Hey all dem girls and guys out dere! Hi, its me, Mirika, here with my FIRST STORY! GAAAAKK! whooo. anywho, heres my disclaimer:
Disclaimer: Mirika doesn't own the characters that you think might be in here (miroku, sango, kagome, inu-yasha, shippo-runt, and any odders you can tink of) 'cept for her own (Ryc, and one thatsmy friend's ShelKuro).
Here it is, if it sucks, don't blame me, Im a writer with a waaaaay off sense of humor. 1.n
The Waiting Demon Slayer
To leave without you by my side
You would never have taken that risk
You left me there standing on the shore
While you waited away, hand in fist(1)
Take the moment, breathe it in,
Sins are taken, love forbid,
Share the second, gift of life,
Even if that soul cannot survive
He transformed, that demon,
The one for that girl
She stayed by his side, the one who died,
The priestess lies never unfurled(2)
Imiss you at your quest of cruel
You didn't let me go
Now you see why that I did not die
And your death was only for show(3)
Now you're gone into the great abyss
Where I dare not go to follow
Not yet you see for that travel's not for me
So I just drowned my sorrow
When you left for that certain hanyou
You left without your son,
The one who has that black hole in hand
The one who never woke up
Your son is waiting, along with me
Please just come back home
But there you are trapped to afar
In a hearse(4) made of stone
Moku:blinkblink: HEY! This is about me and Sango! T.T glare
Sango: gak ly! what gave you the impression of an idea like that?
Ly: you guys look soooooooo cute together that I HAD to make it! plus, i read in a magazine that you to were going to live together and have a child after Naraku was defeated. evil glareandsmirk
Moku:NOOOOO! I thought you did!
Moku&Sango: LYRIC!
ly: SHHHH! You soooooooooo went far enough but don't say my name OUTLOUD!
BIG fist fight between Sango-san, Moku-sama, and Ly-chan
1:hand balled in fist
2:Didn't tell her lies
3:his death didn't matter
4:a car that carries the coffin
Any more questions just asked me! Pease out! 1.n Ly