Some one mentioned I should put a spoiler warning up, so yeah. This takes place six months after Naruto returns from his training with Jeriya (I think I spelt that wrong). Somewhere past the current manga chapters. From this point on the chapters will rotate. One chapter with Kurenai, one with Shikamaru and Temari. I didn't really love this chapter, but it has its moments.
Thanks to rurounigochan, bakusensei, and dragonzair for being the first to review this epic.
Chapter 2
Securing the Target.
Gai and Kakashi joined them kneeling on her floor at some point during the day. Gai was covered in bruises and cuts, but otherwise seemed to be in high spirits. Kakashi was as quiet as ever.
"Mission success." Gai stated cheerfully as he was dropped to the floor beside them sometime around noon.
"Of course." Kurenai groaned to herself. "You didn't have to fight Itachi or Kisame." She scowled.
"Itachi?" Kakashi asked, showing interest for the first time since he had been dropped on the floor next to them sometime in the late morning.
"Hai." Asuma confirmed.
"You don't look injured?" He commented.
"Because we surrendered without a fight." Kurenai stated. "Our mission had already failed when Anko was captured while we squared of with Kisame. No offence Kakashi, but we stand no chance against the Sharingan, and Tsunade-sama would not be able to save us if Itachi used the Mange Sharingan against us."
The conversation was cut short as four men walked in. Only one looked like he wasn't a warrior. He was wearing a simple white robe often associated with medical shinobi and his long, black hair was currently tied back to keep out of his way.
"Her first." The non-fighter stated as he pointed to Kurenai as his deep violet eyes fell upon her.
She felt a twinge of fear run through her as one of the men, a big burly one who looked even stronger then Asuma, grabbed her by the hair and yanked her to her feet. She hissed in pain, but didn't cry out.
"Kurenai!" Asuma and Gai shouted in worry, earning them both a kick in the side when they tried to come to her assistance.
"Ile. I'll be alright." She stated, calming the two enraged men down.
In truth she was scared, but she wouldn't let them know that. Both men walked out of the room and up the stairs, the big one pushing her along from behind every once in a while. Her blood ran cold as they opened the door to her room and the big one threw her roughly onto her own bed. Shuddering, she curled up and moved into the corner so she could keep her eye on both of them.
"Leave us." The younger, smaller man ordered calmly, not even paying attention to her as he set a case on her dresser and opened it, pulling out several scrolls and other supplies.
"Keh." The bigger man snorted as he left, closing the door behind him.
"Now then," the other man turned to face her, "let us begin."
"What are you planning on doing?" She demanded with more bravado then she felt.
"Relax my dear, I have no plans of raping you at this point in time, if that is what you fear. I am merely going to seal you tenketsu points so you can't meld Chakra. However, I will require you to be naked and this will take some time. I could do it in front of the others if you wish, but I cannot guarantee they will not try something nor keep their mouths shut. You will need to hold still. If I miss the points, I may kill you." He warned as he approached her.
He took out a pair of handcuffs and tied her down to the bed before drawing a knife and cutting her clothes off. She froze in fear and closed her eyes, concentrating on her breathing to help keep calm. Why did she have to have a bed with headboards? When she had been devised of her clothes, she felt her fear amplify.
For several minutes nothing happened, then something soft, cold, and wet touched her skin. Her eyes flew open in shock to see what it was. To her surprise, it was a marker. He was making marks on her body while reading from one of the scroll he had pulled out of his bag.
"Relax." He stated calmly. "This will take some time."
She closed her eyes again and forced herself to relax and to not fidget. She wasn't sure how long she lay there, but the pain of her first tenketsu point sealing jolted her out of her lazy daze with a yelp.
Faster then she could register, his chakra glowing hand hit her again and again until she could no longer even feel her chakra. She held back the other yelps of pain and forced herself to remain still. A miss could kill her and she had no plans of dying yet.
When the man finished sealing her, he let out a few deep breaths to recover from what he had done, than released her before taking something out of his bag and tossing it to her.
"Put that on and do not take it off. If you are found without it, you will be killed. You will not leave this house without an escort or you will be killed. Disobedience will be dealt with the first two times with punishment; the last will result in death. Understand?"
