Disclaimer: I do not own digimon thoI do wish thatI did...sometimes

P.O.V: all the digimon

A Poem

You are finnaly here

Now we shall have no fear

You will help us fight

For everything thatis right

Fighting is not our friend

But we will fight until the very end

And evil cannot hide

With our partners by our side

We will bring justice to a place that has none

And that will not be fun

But if we don't

The others won't

We are all the best of friends

And stick together 'till the end

And now that we are all so close

It's sad that you leave when the fight comes to a close

And when it comes to an end

We will have lost many friends

And the day we right the wrong

Is the day our friends go home

Knowing they leave soon makes us frown

'Cause that's the kind of thing that can bring you down

But also hearing we will see them in a while

Is the kind of thing that always makes us all smile

So good bye,

Matt, Sora, Izzy, Joe, Mimi, Kari, T.K., and Tai

Your Digi-Pals

Gabumon, Biyomon, Tentomon, Gomamon, Palmon, Gatomon, Patamon, and Agumon

So yeah this is the first thing that i have writen so tell me what you think