Hello. I love this song. - Okay, nevermind. Well, here is the next chapter, just like I promised! Would I ever lie to you guys/beams/ It's...forty minutes until lights out, so I have to type quickly. Here's your chapter! Yay!

Disclaimer: Sugar.../twitch/ It burns us! It burns us! ...I don't own.

Chapter Fourteen

What do you think of when you hear the words: New Years? Some people think nice, fancy cups overfilled with sparkling cider. Some think fireworks and the night air. The Destinies think full blown party from eight to midnight.

"Come on, Yusuke!" Meagan pulls him forward. "We've got four hours to party and I don't want to miss any of it!"

"Don't worry, Meg-they can't start the party without us..."

"Oh yes they can."

Meagan rounds the corner and enters the very spacious living room. The furniture has been pushed all the way back into the corners and against the walls of the room, and a mountain of board games sit in the middle of the cold wooden floor. Situated around them are the others, pondering which game they should play first. It seems to be a tie between Twister and Monopoly. On one hand, Twister is kind of a hard game for those non-flexible people, but the game of Monopoly can drag on forever when people become stubborn and don't relinquish their property. In the end the game chosen is Twister, so the gang takes off their socks and prepares to stretch.

"Bring it on!" Kuwabara challenges. "I'm the Twister champion!"

"Hn. Baka-you say that for everything," Hiei sneers.

"Oh yeah? Well good luck to you shorty. You think you can even reach half of the places that will be called out?"

Hiei shoots Kuwabara an icy glare that sends chills down the others' spines. "I may be short but I am one of the most feared demons in all Makai. And you...you're three times my height and everyone considers you a walking joke. You can't do any mission without getting yourself in danger or putting one of us in danger so, thank you, I think I'll be okay."

Everyone sits in stunned silence for a moment after Hiei's speech, taking in the truth of his words until he yells at them to get the game going before he snaps and kills them all. Olivia offers to be the spinner as Twister is not really her game and is instantly taken up on her offer. Nissi shoves the spinning board into her hand while Vanessa and Meagan lay out the game mat. Everyone takes a spot along the edge of the mat. Meagan is first. Olivia flicks the spinner, watching it go round and round and round until it stops.

"Um...left foot green."

Plop. Meagan shrugs, hating the game in its early stages because of its simplicity. Olivia spins again: Hiei's turn.

"Right hand red."

The game continues on until everyone has gone at least three times. Right foot red, left hand blue, yellow, blue, green, red, red, red, red, green-until they are bent over double trying to reach their places. Olivia can see some of their legs quivering with the effort of trying to not drop and hit the ground. She takes her time spinning the next move for Kurama-he doesn't seem to be suffering too much. She'll have to change that little detail...

"Okay, Kurama-left hand red."

Kurama frowns a bit. From his position on the mat, the red dots are farthest away from his left hand which is currently located on a yellow one. Thinking swiftly, he turns his body so that he is back-to-back with Yusuke and places his hand on the red dot, panting with the pain of having to arch his back. Yusuke quivers, and his knees buckle. The mat crinkles as he connects with it, furious with himself. Dang, I lost...

Olivia gets up and pats his back sympathetically, spinning the spinner as she does so. "Nissi-left foot yellow. Yusuke, would you mind getting the drinks ready?"


He gets up and, sighing in defeat, heads off into the kitchen. Kuwabara's obnoxious laugh echoes in his ears. I'm going to have some fun of my own... The punch bowl is sitting on the counter, and the punch is in the fridge cooling. He removes it and pours it slowly into the bowl, for fear of sploshing any and getting yelled at. Vanessa spent a lot of time cleaning the floors this morning... From his pocket he pulls a medium sized container full of crystal clear contents. Uncorking it, he mixes it in with the red punch, only making it a bit lighter in hue. But no one will notice. Then, from his secret cooler hidden in his secret place in the kitchen, he pulls out several Budweiser beers and sticks them under his arms while picking up the punch bowl and carrying it out.

As he places it on the table near the door, already equipped with bowls and a laddle for the juice-which he promptly sticks inside the bowl-he sees that the Twister contest has come down to just Kurama and Hiei. Both are unwilling to lose. Olivia flicks the spinner for Kurama-"Left foot red"-and as he tries to execute his move he stumbles over Hiei's wrist and ends up falling on top of the poor little demon. Kurama grins sheepishly as he rolls away from his friend.

"It seems we have a tie!" Olivia declares. "Kurama and Hiei are the winners!"

The others whistle and clap, much to the two demon's embarrasments. They prepare for another game, in which Olivia must participate, but pause when they hear Yusuke pop open a beer bottle and begin chugging it down. Vanessa's eyes go wide as she realizes that she wants some of this liqour that is beer. She rushes forward and grabs a bottle, popping it open and chugging it down with a ferocity to match Yusuke's. Her friends stare in horror.