"Hai," She answered as she quickly pulled on the tight fitting white pants and shirt, clearly designed to leave no place to hide anything.
"Repeat it." He commanded.
"Attempts to escape or change my clothing will result in death. Disobedience will be punished the first two times, then death will be dealt."
"Good. Any questions?" He asked.
"What of self defence?"
The man grinned as he answered.
"There should be no need for self defence. You are dismissed. Send up one of your friends, than I suggest you get some rest. You have free reign of the house until further notice."
She didn't argue as she carefully walked out of the room, leaning up against the door as soon as it closed behind her and rubbing her sore Tenketsu points. Without her chakra, she felt half dead and very heavy. Not to mention very vulnerable.
She looked at the window at the end of the hall and briefly thought of jumping through it, but without her chakra she would be lucky to land without breaking something. Doing so would be pointless and she had no doubt there were patrols. If they were sending their medics to seal chakra, Konoha must have fully fallen.
Feeling a sudden urging to hug herself defensively, she forced her arms to remain by her sides as she walked to the stairs and started down them, winching in pain from her sealed points. The men who had walked in were still there.
"Kurenai." Gai and Asuma shouted once they caught sight of her.
"Are you alright?" Asuma demanded.
"Hai." She answered, trying to ignore the leers from other men.
"What did they do?" Asuma demanded as she left the stairwell and walked up to them, slowly and clearly still suffering from residue pain that was slowly starting to fade away.
"He sealed my Tenketsu points." She answered, a hint of depression in her voice.
"It took him two hours to seal you chakra?" Kakashi asked disbelievingly.
"Hai." She answered. "He wants the next one sent up."
One of the men nodded their head as they grabbed Kakashi and dragged him upstairs. Kurenai sat down next to Gai and Asuma to wait. One of their guards went into the kitchen before returning, a scowl on his face.
"Is there no food in this house?" He snarled.
"There is some ramen noodles in the cupboard above the stove, but you have to make the stock." Kurenai answered.
The man looked at her, than grinned.
"Then make some." He commanded.
She glanced at Gai and Asuma, weighing the situation. If she refused, she was in no condition to defend her self from a beating. However, she certainly didn't want to be left alone with any of them.
She would only be in the kitchen. The others would hear any noise, still be able to see her, and there were lots of weapons to defend her self with in there. Everything from knives to boiling water was at her fingertips. She nodded her head as she got up gingerly and walked into the kitchen, the man followed her and leaned against the doorframe, cleaning his nails with a kunai.
She pulled out what she would need and set to work. Her guard didn't even blink when she took the large knife out of the drawer and set to work cutting up vegetables. She felt a little better with a weapon in her hand and allowed herself to fall into a kind of trance as she worked.
When she was done, she served up the dishes and handed them out to everyone. Kakashi was back and wearing the same outfit she was and Asuma was gone. She handed Kakashi his bowl while setting Asuma's aside and feeding Gai, since he was still tied up.
"Why were you faster?" She asked.
"It's easier to seal the Tenketsu points on someone of the same sex." Kakashi explained.
"You get the speech too?"
"Hai. It seems like we are under house arrest until further notice."
"Why?" Gai asked.
"There is no prison large enough in Konoha to hold us all. Besides, we are just live bait for Gaara-sama and Naruto-kun. As long as we keep our heads down, we will be fine and able to do our part when Shikamaru returns with Suna's counter strike." Kakashi explained.
They looked up as Asuma came down the stairs. He joined them on the floor of the living room as Gai was led up. Asuma accepted his bowl from Kurenai. A glance at the clock on her wall told her it was already twenty-one thirty-six.
"Any chance of a cigarette laying around Kurenai?" He asked.
"Ile." She answered coldly.
Asuma sighed longingly before setting into his meal. Gai returned, wearing black as opposed to their white. The moment he came down, most of their guards left, leaving just one standing before them and the one upstairs.
"You, bring Katsu-san some food." The man ordered, pointing to Kurenai.
She nodded her head as she dished out the last of the ramen in the pot and brought it upstairs, hesitating before her own bedroom door, debating on rather she should just walk in or knock first.
