Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own Artemis or any of the other characters in the series. They only belong to Eoin Colfer. I do however own Elizabeth and her family. If this story is like yours, please tell me, and I'm very sorry.

Disk 2, Holly Short

Two weeks after the attack on Haven with Opal as a human, Foaly and Sool decided to wipe Artemis, Butler's and Juliet's minds once again, but this time not tell them what was happening. I am not pleased at the fact, because Artemis was starting to become a decent person to be around. And although I will deny this is anyone ever accused me, but I do think I've started to like the youngest Fowl. Foaly did a check on all Artemis' plans for the Fairy people and erased all of it, but after he made a copy that was put in a small medallion, I think Artemis gave Foaly that idea when he discovered us for the second time, the only copy in fact, which I wear around my neck at all times.

Foaly made sure that Artemis and his companions were not wearing contact lenses, like they were last time. He made several checks over and over again to make sure Fowl did not try to trick his censers. Although I don't know how he would because Fowl never new we were coming.

After the mind wipe I have come every week to see what Fowl is up to. So far he has not shown any signs to remembering the People, which is a good thing, right?

Foaly and Mulch are always checking to see how I am, they think I'm depressed because Root died and know there is no Fowl in the picture. I keep telling them I'm not depressed but Foaly just shakes his head and Mulch just mutters it's the first sign of depression.

But I'm not depressed, just because Root died, and he felt like a father to me, doesn't mean I'll be depressed. I've taken to keeping to myself, BUT that doesn't mean I'm depressed, only keeping to myself.

The new commander is Commander Sool, I quit the work at the LEP, and I opened a detective agency with Mulch. We're partners, it's a little weird working with him, but he helps the agency a lot because of all his skills, like his beard hair; when it can open locks. Every time, I stare at him he asks me if I'm ok, I simply say I'm remember old times, and then he goes ballistic, and calls Foaly, who runs, more like gallops, over and then he stays with me until I get fed up and storm up to my room. Another thing to mention, to save some money, Mulch and I are living in the upstairs area of our detective agency store. No we are not living in the same room; his is down the hall from mine.

Tomorrow I've decided to go visit Artemis, I really wish that I could see him again with him seeing me. I miss him. Anyone who reads this will probably think I'm in love with the youngest Fowl. But, that is not true; I simply miss a very close friend, not many LEP members have many close friends, we're always at work, either at a desk or on the streets patrolling.

I must go now, Mulch and Foaly are at my door banging, so I could come out.


Holly Short