Disclaimer: I don't own Degrassi.
Emma slipped on her shoes just as her alarm clock let out a screech; she immediately shut it off craving the silence and warmth of her blanket.
But she couldn't do that, she couldn't waste her time sitting around wishing she could go back to sleep. And after seeing what happened to Manny time was just so precious to Emma that she'd go to any length to make sure it was always full of everything.
She slipped off the edge of her bed and took a look in her mirror, barely seeing her reflection in her dark room. It looked over-shadowed, like someone was stealing her spotlight. But she matched the darkness, in her black stilettos and black leather jacket. She had added a splash of blue with her fishnets, and a dab of white with her cut-off tank top.
She hoped he'd feel bad about himself, feel bad he couldn't nail her and couldn't even come in physical contact with her. It's what Manny would have done, and Emma needed to press rewind and play to bring Manny back to life. Even if she was only stopping her own life and no ones around her.
Like a CD player, she was on repeat playing the same song over and over. Unable to stop or press fast forward, stuck in the past.
But this very second Emma was for once depending on herself and fixing her own life. Though she was using Manny's personality to accomplish that goal.
But setting her own life back on track would be worth it once she saw it all in his face.
Emma would see it all in his face.
Emma knew he'd be there, with a couple girls hanging off of him. Probably sitting next to the fire faking a laugh. He'd always thought he had so many secrets, but he didn't. To Emma he was an open book, because she could relate to him. They were the same in different ways. She knew what it meant when he was making out with a girl and why he sat alone at lunch sometimes.
Emma pushed her way through the rotting bush, planning to make a surprise entry. The party was filled with booze, something Manny hated but Emma loved. She knew people called her depressed and creepy. But no one picked up on the fact that she was trying to become Manny 2.0.
Approaching the eye of the storm, the fire Emma started trying to find Jay. She first checked to see if the van was still there, but surprisingly it wasn't. The spot that it was in just had a couple people sitting in a circle playing a game of spin the bottle. Most likely, it was more advanced than the middle-school game.
Among those people was Jay. The fire that sat a fair distance away cast an eerie glow on him, making him appear to shimmer in the night sky, light dancing in barely noticeable wisps across his face. There were at least five girls sitting around him and one other guy. Other people layed scattered amongst the lawn talking and flirting and making out.
Suddenly, Emma felt like she did the first time she was here. She had that sudden natural high that came out of nowhere. But that feeling of insecurity quickly followed it. And for a second Manny faltered and Emma returned.
But just as quickly she'd snaked back away into the shadows.
Casey spun the bottle, which was Jay's cue to get up and go somewhere else. He wasn't going to take the chance of the bottle stopping on him when Casey - another guy - was spinning it.
It would inevitably lead down a road he didn't even want to dream about.
He shoved his hands in his jean pockets off in search of another hot girl to flirt with. He wanted to see someone new, someone different. He had no intentions of making out with the same old little girl, it got boring, became a drag.
That's when he saw her, standing behind the tree quietly observing her surroundings. No doubt bringing back the memories that he and she both wanted to forget.
Jay didn't want her here; she didn't belong. She shouldn't be standing there watching with interest, she should be running away in disgust and fear. He approached her cautiously; the little girl he knew had changed so much. In reality, she was a little girl afraid of the world and herself, not the cool manipulating skank she'd turned into.
"What the hell are you doing here," He slipped his arm around her waist out of flirty habit, guiding her away from the party and closer to the quiet dirt road.
"Partying. Having fun." Emma was clearly flirting. In her skimpy shirt and the pants that just barely passed her bikini line. Unlike she would of in the past, she didn't remove his arm from her waist.
"Why'd you turn into such a slut? What do you have a split personality?" He unwound his arm from her waist.
"Yeah," Came her surprising answer, "And you love me for it." She was flirting, trying to lure him in. But she was naive; he wouldn't fall for this type of fake.
"I don't remember saying that."
"Just remember that you picked me." He regretted what she was referring to. He wanted to take it back, and remember the softness of his hand and what pain he inflicted upon whom it belonged to.
She had to draw him in, he was resistant. Emma put her hand on his cheek, but then drew it back slowly. Then she walked away…
He looked like he wanted her to come back, but she wouldn't. Since she'd succeeded in what she'd had to do.
"Hey Manny." Emma whispered to the gravestone. She let her fingers slip across the engraved surface slowly.
It had a little blurb on it, Manny's last words. 'It's always worth the risk.' But had it been worth it? Taking two lives with her instead of one.
"Jay's a jerk. You tried to tell me, sorry I didn't listen." She whispered. Emma pressed the button on the boom box sending 'My Happy Ending' blaring through the cemetery. Then she danced…
A/N: Like it? I think I do. This was sort of a filler chapter. Review please!