"Come in." Katsu ordered, making the question mote.
She opened the door and stepped in. He looked exhausted. She set the bowl down on the dresser.
"Your companions will retreat to the basement for the night."
"I don't have a basement." She interrupted.
"The living room floor than. If you have any spare bedding, I suggest you grab it and bring it down to them." He ordered.
"What of me?" She asked calmly, her heart fluttering in fear.
"You will sleep on the floor here. If we find your friends have escaped during the night, your death will not be a pleasant one, and vice versa. Return when you are done."
She nodded her head in understanding as she left, pulling blankets out of the closet as she went and walked back downstairs to see Gai and Asuma doing dishes under the supervision their other guard.
"If I know it would take the invasion of Konoha to get you to do dishes, I would have sanctioned it ages ago." She grinned, trying to lighten the mood a little.
She walked back into the living room and started to set up three beds. They joined her after the dishes were done.
"Why only three?" Gai asked.
She quickly explained what Katsu had told her before returning up the stairs.
"Lights out. Silence will be observed." Their guard stated as he followed Kurenai upstairs.
The three men shared a look.
"Rock, paper, scissors for the couch?" Kakashi asked innocently.
The other two agreed as the stood in a lose circle.
"Rock, Paper, Scissors." They shouted.
"I win." Kakashi stated, grinning at his two dejected cellmates.
"Damn." Asuma grunted.
"Just what I would expect out of my eternal rival, but I will win tomorrow night." Gai shouted.
"Shh." The other two hushed as they crawled into bed.
Kurenai sighed as she heard the boys shout from the living room. She shuddered as she walked into her room. Katsu had laid out a bed for her on the floor next to the bed, though the man was not there.
She lay down on the blankets on the floor and pulled the blanket over her, absently noticing the handcuff dangling from the leg of the bed. She looked up as Katsu walked in.
"I think you know what to do." He stated without even looking at her as he put his scrolls back in the case on her dresser.
Sighing, she latched the other end of the cuff onto her wrist. Katsu turned the light out and the bed creaked as he climbed into it. The house fell silent. She assumed the other guard was sleeping in her guest room, leaving the three boys unguarded, which explained why she was tied to her own bed in her own room with Katsu sleeping in it. As long as she was here, the others couldn't make a move.
Katsu's breathing evened out quickly, indicating he was asleep. Sealing all of the Tenketsu points on four people had to have exhausted his chakra. She had no doubt he was a medical specialist, or that the rest of the shinobi had been treated as they were.
Without their chakra, there was no way to get over the walls surrounding Konoha, thus escape was impossible. The escape tunnels would have been found and sealed by now, preventing escape that way. They were just as helpless at this point as any regular citizen of Konoha.
Kurenai awoke to Katsu un-cuffing her from the bed. She pretended to be asleep and ignored him. If he noticed, he didn't call her bluff. He changed into fresh clothes, then left.
The moment he was gone she sat up and stretched. She jumped when he opened the door and popped his head back in.
"Make sure this place is clean when I get back. You are free to roam the house and do as you please, but I advise you don't put a single foot outside. Guards have been posted and anyone not cleared or escorted will be assassinated on the spot, no questions asked. Understand?"
"I am not a child." She answered coldly.
Katsu just grinned as he closed the door behind him, leaving her alone. The first thing she did was rush to the window to look out. She spotted at least two men patrolling the roofs. To her surprise she saw several civilians going about their business, dressed in clothes similar to hers, only blue in color.
She quickly made both beds before leaving and locking herself in the bathroom. The call of nature was making its demand known and she really wanted a shower to get all the marker lines off of her.
Katsu had said never to take the white outfit off, but she doubted he meant for her to wear it in the shower. After making sure there were no hidden camera's, she took a nice, hot, long shower before drying off, brushing out her tangled hair, getting dressed, and heading downstairs where the smell of breakfast was permeating the air.
"Who cooked?" She asked shocked.
"Kakashi did." Asuma answered from the table, where he was finishing off a plate of food. "Rock Paper Scissors for the next shower?"
"Ossu." Gai agreed exuberantly.
