Why didn't you say something? Anything!" His voice rose a notch and he stood up.

"Why didn't you?" Joan asked. Eyes and voice pleading to know the answer.

"Jane, I don't want to hurt you. I just think we should see other people. We're young. That's what we should do."

"I listened to you in there Adam. I'm not deaf. You think I'm still crazy." Joan clenched her teeth and ran away tears streaming.

"Jane!" Adam called. But Joan was already gone.

Joan sat at the table, wordlessly telling everyone to keep their mouths shut. They listened with a silent obedience. That was something her family never did.

Silence for the rest of dinner. Joan hadn't seen God today, wasn't sure she wanted to.

"You and Rove are through?" Grace asked as they walked to school.

"Yeah." Joan said in a childish whiny tone as reply.

"Who broke up with whom?"

"Mutual agreement."

"Rove had a different story."

"Why are you taking sides?"

"Hey, don't drag me into this dude." Grace stepped away.

New boyfriend; the words had been ringing through Joan's ears the entire day and they were really starting to get to her.

A new boyfriend.


Here comes Adam.

Joan snapped out of her trance.

He stepped in front of her, "just tell me why."


"I don't understand. You're just really hard to talk to. You're secretive. You're hiding something."

All she had to do was to tell Adam, they'd be together again. "God."

So she thought. "What?"

"I'm hiding God." She repeated shrugging.

"Why are you being like that?"

"Like what?"

"Making excuses."

He walked away. He didn't believe her.

Joan didn't believer herself.


A/N 2: Sorry if your dissapointed. I'll continue. I am a genie and am seeing WICKED good twists coming.