Summary: After the effects of The Combined Harvester on The London Underground, The Doctor, Rose, Jackie, Mickey & Jack (having found them on the tube on his way to U.N.I.T HQ) go after The Emperor Dalek, but just where is he hiding?

Doctor: 10th

Companions: Rose, Jackie Tyler, Mickey Smith & Captain Jack

Chapter Name: The Invasion of The Super Information Highway

The Enemy's War

Chapter 3: The Invasion of the Super Information Highway

The Doctor hit the floor of the TARDIS after a shockwave blasted him inside (He suspected Jack, as he put away a Sonic Shockwave Transmitter), The TARDIS doors slammed shut as Dalek Rays hit them.

"Where now?" The Doctor asked,

"I don't know" Rose replied,

"Where else, The Dalek Home ship. The TARDIS roared and soothed as The Doctor sat down and explained that the Emperor Dalek would be waiting. Jack pulled the Extrapolator from under the Console and activated it (He never knew why the Doctor kept it), The TARDIS gave a little thump and it signalled they had arrived. The Doctor stepped out first and a Dalek fired.

"Identify yourself Intruder," Another shouted

"The Doctor, this is Rose, Jack, Jackie & Mickey" The Doctor replied as he acknowledged each of them.

"So you are a Enemy of the Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaleks"


"EXTERMINATE!" A Black Dalek shouted as its blast hit the Force field generated by the Extrapolator,

"Where's the Emperor?" The Doctor said,

"We have orders not to give you that information".

A 12 Year old is sitting on his Computer chair when all of a sudden 2 Images come up and he clicks on the Gold One and 2 Daleks appear in his bedroom with The Combined Harvester and he becomes a Dalek and then The 3 Enter The Super Information Highway and The Daleks begin the 2nd Phase of their invasion.

A 43 Year old is researching Harvesters on the Internet when 2 Silver Images come up on his screen and he clicks the one with handles on the head then 2 Cybermen appear with the Quick and Easy Cybernetic Conversion Chart Blaster! The Man gets hit and then he begins to change about 2 minutes later he is a Fully Grown Cyberman, then the 3 enter the Screen and The Cyber Invasion Part 3 Ends.

The Emperor Dalek and his 3 Loyal Daleks are destroying everything about Daleks, every photo, every profile, every piece of information and The How to Build a Dalek sites.

The Cyber Commander and his 3 Goons are now destroying almost everything they can get their hands on and they come across some moving models of Humans and Convert Them.

The Daleks and The Cybermen reach a site like no other, it has so much information then on every single monitor in the World The Battle of the Information Super Highway begins…

Author's Note