She watched in amusement as Kakashi set a plate of food before her before joining in. This time Gai won.
"Ossu. I beat you Kakashi. That makes the score two-hundred and seventy-nine to two-hundred and seventy-eight in my favour." Gai shouted, punching a fist into the air.
"Whatever." Kakashi responded.
"Kawaii. I love that cool attitude of yours." Gai shouted.
"Gai." Kurenai barked.
"Hai." He shouted.
"If you shout in my house one more time I am going to duct tape your mouth shut." She threatened, feeling a headache coming on as Kakashi handed her a cup of tea.
He looked surprised, then grinned at her before bolting upstairs.
"We could throw him out a window and let the guards kill him." Asuma suggested.
"Tempting." Kurenai agreed as she set into the meal Kakashi had cooked.
"So where do we stand?" Kakashi asked.
"We are under house arrest until further notice. Katsu, that's the one I am sure is a medical specialist, wants the place cleaned up by his return, other then that he said we are free to do as we please. My food supply is going to run low fast with six of us eating, I do live alone you know, and hot water is going to be scarce if we all take showers everyday.
"It is a fair bet the sleeping arrangements aren't going to change anytime soon. First, lets clean this place up a little, then take an inventory of what food I have left. We should schedule shower days and assign chores accordingly."
"Not to mention rotating who gets the couch." Asuma added.
Gai came down some time later and Asuma took a shower next while Kurenai and Gai cleaned up breakfast. Kakashi put the bedding away. One nice thing about never being home was that it didn't take long to clean the place. She was never around to get it dirty.
They found some paper and assigned task and days, which they posted on the fridge door. Kurenai made a shopping list intended to feed six. It didn't take long to work everything they would need for immediate survival out. By noon they were done.
Gai was cooking this time when Katsu returned, looking tired out, no doubt having sealed more people today. They silently offered him a plate of food, no point in picking fights yet.
He took it without a word and retreat upstairs. He came back down an hour later and left. Kurenai sighed as she went up to her room to remove the dirty plate. To her horror, she noticed that all of her clothes had been removed from the dresser and piled onto the floor in a corner. The only thing left on her desk that was even hers was the picture of her with Hinata, Kiba and Shino and the picture of her own Genin group when she was a child. Everything else had been tossed in a bag next to her clothes.
An inspection of the drawers showed the top three to be full of clothes and items clearly belonging to Katsu while the bottom drawer had two sets of the white clothes she was wearing, one pair of nightwear, and one of her fancy kimono's she had only worn once to a delegation meeting years ago. She also spotted her small jewellery box and quickly went through it, noticing nothing had gone missing.
"Why would I need this?" She wondered as she refolded the fancy kimono.
Sighing, she set to work folding the clothes he had taken out of her drawer and storing them in the closet with the bag of her personal gear. She checked the guest room and noticed the drawers were now full of stuff clearly belonging to the other man. He must have unpacked last night.
Frowning, she went downstairs to see the other guard had returned with three bags and was in the process of giving them to the men before leaving. Each of them, she noticed, had three sets of clothes and one set of nightwear. They had no such fine apparel as her kimono.
She found it strange Akatsuki would carry that much gear with them, but then figured they had probably had pack wagons bringing up the rear. It was clear that they intended to stay for a long time.
Putting the men's clothes in the laundry room next to the washer and dryer, they spent the rest of the day discussing the next move.
"So far they don't seem interested in information or anything." Kakashi stated as they sat around the kitchen table.
"Yeah, but I would not want to be Hiashi-sama right now, or anyone with the byakugan." Asuma stated.
"Nor would I want to be Tsunade-sama. Akatsuki is going to want to know where Naruto and Gaara-sama are." Kurenai added, silently hoping Hinata, Henabi, and Neji had been in a group that had escaped.
They did not need to go through the pains of having the secrets to their bloodline extracted. Hinata and Henabi would most likely be killed to make things easier, but Neji would need to be kept alive or his curse seal would destroy the byakugan. There was no doubt Neji was strong and thus the best source for extracting secrets short of Hiashi.
"Did Hiashi-sama make it out?" Asuma asked.