"Yeah?" Vanessa regards them with bouncy eyes. She is high. "Ooh, I love these things. My mom never let me have any of these things...wow, it's hot in here? Anyone else feel a bit hot?"

The others shake their heads no. She sticks her tongue out at them, taking off her light jacket. "Ah, much better. Hey, let's turn up the music!"

Her friends watch her curiously as the boys help themselves to some of the punch. Hiei and Kurama instantly taste the alcohol after the first sip and move to question Yusuke about it, but don't bother and just continue drinking. After all, what could a little alcohol do to the girls? Answer: a lot. The moment Meagan sips that stuff, she turns just like Vanessa. Kuwabara, too. Yusuke chugs down another beer, becoming more and more tipsy. Nissi grimaces as the strong flavor hits her tongue but doesn't know any better-or care much at the moment-so continues drinking until she herself is a little tipsy. And her stomach doesn't feel too good either...

Olivia, on the other hand, cannot even stomach the vile taste. On first taste she immediately rushes to the bathroom to puke it back up. Kurama moves to help her, handing her a towel and a large cup of water to wipe her mouth out. (a/n: I'm the type of person that can't hold liquor. It just...revolts me.) She gives him a weak smile then commands that he go back and watch everyone else.

"I'll be out in a minute..."

'If you are sure."

Kurama turns and exits the bathroom the moment Olivia resumes her puking. The others are now sitting in a circle on the floor: truth or dare. The girls are laughing maniacally, and get up, obviously forgetting the fact that they were about to begin a game. Not like anyone really notices. Or cares, for that matter. They all slip off into their own little worlds until...

"Kuwabara..." Vanessa's voice is slurred from the beer.

"Yes (hic) my sweet?"

"I love you."

o.0 Even those still stuck in their drunken stupor pull themselves out of it for just one moment as Vanessa utters those words. She looks at them defiantly, wobbly from so much drink. The others can only stare, dumbfounded-but not as much as Kuwabara. His mouth is hanging open slightly and he looks as if he wants to confess something to all those present but can't form the words. Vanessa drops her empty beer bottle and raises her arms above her head, eyes shining.


(a/n: I'm going to die. Die, I tell you! Vanessa-be lenient, I beg of you!) Nissi glances at Kurama with unfocused eyes, wondering if it was just the beer speaking or if Vanessa really did have some undying devotion to Kuwabara and just didn't want to say it when actually sober. If that is the case, the beer is a great cover-up... Hiei, the most sober of them all, wonders if Vanessa will remember this tomorrow when she wakes up with a huge hangover. Possibly not.

"Hiei?" Olivia slides over to him, resting her head on his shoulder. "I don't ever want to see another bottle of beer or any type of alcohol ever again, okay?"

"Sure," Hiei wraps his arms around her. "If that's what you want."

"That's what I want."

The two duck as Kuwabara and Vanessa fly by, locked in a passionate embrase. (a/n: If I have to die, I'm going to have fun before I do. Hehe!) That is now two occupied closets at the moment, if Yusuke and Meagan haven't finished with their...game. But no, it looks like they have finished as they are coming down the stairs. And as they reach the bottom they stare at Vanessa and Kuwabara weirdly, as if they are dreaming and it has somehow turned into a nightmare. They shake their heads and as they do so, Vanessa and Kuwabara slide up the stairs, kissing passionately. When Meagan and Yusuke open their eyes and find that they are no longer there, they smile. Things are going to be interesting tomorrow.

Hiei lets go of Olivia-who immediately moves to the couch to talk with Nissi-and moves off towards Kurama. Kurama, not having more than three drinks and playing all of the games with a clear head, raises his eyebrows in amusement as Meagan and Yusuke attempt to dance to the song "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera. It's not really a dancing song... They stumble, trip, and end up on the floor laughing their heads off. Hiei taps Kurama lightly on the shoulder.

"Yes, Hiei?"

"Never again."

"I know Hiei...they are just not responsible enough at the moment. And we're going to have to repaint the living room tomorrow."


Sarah McLachlan's "Angel" comes on, lulling everyone into a nice peaceful doze until Vanessa and Kuwabara come back downstairs trying to sing it. That gets everyone riled up for a while and they all try to sing, minus Hiei and Kurama, until they realize that they're too drunk to do a good job, at which time they all content themselves with mumbling it softly under their breath as they curl up into comfortable positions. Kurama and Hiei go to Nissi and Olivia, pulling the girls onto their laps.

In the arms of the angel

Fly away from here

From this dark, cold hotel room

And the endlessness that you feel...

One by one, the Destinies and the boys drift off into quiet sleep, but not before the clock chimes midnight and they all cry out, in slurred voices, "HAPPY NEW YEARS!" That said, they all drop their beer and soda bottles onto the ground, not caring that it is staining the carpet and drift once more off into that peaceful sleep. A great start for the new year.

Aaah, how sweet. I love that song. Um...hahaha-we're going to wake up the next day with big hangover. Kyu... Next story to be up soon. Heck it's already written out so...