Disclaimer: Help me! She still hasn't woken up yet! (pokes JK with a stick) See?

JK: (grabs the stick and glares) You were saying?

Disclaimer: Eh... uh... (cowers) Jessica Kitty Demon doesn't own Pokemon!

JK: (smug) That's better.


Chapter Two: Spirit

The fire crackled. The Espeon looked at her sleeping companions and smiled. She stood, feeling a little restless for some reason, and glanced at the river they had made camp next to. She walked over to it and looked down, and noticed that her gem was glowing. Her eyes widened.

With one last look at her sleeping friends, she ran into the woods and disappeared.


At sunrise the Umbreon woke up and looked around for the Espeon. After finding that she wasn't at the camp or the river, he quickly ran and jumped onto Ash's stomach to wake him.

With an undignified squeak and a cough, Ash sat up, knocking the Umbreon off his feet. Pikachu jumped up and got ready to attack someone. Misty sat up and kicked Brock in the head by accident, and Brock shot up and head-butted Ash in the face, which knocked them both back down.

The Umbreon and Pikachu watched with amusement as the three humans shot one another death glares before standing.

At this point there was a crash from behind a bush and someone yelped. Ash went to look where the sound had came from and jumped back, yelping himself.

A girl with waist-length hair the same color as the Espeon's fur and pulled back into a braid stood up. Her clothes, though slightly dirty, looked almost brand new. She wore a navy blue sleeveless t-shirt and pants that were a shade lighter, with an ankle-length white sleeveless trench coat over top. Ankle-high dark brown boots, a pair of silver hoop earrings, and matching silver bracelets on both wrists finished off her outfit.

With one graceful leap she landed next to Ash and smiled warmly. She was just opening her mouth to say something when Brock grabbed her hand and looked up at her worshipfully. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Misty growled and grabbed Brock's ear. Brock let go of the girl's hand and was dragged away. The girl blinked, feeling momentarily out of her depth, but then she brightened up again as she remembered what she was going to say.

"Hello! Are you Ash from Pallet?" Ash nodded numbly. Her smile widened (if that was possible).

"I'm Emily. Do you want to have a Pokemon battle?"


"Okay, a three-on-three sound good?"

"Yeah." Emily jumped into the air, did a back flip and landed near the lake.

"Alright, you pick fir-" Emily was interrupted by a loud explosion, and as she looked in the direction it came from, fear welled up in her eyes. "We'll have to continue this battle another day, Ash!" she shouted, running back into the woods towards the explosion. The Umbreon followed her.

She reached under her trench coat and pulled out a bow and some arrows. She fitted an arrow gracefully into the bow, aimed, and fired. A woman screamed. Emily fired a second arrow, then a third, fourth, and fifth for good measure before reaching her destination.

Jessie, James and Meowth were running in circles while trying to pull the five arrows out of their butts. Emily slid to a stop and glared at the three (cough-idiotic-cough) villains. Jessie looked up and stopped running. After getting the last arrow out, all three looked at Emily.

"Prepare for trouble-!"

"Oh, cut it out! I've heard your stupid motto before, you know."

"You have?" Jessie whacked James on the head.

"Don't you remember her! She's that little brat who threw us out of that one shop!" Emily loaded three arrows into her bow at once.

"Leave the Pokemon of this forest alone and get lost, or face the consequences." James started running. Jessie grabbed him and glared.

"James, she's a little girl! Hey, sweetie... why don't we solve this with a Pokemon battle?"

"Fine. If I win, you leave, and if you win... I won't hurt you."


Jessie, James and Meowth ran as fast as they could. Emily hugged her Articuno around the neck and smiled.

"At least they're keeping their end of the bargain," she commented, and jumped onto Articuno's back. "Okay, Sapphire, let's get going." With a screech, the ice Pokemon took off into the air.

The Umbreon was still following the lavender-haired girl as fast as he could. He knew who she was, and didn't want to lose her.

When Emily landed, a group of wild Pokemon surrounded her. She hopped off Sapphire's back, walked over to a wild Flareon, and knelt down.

"Your forest is safe once again," she said with a smile. The Flareon licked her hand and bowed slightly. She bowed back and stood up.

Then the Flareon growled at something behind her, and she turned to see the Umbreon. "What

are... U-Umbreon... did you follow me?"

What do you think? Why else would I be where I wasn't wanted! Emily couldn't help but giggle a little.

"I have no idea, but are you looking for my other form, Uno?" Umbreon nodded.


JK: So-o-o, what do you think of the second suckie chappie? Bad, huh?

Disclaimer: REVIEW PPLS!-!-!-!-:)