"I don't know." Kakashi admitted. "Let us hope he did, and as many members of that family as possible."
The byakugan was Konoha's strongest ability and one of the most sought after one in the shinobi world. There was no doubt Akatsuki, and Orochimaru, would let the chance to study it go by.
"The number one task of a shinobi of Konoha is to protect its citizens. Thus far the citizens are being left alone and permitted to go about their daily business. Until this changes we should not stir the ants nest.
"I have no doubt Naruto will make it to Suna, even burdened down with wounded and children. By now they would have sent a runner ahead with news to Suna. Reinforcements will take a month at least to get everything planned out and moving. Unless if the citizens, or we, are threatened, we shall remain obedient." Kakashi spelled it out to them.
"Hai." They agreed.
"Maybe Kurenai-chan can use some of her charm to seduce some information out of Katsu." Kakashi suggest with his usually, eyes closed, sly grin.
"Kakashi." She shouted, grabbing a frying pan from its place hanging on a hook and smacking him up the side of the head with it.
She stormed out of the room and flung open the front door, intending to storm out. She stopped at the last moment. Katsu was just returning and raised an eyebrow at her.
Asuma joined her shortly, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her aside to let Katsu walk in.
"Might I ask what you were doing?" Katsu asked as he closed the door behind him.
"She was having a fit." Asuma quickly explained. "When she gets mad she tends to storm out."
Kurenai gave him a look that promised death.
"You will answer with Katsu-sama at the end of sentences addressed to me. Understand?" he stated coldly.
"Hai, Katsu-sama." They both agreed quickly.
"Good. Dinner will be at eighteen hundred every evening, Lunch at twelve hundred, and Breakfast at oh-six-hundred. I trust you can remember that." Katsu walked past them up to his room.
"Bossy, isn't he?" Asuma commented.
Kurenai was leaning up against the front door, breathing deeply. She had been one step away from death, or worse. She was a Jounin for Kami sake. She should have known better. Only Genin made stupid mistakes like that.
"Oi, Kurenai." Asuma called again when she hadn't responded to his first two.
"I'm fine. It's fifteen hundred. We should get started on dinner. He dismissed the transgression this time, best to keep him happy." She stated as she walked past him, stepping over an unconscious Kakashi, eyes still swirling with a concerned Gai hovering over him.
"You know, I kind of like this. On a normal day I would never be able to hit Kakashi with a frying pan." She stated with a chuckle, trying to shake off the feeling of impending doom that had infused itself into her.
Asuma grinned as Gai finally got Kakashi awake again. There wasn't much left to cook for six people, but she made do with what she had. Chicken fried rice was easy and able to feed many. She sourly noticed it used the rest of both ingredients.
Rooting around, she managed to use the rest of the noodles up with some left over pork. Her fridge and cupboards were all but bare. She knew she should have gone shopping a few days ago. She was even out of milk.
Dinner was ready right on time. Their other guard, whose name they had yet to learn, walked in just as she turned the stove off. Come to think of it, they didn't know what hidden village their two guards came from to begin with.
"Take Katsu-sama his dinner." The guard ordered Kurenai once everyone had been served.
Holding back a scowl, she brought the plate upstairs. Did they order her around so much because they thought she was an easy target because she was a girl? She could hardly wait to get them back for this.
She didn't bother to knock as she walked in. Katsu was in the middle of the floor meditating, without his shirt on. She noticed he didn't seem to have any scars whatsoever. This didn't overly surprise her. Medical-nins often didn't go to the front lines.
She set the plate down on the dresser and made to leave, but his voice stopped her.
"Remain." He ordered.
Startled, she froze with her hand on the handle. Did he plan on punishing her for nearly leaving the house? She hoped not. Kakashi, Gai, and Asuma would not be able to help her if he did.
"Come here."
She forced herself to move as she turned to face him. He was sitting at the desk with his back to it, the food still untouched. She moved to stand in front of him. He studied her, a contemplating look on his face.
She got down onto her knees before him, her fear turning into raging embarrassment and anger.
He studied her for another moment before turning away and starting on his meal.
"Name and rank." He commanded.
