Hey, this is my first eva fanfic so please be nice. There might be sum tyhil later but I haven't decided yet.
Disclaimer: I do not own Beyblade. (If I did do u think I'd be writing this)
"Normal speaking"
'Thinking or talking to themselves'
(Author's notes)
Nothing Last's Forever.
Chapter 1: True colour.
Tyson, Hilary, Kai, Max, Ray, Kenny and Daichi are sitting in the waiting room at the hospital.
Hilary's POV
' I can't believe this is happening, this can't be happening how does someone like grandpa have a heart attack? Oh but it is happening, I can feel the lump in my throat and the tears filling up in my eyes, no! I can't cry, not in front of Tyson.
Oh god Tyson, I feel like this, how must he be feeling, I mean it's his grandfather for god sake, I look up at Tyson, he's sat on one of the waiting room chairs, with his feet pulled up onto the seat and his face buried in his arms, he's not said a word since we left the house I've never seen Tyson like this, I mean even in the most dreadful times he tries to make light of the situation, by laughing or making jokes, but looking at him now he seems so alone and scared.'
Kai's POV
' I've never seen this side of Tyson before, he's normally loud, obnoxious and big headed and under normal circumstances, by now he would have made numerous jokes trying to cheer people up, which in a funny sort of way I'm glad of, I'm no good at cheering people up, I normally make them feel worse.'
' But maybe that was never the real Tyson, maybe it was a mask, to hide how he really feels, but now that this has happened it's fallen away, exposing the pain and sorrow that he's hidden away for so long,'
' Perhaps I should, for once, look on the bright side of things, maybe everything will be ok, and then the old Tyson will come back, however that still leaves me wondering, where did all this pain and sorrow he's been hiding, all this time come from in the first place? Maybe were more alike than I think?
(This is not a TysonxKai Fic ok!)
Normal POV
They'd been sat in the waiting room for about 3 hours, it felt like a lifetime, Tyson, Hilary and Max were sitting on the chairs in the middle of the room, Kai was leaning against the wall, with his arms folded, Ray and Daichi were standing by the entrance door.
It was 12:30 at night, but not one of them felt the slightest bit tired, accept maybe Daichi, who about 10 minutes ago decided to moan, about how long it was taking and wished that they would hurry up, but for once Tyson hadn't started to argue back at him, or tell him to shut up, he just stayed with his face in his arms not saying a word, Daichi, who was now annoyed that no one was going to answer back at him, started to talk about how waiting here was pointless and that they should just go home and wait for grandpa there, at that Tyson sunk lower into his chair and covered his ears with his hands, seeing this Kai yelled at Daichi to Shut his damn mouth, or get the hell out, Daichi immediately stopped talking and went and stood by Ray, no one had spoken since.
Hilary's POV
"Mr Granger? -" A tall, yet thin man, with faded blonde hair was stood in front of us looking around for Tyson, Tyson looked up at the doctor, he was very pale and his eyes were shining with tears and looked red and sore, Tyson had been crying, she'd never seen Tyson cry before, she didn't like seeing him like this.
Tyson slowly stood up, swaying slightly,
"Could I have a word please?" asked the doctor.
Tyson nodded his head slowly and followed him into his office.
'Please let him be ok, I don't know what Tyson would do if he didn't make it, I mean what would happen to him? Where would he go? I'm pretty sure, even though Tyson's never mentioned them that his parents aren't in the picture anymore. But what about Hiro, does he know about this? Did anyone think to tell him, I mean he was his grandpa too?
"Hey, guy's"
"Yeh?" replied Ray
"Has anyone told Hiro about this?"
"Erm, I don't think so," said Kenny
"Not unless someone from the hospital called him, I mean don't they contact your relatives and let them know?" said Ray
"They wouldn't call everyone, some families are really big, it would take forever" said Max
" I doubt that it would take very long to contact all the Grangers" Said Kai " I think it was just Tyson, Hiro and his Grandpa"
"Then what happened to his mother and father?" I asked
"I'm not sure, he's never mentioned them" said Kai " but something must of happened other wise he wouldn't live with his grandpa, would he?"
"I suppose" I replied
"I guess u never really know a person" said Daichi "even if it's a loud mouth like Tyson"
Kai shot an evil look at Daichi that basically meant 'that's not even funny, so just shut you mouth'
I'm not going to make this chapter too long otherwise you'll all stop reading it, but the next part will be up soon, it's the summer holidays for me so I have lots of spare time.
I hoped you liked it please read and review
Sorry if there's any mistakes in there.