Chapter Six- Panil's Birthday and Midwinter

Panil squealed as she woke up that day, for she knew it was her Eleventh Birthday. She jumped up from under her covers and sprinted into her dressing room. She quickly got dressed, looked into the mirror, and saw her tunic was on backwards. She went back and more slowly this time, fixed her tunic. She went out her door and ran down the halls to Sean room, which was three doors down on the right. She was told by maids that her room used to be Lady Keladry's room while she was a page. She started to bang on Sean's door and he walked to the door groggily. "What Panil?" He said irritated.

"Guess what today is." She said, as hyper as ever.




"Well, yes but no."

"My birthday?"

"NO! My birthday!" She smiled and looked at him, he yawned and she was still pestering him. "Did you get me a present of sorts?"


She ran into his room and sat on his bed. He yawned again and Went under his bed, his pajamas pinking up dirt along the way. He brought her a package wrapped in foil and she ripped it out of his hands. Panil then opened the foil carefully, and tore open the box revealing a small piece of parchment. "What's this Sean?" Panil asked.

"Read it stupid." He said. He yawned once, and sat on the bed next to Panil. "Midwinter luck Panil" When she looked up at Sean he pecked her quickly on the cheek and walked out of the room. (a/n I realize he was in his pajamas, but now he's not cuz it wrecks my plot. Let's say he has magical outfit changing powers. Lol) Panil sat on the bed and thought, What the Hell just happened here? She walked out of the room and walked down the lonely hallway. All the other boys were still in their rooms. She practically skipped to Alan's room. When she reached it she banged on the door and decided to keep what happened a secret and not let it ruin the three's friendships.

-Sean's P.O.V.-

It had taken a lot of courage to plant my lips on her cheeks. Those beautiful, baby soft cheeks that were slightly flushed from the cold drafts that sometimes leak through the shudders of the windows. I love it when they turn that rosy red that contrasts her raven black hair so sharply. She seemed to be so shocked when she read that. When she looked up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes, I couldn't stand it. And when I finally placed my lips, my lips on her cheek there was a rush of tingling that went around my face. I never felt anything like it. Nothing at all, not when I first came to the palace, no that was excitement. Not when I got my first sword, not even when I found out I was going to be a big brother. Nothing came close to the kiss I gave to Panil, and I loved that feeling. I wanted to feel it again, I feel like I am now addicted to that feeling. But how do I get more... How will I make her love me?

-Alan's P.O.V.-

Bang bang bang. Hmmmm? Bang bang bang. What the hell is that? I groggily woke up and wiped his eyes. I sat up in bed and quickly put on a pair of breeches and a loose shirt, I didn't even bother with my tunic, it's annoying anyway. I walked over to my door barefoot, my sweaty feet padding the tile, and opened it slowly. As soon as I saw Panil's perky sunshine-y face I slammed the door and went back into bed. I climbed under the covers and pulled them over head. OUCH What the hell? I heard Panil's annoying voice chant "It's my birthday it's my birthday it's my birthday!" I rolled over and mumbled, "And I don't care." Panil pulled back and placed a hand over her heart as if to say, "that hurts me forever." Wow, I'm a sucker for those big beautiful browns. I looked at her, picked up a pillow and threw it at her.

"All right, I'll get your present! I surrender." I got up and walked over in my now rumpled clothes and opened a draw from my bureau. I pulled out a box and gave it to her She just opened the box to reveal a hand knitted scarf that was purple and black. It was the softest wool on the market. I was so excited to tell her the other part of her present. And it looked like she loved the scarf. I am so happy she likes it.

"How did you afford this? And you knit?"

"It was free from my mother, she heard about you and was amazed. She and Kel are coming to wish you a happy birthday, Lady Knight Style." I replied a little too smugly.

-Third Person-

She sat upright and looked into Alan's hazel eyes. She took the moment of comfortable silence to examine his features, something she had never really done in the past. He had a small, delicate nose, with wide, full lips. He had remarkably reddish blonde hair that was cut into the fashion that most of the pages followed. It was short, kind of cropped to the scalp. Sure, he still had hair, but it looked as if a sword had chopped it off after a wild swing. She actually found it rather attract... No, she couldn't think about that now. His mother was coming. How could she explain herself goggling at her son. She got up off of the bed and stood in front of him. She grabbed his hands and yanked him to his feet. "Well, hurry up and dress then, so we can go to breakfast and eat before they arrive. We don't want to go hungry now do we?"

"No, I suppose not." Alan said. He shooed her out and got dressed quickly. He opened the door and rumpled Panil's hair playfully. "Let's go to see my mum and Aunt Kel shall we? Maybe Da will be there too, I got sight from him you know. It is really quite interesting. It isn't as strong as my sister's, but it has helped me find some midwinter presents growing up." While Alan was rambling they reached the dining hall and Panil spotted the lady knights much quicker than they spotted her. Panil wore her hair tied back. Her hair reached down to her waist these days, and it was starting to annoy her when she was using the sword. She was a master at what she was told to do.

Panil, this is Old White. You need to talk to these women and they will help you to your future. They will help you succeed to greatness. You will be great Panil, equivalent to those of legends and those that will be before you now. Also, I want you to consult Diane The Wildmage. She will help you understand what has just happened. I will interfere with your life, only as I see fit. I will not have anymore out bursts like the one of your childhood. I am sorry for that, by the way. I lost control with your human emotions. You will be the speaker of wolves and dogs everywhere. I have bestowed upon you all of the powers and gifts of a wolf. You will receive them in all due time. You will be great Panil, I promise, you will be great.

Panil woke up staring into bright purple eyes. These eyes expressed worry. She looked to the left of these eyes, and she saw hazel eyes not unlike Alan's, although with less green. She sat up and rubbed her head. "Wow what a headache. I feel like a wolf just spat me out."

"You gave us quite a scare young one, fainting like that." Alanna the Lioness said with worry. She placed a hand on Panil's temple and purple fire entered Panil's vision. Her headache faded and the fire subsided. "There, you should be better now." Of course, There was a weird presence that felt when I healed her. Alanna unconsciously clutched her ember necklace, which was slightly glowing a bright white aura.

"Um, Alanna? You're glowing." Kel said matter-of-factly. She was kind of taken back by the sight, but remained calm due to years of Yamani training in the Isles. She looked at Alanna and almost shuddered, but didn't.

"I am? Oh, my ember. Wait, why is my ember glowing." Spoke Alanna, surprised.

"Happy Midwinter everybody." Panil said drowsily. Healings always made her tired.

A/n So do you guys like it? Please review. I am not sure if I should continue this since no one seems to review it. I am starting to feel unappreciated, I have all these hits, but the reviews don't seem to match! I would like it if you review, so please humor me. Little ones would make me happy! I now accept anonymous reviews so please, FIRE AWAY! Flame at will. Sorry that took so long, writer's block holds no mercy for me. -Lady Shannon-