A/N: Dedicated once again to Vi who put the full idea in my head.

AmericanBaby - yay! my first reviewer. Aimee acts just like I would... I hope you enjoy...and yes Draco's back.

Draco: The hell I am! Well hello, is this another one of your silly muggle friends?

Me: Yes, and no she's not silly

Draco: Well I think she is?

Harry: Didn't I kill you.

Draco: Yes... well... you know...death doesn't last forever...

Me: Draco that doesn't make any sense.

Draco: Does it matter?

cheerios kids, and remember Silly Muggles, Wizards don'tkill people, Spells Do! MB

Disclaimer: I down own Harry Potter. If I did I be flithy stickin rich..NAHNAH! I am not as you must know...le sigh.

Chapter Two: Second Rule of Flirting, Eye Contact

Eye Contact: A method utilized by a single woman to communicate to a man that she is interested in him. Despite being advised to do so, many men have difficulty looking a woman directly in the eyes, not necessarily due to the shyness, but usually due to the fact that a woman's eyes are not located in her chest.

The Dating Dictionary

"He actually talked to you-what a bender and he didn't even notice you weren't listening of course, I mean why would he even think you'd even listen, what is he a total prat?...that's it, on the total prat list he is right under Potter and Black, I can't stand those-those hooligans…"

Aimee barely listened as her best friend at Hogwarts Eulalia Mercer, a fifth year like herself, rammbled on, a lot of people didn't like Lia because she talked too much, Aimee knew from experience you gradualy learned how to tune her out and live with it.

"...I mean Aimee, come on...what is a Hugglepuff doing even approaching a Slytherin for? Ugg...don't these...these barbarians have any manners at all? Aimee, Aimee..."

But Aimee wasn't listening to Lia at all, she was too busy staring as Aiden Carlisle and his friends made their way into the hall, laughing heartily about a joke shared. As she walked along Aimee watched as they got closer, and before she could avert her eyes Aiden had spotted her, waved slightly and smiled. Aimee immediately adverted her eyes to the ground, and blushed furiously, hoping Lia didn't notice.

Oi, that was bloddy brill. I am offically the world's biggest twit.

"Hey, Aimee, is that him? Lord, he looks good enough to pull, pish posh a Hugglepuff...too bad he's not a Slytherin." Lia sharply stated before tugging at Aimee's sleave.

"Excuse me, missus..." Aiden's thick irish brogue broke through Aimee's suicidal thoughts.

And if I jump off the Astronomy Tower...

Aimee looked up at the sound of his voice, and he smiled, "You'll be coming to the match right?"

All Aimee couldn't do was smile like a madwoman and nod.

"We will be doing no such thing-Aimee!"

At Lia's words Aimee snapped out of her daze and grabbed Lia's arm and tried to bodily drag her away into some unused corner before she gave it to him good.

"So I'll be seeing you then, ta luv." He raised two fingers (his thumb and his forefinger) up and tipped his head as if there was hat, bowing slightly.

Well she turned sharply on Lia when Aiden had left, "Well, that was absolutely bolloxed."

Probably thinks I'm a total prat.

Lia peered strangly at Aimee as if she'd gone completely nutters, a hurt look on her face, "Hmpff...You're not going to go, right?"

The noise in the stands was deafening, Aimee had only been to one Quidditch game in her life and that had been first year, she hadn't remembered it being so loud. Luckily it was nice, semi-sunny day, not like the previous one filled with clouds and lashing rain.

She could hardly see the players, from the glinting of the afternoon sun and the speed at which they flew. Gryffindor was only ahead by twenty still plenty of time for either Seeker to catch the snith. Privately she hoped Hugglepuff just might. The mania around her hadn't subsided but had grown louder as the match had progressed. Aimee looked up into the sky, to catch a glimpse of Aiden's (or who she thought was Aiden's) yellow and brown Quidditch robes go spiriting by. Taking her eyes of the blur she looked up to try and find one or both of the seekers.

"Here," A Hugglepuff student next to her handed over her Omnioculars, "They'll help you see better."

"Thanks," Aimee muttered before bringing them to her face, she could indeed see much better, she could see right down to the last detail on the Quidditch uniforms.

While looking around the pitch for a Seeker (where one was, the other wouldn't be far behind), a wave caught her attention.

Oh, Merlin...what in Circe's name is he doing?

Aiden Carlisle had paused on his broom, to wave to –of all people- her.

Aimee blushed furiously at the realization, her pale complexion now splotchy with batches of pink.

But how had he seen her, in the mass of Yellow and Brown, she didn't have time to think that over before a bludger whized out of nowhere and broadsided Aiden sending him flying off his broom.

"Oh Gods..."

Aimee immediately handed the Omnioculars back to the girl and ran out of the stands.

"Madam Pomfrey, you have to let me in! It's all my fault. Oh merlin," Aimee was practically pulling out her hair in frustration, "It's all my fault he fell, he..oh gods please..."

"Oh fine, since you're making quite a fuss I'll let you in."

Aimee rushed into the Hospital Wing, frantically searching for the bed that held Aiden Carlisle.

He was laying in one of the far beds, one arm in a makeshift sling, and one leg propped up on some pillows.

Aimee wasted no time, "Are you absolutely loony? My god...what were you thinking?"

A smile passed over his slightly tanned, slightly freckled face, and a hand reached up nervously into his auburn and cherry splattered hair. "You."

Aimee opened her mouth, to speak, to yell but nothing would come out.

"You know," he said, his eyes heavly lidden from impending sleep, "You very fetching when you're mad."

Aimee only managed a squeek.

Aimee told herself to breathe and went and got a chair to sit in.

"Will you go out with me?"

Aimee looked up into his sparkling blue eyes, "What?"

He looked slightly annoyed, though it didn't look right on his face, "I said you daft girl will you go out with me?"

Inside Aimee was estatic, the last and only relationship she had tried to have, well was a total failure. But on the outside she kept her realistic calm and edge of annoyance.

"Mr. Carlisle, you sir are heavily drugged and are suffering from a broken arm I cannot acquiese to such a request under these circumstances."

"So what you are saying is that you think that Madam Pomfrey tonic has made me addled, nuts."


Oh gods, Cthulhu eat me...

"Or you think that you think I'll change my mind in the morning?"

For Aimee it was becoming increasingly hard to breath.

"I...yes...and I am a Sytherin we don't mix houses and my family..."

He laughed, "Said so yourself that you don't care for tradition and I've heard you care even less for that family of yours."

How in the nine hells does he know that?


"So is that a yes?"

"Yes, no...I don't know." Aimee whimpered in confusion.

"Aimee, please your a very pretty girl and I like you very much, much more than all of those other girls who follow me around like the bubonic plague or any of those Potter-Black castoffs."

Oh gods...Circe...Merlin...


"Please Aimee let me take you out on a date, just one. Please, this poor injured quidditch man is asking you for one, measley date."

Aimee cracked a slight smile at that, and finally surrendered.


review, to take Vi's term for it: Its good Karma! oh and go check out an adult Aimee in my fic Light.

cheerios and happy reviewing...