She blinked in surprise. Now he decided to interrogate her? She thought briefly of lying, but by now they would have the village records by now so there was no point. Not to mention they had already addressed each other by name.
"Yuhi Kurenai. Jounin." She answered.
"Your companions."
"Hatake Kakashi, Jounin. Meito Gai, Jounin, Sarutobi Asuma, Jounin."
He jolted their names and ranks down on a piece of paper. Then frowned.
"You were a teacher recently. Who were your charges?"
She hesitated. The information would be on encoded records that the enemy most likely already had and were in the process of translating. She did not want to make their job easier. On the other side it was very likely the enemy already knew.
Sasuke knew and had probably already told them. Itachi would have no problem decoding the script. There was no value in lying to hold back information the enemy most likely already knew. Beside, she wanted to get on his good side after her stunt earlier.
"Inuzuka Kiba, Abrume Shino," she hesitated, " and Hyuuga Hinata."
"Current ranks."
"Jounin, Jounin, Chuunin training as a medic."
He jolted down their names and ranks under her name on the paper.
"Uchicha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, and Haruna Sakura."
"Makunin, Jounin, Chuunin."
"Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino, Akimichi Choji."
"Jounin, Chuunin, Chuunin."
"Rock Lee, Tenten," once again she hesitate before answering, "and Hyuuga Neji."
"Jounin, Chuunin, Jounin."
He finished jolting down the information, nodding his head as he did so. He set the pen aside and sat in silence, thinking while he finished his meal. She waited, debating on weather or not she had been dismissed or not.
When he finished eating he leaned back, still thinking. She was almost ready to leave when he spoke again.
"All of your students made it out."
She felt a blossoming of hope rise in her chest.
"I thought I had made it clear that no one was to leave the house." He stated.
Her body stiffened in fear. He turned his gaze on her, catching her ruby eyes with his own deep violet. She hadn't really noticed his eyes before other then to note they had been violet. They looked like they could penetrate her very soul and she wondered if the reason his eyes were such a color were due to some bloodline ability like the way Hyuuga eyes were white.
"I detected no lie coming from the one called Asuma, nor have you lied to me here. I will let it pass this time, as you did not technically break a rule. I trust it will not happen again?"
"Ile." She agreed.
He backhanded her, taking her by surprise. She picked herself up from the floor, one hand over her throbbing cheek as she stared at him in shock. Without her chakra, she hadn't even seen the blow coming, hadn't even noticed she had been hit until she was picking herself up from the floor.
"I have already instructed you on how to address me." He stated calmly. "Let us try this again. I trust you will not anger me in the future."
"Ile, Katsu-sama."
"Better. You are dismissed." He waved her away.
"Hai, Katsu-sama."
She took his plate, bowed her way out, stormed down the stairs, and attacked the dirty dishes with a vengeance.
"Kurenaiā¦" Gai hazard.
The glare she sent them caused all three men to bolt for the living room while the other guard grinned at her. She turned her back on him and attacked the dishes, working out her anger and frustration.
"Who does that pompous bastard think he is? Katsu-sama my rear-end. If the villagers lives weren't in danger, I would give him a piece of my mind followed by a taste of my most violent genjutsu." She fumed.
Dishes didn't last long so she started wiping down the counters and stove, which quickly turned into dusting.
"When Suna arrives with reinforcements, I am going to make sure he's the first bastard I hunt down. I'll tare his eyes out, no, one of his eyes out and make him watch as it's eating by ravens, no bugs. I'll get Shino-kun to help.
"Then I'll cut open his gut, hang him from a pole over a fish pond, and watch the fish slowly eat them while carving the skin from his body with a dull spoon. I'll shave off all of his hair and make sure it's a scorching hot day so he'll have sunburns where the sun don't shine."
Kakashi, Gai, Asuma and even their guard looked at her with wide eyes as she mumbled her threats under her breath, unaware she was doing so. The men's faces grew more pale as the threats got more gruesome.
"Are you sure she's a teacher?" Their guard asked.
"I thought so." Asuma gapped.
"We should really be recording this for later use." Kakashi commented. "Future interrogators can use it. She would make Ibiki proud."
