Wizard Bank
" Sugee…"
Sanzo-ikkou was standing on the cobble path in Diagon Alley.
" Wow, so many shops…"
" We cannot buy anything yet saru," said Gojyo.
" Why?"
" Because we need money, you brainless monkey!"
" I'm not a saru!"
" But you sure acted like one!"
" Can't Sanzo pay with his credit card?"
" The credit card doesn't work in this realm baka saru!"
"URUSEI! OMAE WA KOROSE!" yelled Sanzo as he whacked the two idiots.
Almost everyone in Diagon Alley was staring at them.
" Ma, ma, we still need to go Gringotts wizard bank to withdraw our money," said Hakkai.
" We have money?" asked Goku and Gojyo.
" That kuso baba gave us money, here this is your key," said Sanzo throwing a key to Goku.
" Don't drop it saru, we won't lend you any money," said Gojyo.
" Shut it ero kappa!" shouted Goku.
" Why don't we get going now?" asked Hakkai.
" Ikuzo!" said Sanzo.
At Gringotts…
" Sanzo Genjo," growled Sanzo throwing his key on the counter.
" Hakkai Cho," said Hakkai smiling.
" Gojyo Sha," said Gojyo cheerfully.
" Goku Son," said Goku happily.
The Sanzo-ikkou had reached the marble white bank in no time. There were hundreds of goblins working at each counter.
" This seems to be in order, Griphook!" ordered the head goblin. " Take these men to their vaults."
" Yes sir, please follow me," said Griphook bowing.
They're now riding in an underground cart, which is very cramp due to the load.
" Move over kappa!" whined Goku.
" You are the one should be moving over saru!" yelled Gojyo.
" You're squashing me!"
" Shut up, I feel dizzy!"
" Gojyo have cart sick! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
" Teme, you…"
" URUSEI! SHI-NE!" shouted Sanzo.
" Kyu!" mewed Hakuryu.
" Ma ma Sanzo, you might cause a cave-in," said Hakkai.
" Ch'!"
" We're here!" announced Griphook.
They quickly got off the cart, Hakkai held the oversize lamp. Griphook took their keys and unlock their vaults.
" Vault 1129!"
There was a lot of clicking noise, and the door opened lying there are piles of Galleons, heaps of Sickles and mountains of Knuts.
" Wow that goddess must've liked you a lot huh? Sanzo-sama," said Gojyo smirking.
" Urusei!" growled Sanzo as he collects his coins.
" Vault 1109!"
" Ha, ha lets see," said Gojyo happily but this mouth drops as the door opened. " NANI!"
There are plies of Galleons and heaps of Knuts.
" How can that corrupted monk get more than me?"
" Ch'!"
" Vault 926!"
There's no Knut in it, instead there are heaps of Galleons and plies of Sickles.
" Hakkai! How did you get all the luck?"
"Yare yare," said Hakkai smiling.
" Vault 405!"
" That baka saru can't get more than me!"
Alas for Gojyo, there are plies of Galleons and heaps of Sickles.
" Ahhh, no fair! Why even did that saru get more than me?"
" I can buy lots of food with these," said Goku drooling. " Nikumans, fried dumplings, sandwiches, steaks, fried chickens…"
" Baka saru, only thinks of food," said Sanzo.
" Gojyo, Goku still needs to buy his school supplies," explained Hakkai.
" Imposible, that saru will finished all the money on food before the school term even started." said Gojyo.