Dearly Beloved
Summary: Probably, if you are reading this chapter (5) then you already know what the story is about…but here is they short to the point summary anywayz! What if Chris and Lorelai got married? This is what I think may have happened. This chapter may switch points-of-view. I am not sure. I guess you will find on!
A/N: I am so super sorry that it took me forever to post this. My life has been semi-hectic for like the last 2 weeks. Labor Day weekend was especially hectic and there have been other hectic things in there and throw calculus into all that...and you can just imagine. Or maybe you can't. Anywayz, I wasn't going to post this chapter until I wrote the next one and it took me forever to write, and I don't really know that it is exactly how I want it either. Anywayz, I will quit rambling and you can read on!
Disclaimer: I do not claim to own Gilmore Girls. And that is b/c I don't own Gilmore Girls. I wish! Anywayz, um...I own my guitar...and cell phone...the point is I don't own Gilmore Girls or anything associated with it (except the DVDs) and it all belongs to ASP.
Chapter 5: They meet again or I'll be the One
As she argued with herself in her thoughts there was a knock at the door. That is probably the person with the clothes she thought. Who else could it be? No one else knew where she was. She got up off the bed and walked to the door. She pulled open the door and there stood the random guy, Luke.
"Luke, hi," Lorelai didn't really know what to say to him. She had kissed him on the street and now he was at her door.
He didn't seem to know what to say either, "Lorelai, yeah, hey."
"Um, do you wanna come in or something? I mean, we could just keep on standing here if you really want to but coming in seems like a good choice also."
"Yeah, um, I'll come in." Luke seemed unsure of himself but he came on in anyway. Once Luke was inside they stood there in uncomfortable silence for a few minutes before Lorelai said, "We could sit I guess."
They both sat down on the edge of the twin bed and there was some more silence. Curiosity got the best of Lorelai, so she asked, "So, why exactly are you here?"
"Honestly?" When Lorelai nodded at him, he continued, "I couldn't stop thinking about you. I kept trying to think of all the things that I have to get done, but my thoughts kept drifting back to you." Luke paused, "Kissing you, actually." He shyly looked up into her eyes.
She looked back at him and quietly asked, "How did you find me?"
Luke grinned, "It isn't hard to find someone in Stars Hollow. It's a small town."
"Oh, well, okay then." She was quiet for a minute, "I have been thinking about you too. A lot. And the kissing. So, yeah." She looked down at the floor. This was a completely new situation for Lorelai. She had always just been with Chris. She had never had to worry about talking to guys.
"It was amazing," Luke lightly lifted Lorelai's chin until he was again looking into her eyes. Luke smiled at her. He didn't usually act this way. Not even around girls. Especially not around girls. He was always calm, cool, and collected. But with Lorelai he was nervous and wanted to know what she was thinking.
"Yeah," Lorelai smiled back at him, "I thought so too." She was starting to think that maybe kissing this random guy on the street may have been a good idea after all. She was also seriously considering doing it again. And apparently so was Luke, because he was slowly leaning a little closer to her. He softly kissed Lorelai on the lips. She looked up at him and then began kissing him back. They sat on the twin sized bed and kissed for a few minutes before Lorelai pulled back.
"Is something wrong?" Luke sounded concerned and Lorelai was touched by that because she had known him for less than 24 hours.
"Not exactly," She hesitated, "I have to tell you something."
"You're married," Luke guessed, laughingly.
"Yeah, that too, but that wasn't what I wanted to tell you." Lorelai took a deep breathe, "See, here's the thing. I am married, but the only reason that I got married was because...I'm pregnant."
Luke was silent for a moment and time seemed to stand still for Lorelai. Then he asked, "You're pregnant?"
"Yeah," Lorelai answered quietly.
"Okay," for some reason this didn't seem to change anything. Lorelai had thought it would make things strange or that Luke wouldn't want anything to do with her. Luke was quiet for a minute and then continued, "I like you. Truthfully, I like you a lot. And well I'm not really concerned that you are pregnant. Yeah, it is a big thing, but I can live with that." Luke stood up, "I want to see you again sometime. Okay?"
Lorelai was so shocked by the fact that Luke wasn't bothered by her being pregnant that all she could do was nod. She stood up as he started to walk with him toward the door of her new small house. When they reached it only seconds later, he turned around and gently kissed her. "I'll call you sometime at the Inn." Luke opened the door and started to walk out. She walked to hold the door and he turned around and kissed her one last time, "I'm all in. Just so you know. I think we can make this work. See you later."
Lorelai smiled and softly said, "Bye Luke. See ya." She leaned against the door frame as he walked away across the back lawn of the Independence Inn. Lorelai couldn't help but thinking he walked away so well. And the view wasn't bad either.
I'll be the One
You'll never know, how much you touch my soul
You're so beautiful and I'm so gone
Please understand, I'm only just a man
But I'll give you all I am
From here and now on
I'll be the one
The one you hold
I'll wrap my love around you until time grows old
That ray of faith
That glimpse of sun
Baby, only everything
I'll be the one
Trust this much, I'll always believe in us
And I'll never give it up
For anything ever
I'll be the one
The one you hold
I'll wrap my love around you until time grows old
That ray of faith
That glimpse of sun
Baby, only everything
I'll be the one
Lay down beside me
Right down here beside me
There's so much inside girl
and I want to share it with you
My love, whatever I do
I'll be the one
The one you hold
I'll wrap my love around you until time grows old
That ray of faith
That glimpse of sun
Baby, only everything
I'll be the one
Next time on Dearly Beloved: So, they are going to go out and Luke is all in...I think that the next chapter will be them going out or maybe not. Is Luke really okay with Lorelai being pregnant? Or is he secretly freaked out by it? And does Luke know that Lorelai is 16? Three years younger than him? And what happened to Chris? Will Lorelai go ahead and get the annulment? And what about Savannah? What did happen to her? And Richard and Emily? Guess you guys just need to review this chapter so that you can read the next chapter! b/c your reviews are what make me post!
A/N: The song is "I'll be the One" by Phil Vassar and it is on his "American Child" CD. I am pretty sure that he hasn't released it. It is country. It is this really sweet ballad-like song and I just really thought that it fit in with Luke being all in. I am super sorry that this chapter is so short. I wasn't really inspired to keep writing b/c I had a calculus test to look forward to at the time.
REVIEW: Please leave one. It is so simple click the little button and tell me what you thought. Please don't just say update soon! Although those let me know you are reading, they don't tell me what you actually think of my story! Kudos to bAyLeIgH aNnE who posts great reviews! They make me really happy!
PS...To those people who reviewed and said that they didn't think Lorelai would just walk up and kiss a random guy on the street, even if she was mad at Chris...well, I honestly don't think she would be likely to do that either, but I did think that it could make for an interesting story!