Author's Note: This song in the prologue will be the only one you will read in this fic. It is rewritten and based on the song that can be heard in the movie Blues Brothers 2000: Ghost Riders in the Sky.
This fic is being co-written with my sisters Jadestone the younger, Moon Queen1989 and the youngest who does not yet have an online name. Let's just call her Shrimpy.
Prologue: Halloween Surprise
"Some Gryffindors went out, one loud and boisterous day,
They passed by the fat lady as they went along their way,
When all of a sudden Mrs. Norris caught them in the act.
It was a sight they dreaded,
The time Traveling Basilisk."
"Guys, we really need to go back. Do you really want to get caught? We'll be expelled."
"Yah, Filch in a tutu is something I had never hoped to see!"
"Down the long dark hallway,
There was a sight to see,
Filch in a tutu really was obscene.
They hitched up their knickers and ran for their lives.
It was a sight they dreaded,
The Time traveling basilisk."
"See, there wasn't anything to be afraid of."
"Oh, shut up!"
"Look, there it is!"
"In the girl's bathroom, they found the last link,
Speaking in tongues, the jumped through the sink,
Putting on the snake skin, they headed toward the door,
Going through the darkness, they traveled thousand years or more.
Where they then arrived, it looked real familiar,
Even though the people, really were peculiar.
Everything was bright and new
The four then really knew.
The founders four then met
The Time Traveling Basilisk."
From the head table, Lord Slytherin stood up and stared at the great snake.
"Bessie!" He cried out in shock.
Suddenly the basilisk started singing and shaking its scales in chorus:
"Let's do the Time Warp again!"