JK: Hello all! I'm ba-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ack! (insane cackle) Eh, oh, oops... (turns off scary sounds tape) Gomen, I was bored last night and recorded my brother snoring. Eh heh.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Pokemon!

(We know that...)

Disclaimer: Oh, shuddap and start the fic!



Dodge, flip, jump, block, duck. This was her life. She'd gotten used to it.

Crack! Jump. When she landed she stumbled just a little and the whip caught her, right across the back.

She cried out in pain; the little boy in the corner ran out and grabbed his father's arm. The grown man, tired of his son's interference, threw the small boy back into his corner, causing him to hit his head. The sharp cry from her young master was enough.

The small Eevee stood weakly and growled. Then she charged. Her Tackle Attack wasn't as strong as it could have been but she didn't care. A strong head-butt to the stomach sent the man tumbling to the ground. Then, after making sure he was down, the Eevee ran to Gary's side to see if he was okay. He smiled.

A few moments later, Professor Oak dashed in and pulled Gary away from the tiny Pokemon; he tried in vain to shrug the professor off. "Grandpa, leggo! She's hurt!"

"That little Pokemon just gave your father a concussion, Gary! She's dangerous!" Gary's eyes widened. The Eevee backed into a corner and kept from looking Gary in the eye.

I didn't mean to, Gary! I didn't mean to hurt him that bad! I'm sorry! Her eyes filled with tears. Gary finally shoved away from his grandfather and ran to the Eevee's side, hugging her.

"She was protecting me, Grandpa! She was doing what she's supposed to!" Gary hugged the Eevee tightly and didn't let go; she winced.

Professor Oak just shook his head. He pulled Gary away again and led him from the room.

Shortly afterwards an ambulance came and picked up Mr. Oak. Gary ran to find his Pokemon, but the Eevee had disappeared.
