Worry Causes Cancer
Chapter 9: Love's Promise/ A new Determination
Disclaimer: I do not own D. .
(A/N. This is my friend's piece of work that has been typed under my name.
All credit is due to her. Sorry its short. One chapter to go.)
(Thanks to all that reviewed and are still reading and waiting for it.)
Last Time
In the real world:
Suddenly the heart monitor stopped beeping, and Krad Hikari's heart stopped beating.
Dark woke with a start. Something had happened to Krad, he just knew it.
"Please Krad, you must come back to me," whispered Dark.
Somewhere in another plane:
"Please Krad, you must come back to me."
"That voice, I know that voice." Golden eyes opened and refocused with a determination
rising like fire within them. "I'm coming Dark!" broken white wings spread swiftly, broken
bone setting back into place. Krad's wings stretched to full span, and with strong flaps rose
once more into the air. "I will come back!"
And somewhere, a heart monitor beeped with signs of life!