A/N: This is all VioletAskevron's fault she put the bug in my head...actually no this is dedicated to yes, YOU, una fiesta! So this as supposed to be a one shot but I wanted to break it up into three parts so this will be three chapters...1...2...3...yes I can do math...eh hehheh. This stars two of my original characters from myfic Light which you should enjoy and review, it's makes me very happy...the review whore that I am.
cheerios kids, and remember Silly Witches Tricks are For Kids
Disclaimer: I down own Harry Potter. If I did I be flithy stickin rich..NAHNAH! I am not as you must know...le sigh.
Flirting For the Socially Inept
Chapter One: The First Rule of Flirting, Don't
There are times not to flirt:
When you're sick.
When you're with children.
When you're on the witness stand.
- Joyce Jillson
Aimee found herself in the Hospital Wing again. This time it was a Jinx potion that sent her there. She cursed her luck as she lay prone in the bed, that she thought should have a big sign over it that said 'Aimee's' like some flashing neon muggle sign, blinking blue lights and all. Most of the effects of the potion had worn off, except for two disturbing aspects: one, she was still prone, she couldn't even lift her pinkie finger if her life depended on it. So there she lay, a proverbial damsel in distress waiting for another of Madam Pomfrey's miracle tonics to fix her up.
"Hello." A voice broke through her thoughts, and Aimee looked straight into the eyes of Hogwart's most elligible and handsome Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain, Aiden Carlisle.
Oh Merlin...e gads...I...
O shite, he's looking at me isn't he...oh god he is… I wish I could crawl up in a corner and die.
Where is a +20 Dragon when you need him?
Aiden gave her a slight smile, before speaking "You're the Slytherin girl I see out of the pitch every Friday night."
Oh Merlin, he saw me? Thought Aimee couldn't make a sound due to her prone state inner monologue squeaked and with all her might tried to shake her head.
"You know, you're pretty good, probably give- that bully of a- I mean- Everett White a good tossing, why didn't you tryout? It would have been nice to actually have a new challenge this year, well other than Gryffindor…."
Aimee tried to focus on what he was saying and failed, her brain was doing circles around itself.
Girl, he's saying your good enough to play…for a team, let me spell that for you T-E-A-M, team.
You're Slytherin you actually think, wait nevermind they laugh you out of practice and into next week, you know that, and remember how Mother adores Howlers.
Oh, but, but...isn't he handsome.
O, shut up you romantic pansy.
Once the two warring sides of her brain ceased their discord, Aimee remember he was still talking.
"Nothing new this year its Gryffindor and Hugglepuff all over again, Raverclaw needs a new seeker and well you're a Slytherin…" He gestured empathically, Aimee cringed inside her house had lost their last three games in a row. "...what with Potter and all I doubt we even
stand much of a chance either for cup...you know we play them this Saturday, you should come." He stopped his monologue to look back at her.
Oh, Merlin, he's looking at me again.
"Will you?" He looked almost hopeful, Aimee was to busy berating herself over the head with an imaginary cricket back to even give him a look.
But Aimee was spared from further embarrassment when Madam Pomfrey whisked in.
"Mr. Carlisle, back to bed with you. You're supposed to wait from the elixir to wear off before exerting yourself. I'll not have you disturbing my patients. Now," she looked back to Aimee, "you better get some rest dear, this could take all night."
Aimee heaved an internal sigh. Great, just, great.
see that pretty blue button below me, click it and it will bring forth much joy...
Draco: No it won't she just wants to fill her need for reviews-you review wh-(rest to conversation has be cut short because the nasty little ferret has been stabbed with a knife)
Me: Harry didn't I tell you not to kill people?
Harry: (holding knife covered in blood) Ooops...
anyways people please review...