Ayshia: Hello! Thank you for deciding to read my story! It is my

first fan fiction so please don't be mean to me, please?

Disclaimers: I don't own Fushigi Yugi characthers, Yu Watase does!

But i do own Akina and every single person i make up!

Ayshia: So let's get started already shall we?

Chapter one/ Red book!

Akina was sitting on her bed and watching her favorite animated figure Chichiri from Fushigi Yugi on Tv. Chichiri had just saved Miaka and Tamahome from getting injured by Nakago. Chichiri blocked the blast and then he fell to his knees and his mask fell off his face. Tamahome called out his name while he tried to push Miaka into the Kaza. Chichiri looked over his shoulder at the couple and yelled.


" Chichiri…" Was all Miaka said before Tamahome ordered her to go inside the Kaza. Finally Miaka went into the Kaza and Tamahome turned to Yui and promised her that he would come back for her. And then he too disappeared into the hat.

Chichiri ran over to the hat, picking it up and placing above his head while saying.

" Playtime is over no da."

Akina grabbed the remote and froze the picture. She then moved closer to the TV screen. She just sat there and gazed at his face. He had really handsome features.

She loved his gorgeous Hazel brown eye. And the scar that leapt across his left eye.

She ran her pointer finger across his scar while blushing slightly. Akina couldn't understand why Chichiri thought he was ugly and deformed because of his scar.

" How can you think you're ugly Chichiri? " She asked the mute picture that was looking at her.

" To me there is no one as handsome as you…"

She sighed then removed her finger from his face and closed her eyes picturing herself in the Suzaku no Miko's shoes.

If she had fallen into the " Universe of the four gods " she would defiantly not fall for someone as Tamahome. He was too much off a show off. She would choose Chichiri without a doubt. He was more mature than Tamahome.

Suddenly Akina began to giggle, she thought of Chichiri's childish chibi form. He looked like a six-year-old boy, who wanted to earn laughter from his friends. But sometimes he also consoled his friends when they we're depressed and tried to support them to the fullest.

And when it was time to get serious, he would take off his smiling mask that was hiding his scar. He would give them advices, spiritual guidance, and offer tactical advices for combat.

He was the oldest of the Seishi warriors and in Akina's point of view the most powerful too. His chi blast were incredible, Akina was surprised that he had such powerful spells.

But that only made Akina more curious and interested in Chichiri. She often wondered if he had more secrets that he hadn't told anyone about. If he had more secrets tormenting him she would gladly listen to him and console him if he needed it.

She opened her eyes and let out a sigh.

" Get a grip on yourself Akina! " She mentally scolded herself.

" He's an animated figure, he's not flesh and blood…" Akina sadly admitted to herself. She then turned off the TV and silently started to sulk a little.

" I hate my life here! This world is just money greedy and uncaring about other people! I hate it I hate it! " She yelled mentally.

"Oh Suzaku if you were real, I would wish to be swept away into Chichiri's world! To be by his side and love him… I would give up everything I have in this world for him, although I don't have much to offer…" But she knew it was impossible to go there.

Suddenly she heard footsteps outside her apartment door, it probably was the mailman. And after a few minutes her mail dropped to the floor. Walking over she picked up the mail and headed for the kitchen and began to read through the mail.

" Bills, bills, bill… what's this? "

A large packaged was lying underneath the bills, but no name or address was written on it.

Being the curious girl Akina was she tore off the paper and revealed a large red book with Chinese writing on it.

She gasped, was it? Could it really be what she thought it was? She read the cover and to her surprise she understood it.

" The universe of the four gods " Akina's mind raced with questions and suspicion about the said book.

" Is it the real thing? Or is it just some cruel joke? "

She wondered. It would be really something if it were real! She could meet Chichiri and the others! Her heart started to bump really fast at the thought of it. But then again what if it was a fake?

" Well there's only one way to find out! "

She opened the book and began reading the first page.

" If you who read this wants to finish the book to the end, then turn the page and you'll be placed under its spell and be a character in the story. "

" It begins good but still no proof that it's the real thing…"

She turned the page and continued to read.

" This book contains the tale of a young woman who travels with the Suzaku no Miko and the seishi's on their journey. She will find adventure, friendship, and love. And she also will be given a wish. "

And before Akina could react a red piercing light embraced her and she was pulled into the book.

" And now the story begins…"

Hello! Thanks for reading! I really appreciate it!

And I do hope you guys will continue to read my story. Email me if you want to.

And please don't forget to review.

Akina / Her names means " Spring flower " if i'm not mistaken.

Chibi / I think it means " Super deformed?

Name: Akina

Age: 18

Hair color: White

Eye color: Sky blue

Hobbies: Dreaming of Chichiri watching manga read fantasi books

Personallity: She's kind spirited and very caring for her friends. But she ealsily looses her temper when she's annoyed.

She would also sacrifice herself for her friends and love.