Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. I do have take credit for plot and for certain character originale like Aimee Carlisle, her kids and other random and not so random characters.

A/N: Brand new idea popped into my head and I had to write it down. Bear with me it is four in the blood morning, so I'm a bit knackered. I'll try to type up a second chapter that's not so vague later. Cheers and tragically yours, MB.




There are two kinds of light—

the glow that illuminates,

and the glare that obscures.

James Thurber

Chapter One: Green Means Go

Touched by angels, though I fall out of grace
I did it all so maybe I'd live this every day

I Never Told You What I Do For a Living, My Chemical Romance


The screaming pounded in his ears, he would have loved to clamp his palms down over them with full force, but his palms were already occupied. One he had cradled, blood smeared and possible broken, the other held his wand. The more he pushed on the further into the screams he floundered. It was akin to being in a quagmire, your movements stiff, hounded by the mud all around you. He was faintly grateful for the charm he'd learn to fix his vision temporarily; glasses would have been lost or broken, maybe even both hours before. He tried to think of anything else, but the screams torn at his brain demanding an audience. It was nothing like the Dementors, they were apple pie and ice-cream compared to what he was dealing with now.

It was muddy, it caked to every piece of skin, clothing that had stuck to his body because of perspiration and the heavy rain. Coupled with the screams, and the curses and hexes he deflected the only thought he kept to himself was this: my head just might explode. For a second he actually thought it might be a good idea.

Someone hit him with a binding charm which he deflected haphazardly so that his couldn't move his feet. Out of the corner of his rapidly blurring vision he could dark robes advancing towards him, masks pulled over their faces.

If he hadn't been in so much pain, he would have laughed. There was a blur of light and as he tried to counter curse whatever they were throwing at him – it didn't matter now. The effect witch left him face first in the mud, trying to get to his feet; a small gold antique muggle watch glittered right at eye level and he reached out with his injured hand.

Touching it jarred his senses. He faintly thought he heard someone yelling at him as some of the most intense magic he had ever felt pulled him into oblivion. The last thing he saw was a flash of green. The last thing he heard was the cries of a woman.


Soft. It was soft. His body hit the ground with a thud and he groaned loudly on impact. His whole body hurt and demanded some rest. But his brain, thankfully quiet (the screaming had disappeared), was rapidly turning its wheels.

Oh, gods, portkey.

He had no idea where he was…

The watch.

Opening his eyes slowly for it was brighter here; she saw the watch strewn half way across the carpeted floor.

Flipping himself over with barely contained pain fuddled litanies; he started to survey his surrounds. Wherever he was, it was muggle. He was sure of that and it looked like he was on the floor of some pantry.

Go to get back, got to get back…

He tried to lift himself off the floor, but the pain was too much, and left him panting, sweat dripping down his brown. He closed his eyes and prayed silently that whoever owned the place was not home or coming home soon.

He was sorely mistaken.

His vision was absolutely shot to hell now, he could only see blobs. But nothing was wrong with his ears.

The woman shrieked and dropped the plate she was carrying, it shattered on impact.

"Oh my god!"

He tried to keep conscious, but his eye lids were heavy and well as his limbs, they felt full of lead.

The woman bent down next to him on the floor trying to help him up, but the searing pain that slashed through his side made him quiver. Letting go of him, the woman faintly told him, she'd be right back before he let oblivion take him once more.

review please...it makes me happy...:) MB