Rose thought back to The Doctor's last words, "You were fantastic and you know what? So was I" and then she looked up towards the Man standing by the TARDIS and she knew he wasn't the Doctor, he wasn't her Doctor, her Doctor grinned madly every time, her memory had started to come back and she remembered, the Time Vortex, The Daleks and The Kiss, but nothing prepared her for what happened next, The Regeneration. Rose looked down and back up to see a younger, fresher faced man, a man who looked rather handsome (in her own mind) in the Doctor's Leather Jacket,

"Doctor?" Rose stammered,

"Yes Rose?" The Man asked,

"Is it you?"

"Of Course it is!" The Doctor screamed! Rose didn't really know who this man was but she knew it was the Doctor, just not hers, but she could feel him there, she could feel someone breathing down her neck and she looked around but no one was there. The Ninth Doctor was standing by Rose but she couldn't see him, he felt no one could, then a familiar voice said something.

"Need a hand?" The Seventh Doctor said as the Ninth Looked up,

"Or 2?" The Eighth Doctor said as the Ninth looked at him.

"How are you two here?" The Ninth asked,

"Well, each one of you are here all around but you couldn't see us before now" The Seventh explained,

"You see nine that every time a Time Lord Regenerates you don't think it's the same body?" The Eighth carried on,

"Well yea" The Ninth replied

"Well eight hasn't told you nine, when you regenerate the body changes completely, so you, now are the latest regenerated doctor!"

"Wow! Look at me I'm handsome but strangely not attractive" The Ninth said.

"Rose are you ok?" The Tenth Doctor said,

"Yea but"

"Well why did we leave the Gamestation?"

"I don't know"

"Well let's head back! Collect the Damage, and what about that Bad Wolf thingy"

"Well as far as I know, The Bad wolf is a link between us 2"

"No, couldn't be, there must be more"

"Rose has already explained The Bad Wolf," The Ninth Doctor said abruptly,

"What's the Bad Wolf?" The Eighth Doctor asked.

"To much to explain". The Tenth Doctor started keying in Dates and Places and Rose asked,

"What you doing doctor?"

"Heading back to the Gamestation as The Big Brother House I was in had stuff like a door, solid as a rock!"

"Ok". The TARDIS Engines roared and clashed as Jack looked up to see a familiar blue box materialise in front of him.

"Hello Jack!" The Doctor said as he stepped out of the TARDIS to see Captain Jack Harkness standing there with a look of bewilderment!

"It's the Doctor Jack!" Rose said stepping out behind him.

"Doctor! But how wait a minute, Time Lord Regeneration?"

"Yep!" The Doctor replied. Jack decided to rejoin the duo as he sort of fancied Rose, so with The TARDIS dematerialising New Adventures Beckon for the Golden Trio!