The other three nodded their heads numbly. A knock at the door startled them, causing them to jump in surprise. Kurenai quit her frantic cleaning and pacing, marched up to the door and flung it open.
"Nani?" She snapped, than paled when she realized whom she had snapped at.
She stepped aside as Itachi walked in.
"Katsu." He stated.
She bolted up the stairs, wondering how her day could get any worse and wanting to get away from Itachi before he decided to use the Mange Sharingan on her as punishment. "Katsu-sama, Itachi is here to see you." She reported as she opened the door.
Katsu looked up at her from the desk. He put his pen down, grabbed a scroll, and walked past her without a word. She stood at the top of the stairs and listened in, or tried to. Eventually Itachi left and Katsu crisply stated that at twenty-two hundred everyone was to be in bed.
She glanced at the clock on her dresser through the opened door and noticed it was ten minutes past. She heard the men start their Rock/Paper/Scissors match for the couch as both guards walked up the stairs and the lights were turned off.
The unknown guard walked past her to the spare room and closed the door. Katsu stopped at the top and glared at her. She gulped as she followed him into their shared room.
"Shut the door." He commanded.
She shut the door behind her and turned to face him. His backhand sent her to the floor.
"Do you have any idea who you insulted?" He snapped at her.
"Itachi is a makunin from this village." She answered through gritted teeth.
Damn she was missing her chakra. A mere slap shouldn't hurt this bad, it should not have even hit.
"You will refer to him as Itachi-sama and should be grateful you are too far beneath his notice to punish you himself. Clearly my earlier warning went unheeded."
A cold wave of fear spread through her body and she started to tremble slightly. Right now she couldn't help but to compare herself to the old Hinata, before Naruto changed her. Timid, frightened, unable to even defend her self. How could the loss of chakra affect her so much?
She forced herself to her feet and kept her arms by her sides, no matter how painful her face was. She would not show any weakness to him. He seemed to strive for it. He looked her up and down, and then grinned.
"So you do have some fire in you when faced with someone stronger. Good. I was starting to think you were nothing more then a noisy mutt who only felt safe to bark when the owner was gone."
She glared at him.
"I am only acknowledging you because I care for the safety of Konoha's citizens." She snapped back.
He raised an eyebrow.
"And just how far, Kurenai-chan, are you willing to go to protect them?" He asked smoothly.
"What do you mean?" She asked, dreading the answer.
"If I told you to kill Gai in exchange for letting ten citizens go free, would you?" He asked.
She struggled with the question. Would she?
"If I ordered you to be a willing slave in your own home, would you?"
"I already am." She shot back, not hesitating on that one.
"Slaves are obedient. You are not." He pointed out.
She didn't have an argument for that statement.
He took a step closer until she was all but pinned between him and the door.
"And if I ordered you to bed me in exchange for the lives of the children your friend Gai managed to get out of Konoha, would you?"
Her breath caught in her throat. Did they know about Gai's mission or are they just fishing. She would not give anything away.
"If bedding," she stumbled over the word, "you was the only way to make sure the children of this village were safe," she closed her eyes and finished, "I would."
Since her eyes were closed, she could not see his grin. He stepped away from her. She opened her eyes and followed his movements as he sprawled out on her bed.
"There were twenty-two children and four adults, if I remember correctly. They have, of course, been rounded up and are currently being held at the school. Would you care to meet them tomorrow as proof?"
Her mouth went dry. Was he bluffing or did he truly mean what he stated? Was he casting for information or challenging her morals. How had he known the exact number?
"I would like to see proof." She answered.
He raised an eye in warning.
"Katsu-sama." She quickly added.
"Very good then. Tomorrow after lunch we will take a visit to the school. Make sure you are presentable."
He got off the bed and proceeded to change in front of her. Horrified, she closed her eyes and waited to hear the creak of the bed before turning the light off at his direction and crawling into her own. Like hell she would change in front of him.
He reached down and attached the cuff to her wrist before bidding her goodnight. Outwards she remained silent while inwards she was fuming and making a list of her most horrendous genjutsus and contemplating on just which order she would use them on him.
Well, next chapter will be back with the others. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though I think it is one of the worse ones in the story.