A/N: You might wonder, what is going on? Why is Saria coming once a day? Well, you will find out, soon. But, where is Link? In a strange place, I'm sure! Let's Recap.
Link heard a voice that only said 0's and 1's, who a girl, named Jane, calls Tim.
Well, let's see what's next. Enjoy:)

Link sat...stared...his mind was racing; he was thinking all these thoughts,
"What is going on? A shadow of a book, that, apparently, is evil, comes and attacks me. I'm supposed to die in six days. I hear what, says, 0's and 1's. Saria is coming to my house every day. Both Vatti and Gannon wanted the songbook. All since I found the songbook. But I don't Get it, how ca..."

"Excuse me," Link got out of thinking to look at Jane, Who started talking,
"What is your name?" Link started talking to her. "L-Link." "I see. Where are you from?" "Hyrule, I guess." "Ok... so your name is Link, you live in Hyule,
and, by your sword, I think a swordfighter. Am I right?" "Yes."

"Well, you are lucky; this is Hyrule, but, a bad time to be in it"
"Huh? What do you mean?" She got Link's curiosity.

"Well, Hyrule has an evil shadow. Not ten days ago, my magic teacher saw him. He knew he was evil. He told me to stay away. Then, my teacher was killed by the shadow. The shadow had his fingers curled,
then put them in a fist, which must be a kind of death magic!

The shadow laughed, and said, "I already have someone as A slave, who will get more! I will get what I want!" I, ran, knowing That it was a good time to run."

Link saw her cry angrily. "He-he killed all of my family! He got My teacher-everybody I know, was killed, by him!"

Link thought to himself, "Could this be what tried To kill me? Yes, I've got it!"

Link looked at her. "I think I saw this shadow"
"Huh? But how would you-" "A shadow that came out of a book tried to kill me.

And I was supposed to die in about-oh, three days By now. But-somehow, I got away from him. I survived An attack from him. Now, I don't know what I should do.

But now-I think I should stop him from killing more people! And I will!
Now I know what to do"
Jane looked at him. "My brother, Tim, is a knight. Can we join"
He said "Sure, if you want." hen they set out, to Hyrule castle!