Disclaimers: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the other characters. They belong to the brilliant mind of J.K. Rowling. Nor do I own the poem in italics, I just borrowed that from a fic I read and all credit goes to her.
A/N: This is my first try at a Harry Potter fic, so I hope you all enjoy it! Also, if any one recognizes this as similar to some other story, will you please inform so I don't have that author mad at me. Again, enjoy the fic.
I am strong
"Oh, the poor dear," Annie whispered to the medi-wizard beside her.
"I know," Lizzy whispered back, standing on the tip of her toes to also look through the small window into the dark room.
The room was no larger than a small hospital room. The walls seemed padded, along with the ceiling and floor. There was a small bed and a window with bars in place; allowing some light to shine through the narrow openings. If one looked closely though, just into the far corner where the light faded, one could barely make out a crouched figure with a bent head.
"She's been here for three weeks," Annie commented, pulling her sleek blonde hair into a tight bun. "Yet . . . no one's come for the poor dear."
I stand tall
"Doesn't she have any where to go? Maybe she has a friend to take her in . . . or a family member?" Lizzy questioned, placing saddened eyes on the figure. Her eyes began to follow the bushy curls of the long-haired brunette.
"No . . . apparently she's a Forgotten," Annie whispered back, her heart going out to the young woman.
Lizzy winced at the answer, being a Forgotten was probably the worst thing that could happen to someone . . . other than losing their soul. The hospital was divided into many levels . . . but people always associated them in three sections. There were the people who could be treated; which took up practically all the floors. One level went to the incurables, and the last to the loonies, located in the basement; in which most of them over time became a Forgotten. There just wasn't someone in the world to take them in, know them, and love them. They didn't know themselves, nor did others. It was as if the world forgot them, hence the name 'Forgotten'.
Nothing will break me
"Are you positive . . . I mean . . . three weeks isn't as long as the other cases." Lizzy just couldn't believe that someone barely younger than herself was already a Forgotten.
"No one has come to check on her . . . She doesn't even know her own name," Annie explained as she started to walk away. "All she does is mutter the same poem, over and over."
"Why is she here? That might help identify her." Lizzy suggested, following after her superior. Not before, though, taking one last look at the woman. Her own green eyes seemed to have locked with the woman's dull brown. The moon cast a light glow on her face before retracting its gift. Lizzy gasp as a thought passed.
I will not fall
"We've been trying every day to examine her . . . but we can't," Annie explained as she straightened out her white medi-robe.
"Why?" Lizzy asked absentmindedly as she started to try and place a name to the face she saw. She could have sworn she had seen it before.
"Because, every time we get close to the girl, she goes and sends bloody hexes at us left and right. It's like the bloody Americans and their fireworks!" Annie exclaimed, getting irritated with the constant questioning.
"Wait!" Lizzy exclaimed, briefly forgetting the topic at hand of the face and its bearer. "Didn't she have her wand taken away?"
"I told you, she does nothing but shoot spells . . . there's no possible way we could get that wand away. It's almost as if she's afraid of everything."
My heart will not break
"I don't believe that." Lizzy spoke as she waved her wand to move pans that fell to the ground. "Do you have any guess as to why she's like that?"
"I'm not positive," Annie started, flicking her wrist to help the younger woman out. Before she spoke her next words she gave a quick glance around to make sure no one was listening. "But I think the dear had her soul taken away."
"Oh! I don't believe there's any thing more scary than that!" Lizzy exclaimed, her heart going out even more to the girl.
Standing still through all my fears
"Shh! I'm not positive, but she has the signs," Annie whispered. "Well . . . except for the fact that she seems more in tune with her surroundings."
"That's a good thing then?" Lizzy questioned eagerly. "Doesn't that mean she can be cured? We can save the girl!"
"No!" Annie snapped. "It doesn't mean that. The fact of the matter is that no soul means no soul. Just because the girl seems to be more . . . more animated than the others doesn't mean she can be cured."
Time will pass and things will heal
"But Annie . . . it doesn't hurt to hope. I mean, does it?"
"It does hurt to hope Lizzy . . ." Annie spoke in a solemn tone. Knowing what the younger woman meant and how she felt. But it was her duty with her more knowledgeable experience to set things straight so that the nurse wouldn't think her to be cold-hearted. "Just like when you deal with all incurables. The Forgotten, it especially hurts to hope, because things never turn out the way you want. It just is hard to believe them to be able to have a happy ending."
"I guess . . . but I just feel like I know the girl."
"You have that feeling too?" Annie gasped, delighted somewhat that some one else also recognized her and she wasn't turning into a loony herself.
"It seemed to have grown when I caught a glimpse of her face," Lizzy explained before coming to a stop to pick up a fallen copy of the Daily Prophet. She stared down at the familiar face of the Boy Wonder, Harry Potter. That's hen she let out a gasp of surprise as some thing clicked.
"I think I know who she is," Lizzy breathed in dazed tone.
"Well . . . who is she Lizzy? Spit it out!"
"I think she's Hermione Granger . . ."
As the world goes by with my silent tears.