Chapter One-

Panil of Rosepeak looked about wondering, why have I even come here. Her parents dragged her into the wagon, with her two oxen pulling it along sluggishly. Her parents wished that she become a knight, mostly because they knew that they were going to need money in the future, and that purse which was paid to knights was enough to survive on. They had enough to pay for her equipment for her four years, and she would have the skills, they hoped.

Shellra, Panel's mother looked absent-minded. Suddenly a glint of hope and pride swelled onto her face. She knew that her daughter would be as great as the lioness. If Panil couldn't become a knight she could still be a part of the rider's and help the government either way. Panil saw that look and knew she was in it for good. She was going to train as a knight. And, it may or may not be against her will.

Upon nearing the castle she felt a tingling sensation that could only mean one thing. Disaster was coming. Her other half, a half that caused chaos and disorder was coming up. Most of the time Panil could fight it, others, she couldn't. Her parents never knew about it, and maybe they should. If they did they would have locked her up and threw away the key. They would think she were a monster.

Panil glanced out of the gap in the canvas that covered the wagon. She saw one of the most magnificent castles that are on the planet. They have reached Coors. The nation capital of Tortall is a huge place and is one of the largest cities of Tortall.

Mark, Panel's father showed the documents to the page administrator and showed Panil where she would enter. the administrator called a name and in seconds a servant came, carried Panel's bags and showed her to her room. The room had a window with shutters, a bed with many pillows, a changing room, and a privy.

" They only good part about this is that I don't have a probation like Lady Keladry. I just wish that the boys will accept me." Panil said out loud like she was touched in the mind. She started to unpack her things and wished that the inner demon inside her would not show it's ugly face at dinner. After she finished making her bed the bell rang calling the pages to dinner

Panil had yet to be assigned a sponsor so she had no idea where she was going to get the Great hall. She saw pages bustling all around her yet no one seemed lost. 'Have I come late and not received a sponsor?' she thought to herself. "Excuse me, page? Can you tell me where the great hall is. I have no sponsor." The page next to her seemed Startled that a GIRL was actually talking to him. " Maid, I have no idea why you call yourself a page, but I suggest that you head back down to the kitchens and serve me dinner." " Excuse me, I demand to know your name at once. I am a page to the crown and I deserve respect just as you do," she said icily.

"Excuse me page," A royally commanding voice said behind the two of them. " That is a new page and she has the same rights to respect as you do." to Panil he said, "Where is your sponsor girl and please tell me that he isn't it." That Voice was the one and only, King Jonathan. The one who put Keel on probation and one of Lady Alan's closest friends. A controversy broke out in Panel's head. To trust or not to trust. Panil voted trust. Anyone who would defend her had to be good. 'Sorry Keel' she thought.

Panil responded shakily " I was never issued one sire. I must have come later than I should have."

" Ha, I see. At dinner you shall be issued a respectful sponsor."

" As you wish your highness", Panil mumbled.

Dinner went well except for the menacing looks from the page Panil talked to in the halls. Inside her the magic was tingling again. ' Please not now. Not ever' she said silently. Dinner was almost over, her new sponsor yet to be assigned.

Corium Isthilys, the new training master forgot to assign the sponsors this year. This was his first session as training master, and many things were jumbled up in his unorganized mind and sponsors never crossed it. He had the new pages line up after supper. The pages, some bright eyed, some tired, some not even wanting to be there, stood upright as the training master walking past them hands clasped behind his back. Although not as strict as the old Lord Wyldon, he was not a man to cross.

The picking started. "Harol of Longpond Hollow, who would like to sponsor young Longpond here? Any takers? OK, Makeshaft, you sponsor the lad." Lawrence of Makeshaft walked away with a grim look on his face, obviously not wanting to sponsor a rugrat of a first year page.

"Panil of Rosepeak, who would like to sponsor the lass? Think of the chance lads, most of our lady knights have gone on to save the kingdom. Wouldn't you want your name in history along with hers? Come now, she isn't that bad now are you Panil?" Corium looked at Panil and saw the shame on her face. She didn't like the fact that she was being sold off like a horse at market.

" I'll do it." said a strong looking lad. He looked to be about a second year, and he was quite handsome as well. He had almost bottomless chocolate brown eyes. His hair was cut above the ears and was a shade of brownish red. He had a stubborn chin and the cheeks of a father. You just could tell that he would risk his life to protect something he was put in charge of.

" Very well, Rosepeak, meet your new sponsor, Sean of Martlys. Martyls show young Rosepeak where the bathing house is. All pages, you are dismissed." Corium addressed the pages.