Summary: The Doctor begins to fight for Gallifrey in the Time Vortex and The Daleks take the Upper Hand.

Doctor: 9th

Rating: 12A/PG13/T for Violence and Death

Chapter Name: The Battlefield of Time

The Last Great Time War

Chapter 3

With the Time Rotor damaged and the Cloaking failing the Doctor had to materialise in the Time Vortex. BANG! A Blast rocked the TARDIS as the Doctor jumped under the console and fixed the chameleon circuit and The TARDIS became a Grand Gallifreyan Battleship and with all the functions! Cries of pain came from outside as the Doctor opened the Door of the TARDIS and the Front had turned into a Flying Station. The Doctor out flew many Dark Hole Carriers and N-Spaces; He fired upon the first Dalek Ship and then ran back inside the control room! Daleks swooped by the TARDIS firing upon it until it changed into a Dark Hole Carrier.

"Come on work!" The Doctor shouted, as his TARDIS wouldn't materialise on the Dalek Mother ship "This thing never works when I need it to". Sounds of exterminate came from the Outside as the Doctor fired a black hole towards a Dalek ship and struck it.

"Finally!" The Doctor said as the TARDIS materialised on The Dalek Mother ship.

"TARDIS Approaching!" A Dalek shouted as he elevated to the Emperor Daleks level. Before the TARDIS materialised fully Daleks already fired upon the TARDIS that now looked like a Dalek Casing but it wasn't Blingy Gold it was Black. The Doctor stepped out to see the Emperor Standing there, glaring at the Doctor as if he was a brick.

"Excuse me Doctor here!" The Doctor said suddenly as Thousands of Dalek Rays bombarded the Shield set up by the Dalek Casing TARDIS.

"You do not have permission to speak Time Lord" The Emperor Boomed.

"I don't need it" The Doctor replied.

"Do I need it?"

"Yes you do"

"No I don't now, why invade Gallifrey?"

"We want Gallifrey in the Dalek Kingdom!"

"Well you can't have it"


"No you don't anyway what else you don't just choose any planet to invade!"

"We want to exterminate all Time Lords"

"Really, Well I want a lot of things but I can't have them"

"Doctor, you are a fool!"

"No, I'm not!"


"No, you must be thinking of the last time we met I had only regenerated 6 times"

"Maybe, but you are what regeneration?"


"And you choose to be a enemy of the Daleks?"

"Of course you've tried to kill me countless times and you've tried to exterminate the Time Lords"

"You will be exterminated!"

"No I won't anyway I've got to go know so I would like it if you just buzz off!"


"Well Bye Now!" The Doctor finished as he stepped into his TARDIS. Once back above Gallifrey his TARDIS changed into a N-Space. The Doctor fired and fired at Daleks and went for the extermination. When he stepped into the Front of the N-Space cloaked TARDIS he saw a Dalek Ship heading for the Surface of Gallifrey and materialised next to the Dalek Ship. Thousands of Dalek disembarked from the Ship and headed for the Doctor and busy Time Lord ships.

"Exterminate!" The Daleks Cried as The Time Lords on the streets became limp and lifeless bodies.

"NO!" The Doctor screamed, Daleks started flying to other time lords who became Dead. The Doctor ran back into the TARDIS and started to break down, he headed straight for the battlefield and became a Time Lord solder. Thousands of Time Lords who stepped out with firearms fell into the Time Vortex as non-living time lords. With the Death toll reaching Thousands the Doctor decided to infiltrate the Dalek Ship with a trip to E-Space. Non-Time Lords fought and the Dalek Ships began to follow the Doctor. But many stayed back and the Doctor decided to head back for the Time Vortex, then the Doctor fired 2000 Volts of Flaming Bullets at 12000 Daleks all hitting and The Life Support systems crashed, It had almost been a Hour since the Regeneration and his hands where starting to glow.

"Oh Come on! WORK! Stupid Thing" The Doctor yelled, Romana was hiding inside the Zero Room, and was crying. A Blast rocked the TARDIS and it started failing, All of a sudden the Control Room reverted back to The Rather Gothic Control Room style. But then The Doctor was sucked through the consoleā€¦