Summary: The Battle of The Internet begins, with every person in the World watching and an image flashes on the TARDIS screens of The Emperor Dalek and someone else but whom?

Doctor: 10th

Companions: Rose, Jackie, Mickey & Jack

Chapter Name: Death to Information

The Enemy's War

Chapter 4: Deleting The Internet

"Exterminate!" Daleks screeched, as an army of Daleks and an army of Cybermen appeared in every screen reachable.

"Destroy them" The Cyber Commander said with no emotion. The 2 armies clashed then a sound came,

"Website Deleted" The two armies clashed once more, The Information Super Highway was collapsing. Nothing could stop it, except these to armies. Cybermen and Daleks where dying and after the death followed by Deleted, after the deleted sounds where deleted The Armies where becoming more fierce when all of a sudden someone appeared, it was The Second Doctor but he was soon deleted from existence on the Internet. The Cybermen where winning but then The Daleks where soon exterminating The Cybermen like Torchwood. The Battle was getting ever more fierce then The Government's Websites Collapsed, Obliterated, no, exterminated. Daleks where beginning to become weaker then the Emperor appeared in a Battle suit and blew half the Cyber Fleet away. The Cybermen's ship was transferred to Data form and where it was now inside the Battlefield. Blasts rocked about 1 hundredth of the Internet and it was destroyed. The Daleks where losing in this battle which no one could win but The Enemy's War was really not turning.

On the TARDIS the Doctor looked at the screen to see a series of images then a live stream of The Battle,

"Oh no," The Doctor said suddenly, half startling Rose

"What Doctor?" Rose replied as the Doctor began to shake,

"They've taken the Internet".

The Battle was nearing the End of all Time and then The Information Super Highway, well part of, collapsed; it was deleted, obliterated, sent towards the end of time, exterminated. Almost the entire Internet was unstable, and some became numbers, just numbers in a Virtual Battle, but things where dying, living things where dying. Daleks and Cybermen where nearing the End, The Cyber ship was transferred from it's unstable position into Space where 200 of the Cybermen's Army followed. The Daleks where dying, just then The Combined Harvester exploded sending The Daleks back and The Cybermen into oblivion, The Internet became a statistic in the Death Toll. It was deleted.

Author's Note

Well 3 chapters in 1 Day, that's good. I know I'm evil for Sarah Jane's Death and the Destruction of the Internet but in all due time, Time will come to death or will it? This is a very explosive storyline, The Doctor, who really has no role in this Fic, is now just a necessity with no need. Anyway review soon and I may run a fan poll. Thanks for reading and now please review! Also this chapter is dedicated to The Victims of Hurricane Wilma, you're a true inspiration! Goodbye