Hello dear reviewers, here is the long awaited chapter ten!
I apologize deeply to all my reviewers for the extreme long wait.
I have had to study for my exams so I have been really busy.
I'm really, really sorry for that….
And a bigger apologize to my friends who sends private messages to me.
Gomen! I'm sorry! Hope you are all not to mad at me.
Well now the disclaimers: Yu Watase owns Fushigi Yugi.
Akina and any other unfamiliar face in Saiai Akina belong rightfully to me.
Now on to the story enjoy! -
Chapter ten: Akina's decision
The stargazing festival carried on even though it seemed like time had stopped at many places around the festival site. The boys tried to show off to impress on their girls, and the girls appreciated the attention from them.
Laughing couples were walking around and tried out different kinds of game attractions. And all they got eyes on was each other, so no one saw the poor boy that had fainted at the knife tent.
But no one Amiboshi was slowly waking up at his spot near the knife throwing attraction and growled loudly when he felt that his body ached all over. He began to massage his back and his soar arms and legs.
" Ouch, damn it Kouji, you didn't have to be so extreme…" He muttered as he stood up on his wobbly legs. He hissed when a muscle started to ach more than the others and he immediately started to rub it.
" Man I'm going to have problems with sleep tonight…" Amiboshi thought as he massaged his back.
He then thought back to the moment when he was tied up on the spinning tablet and almost got a knife stabbed into his forehead. The warrior shuddered as he thought of Kouji's perfect aim with his knifes.
" Phew, I sure am glad that he let me be after I passed out…" He said as he walked off from the tent. Amiboshi passed by many attractions and different kinds of stores as he looked for the others.
" I wonder where everyone went off to, and where Akina is…" He thought and blushed as a cute picture of the young girl appeared into his head. But the nice feeling he felt when he thought of her disappeared when he thought of her date.
" She's probably here somewhere with Chichiri…" And the thought of Chichiri being alone with Akina did not please him at all. He knitted his fist together and a dark expression rested over his face for a moment.
But then suddenly the air began to feel strange around Amiboshi and he immediately became alert for any threats that might be around.
" What's going on? " He asked out loud. Feeling the presence of something coming towards him in all directions, which made his skin crawl.
" Do you want that girl Amiboshi? " A cold and hissing voice whispered into his ear. The Seiryu seishi felt all his hair stand on the end and his blood went cold.
" What the hell? "
Amiboshi snapped his head around to locate the owner to the voice but found that no one was around him. Very confused he tried to sense this strange things chi but made no success.
" What the hell is this? Nothing can hide its chi like this…is it even human? " He wondered.
" I ask you again seishi, do you want that girl? " The same hissing voice asked again. Amiboshi did not bother to look around for the owner this time and simply nodded in reply.
" Yes… yes I want Akina…" The young seishi whispered back. And then he could hear a small laugh around him, which no one else seemed to hear.
" Very well then, I'll take you to where she is. But you've got competition for her love young one. The monk Chichiri has seduced her heart with loving promises of protection and eternal love. And Akina is willingly falling into his waiting arms…" It whispered evilly into the Seiryu seishis ear.
" W-what? Are they already? " He began, but got cut off by the icy voice.
" Step into this ally here and I will take you to where they are."
Amiboshi nodded and ran into the said ally as instructed. Inside of the ally he skidded to a stop as he saw a shadow. It was large and seemed solid its glow was even darker than the ally itself. . Amiboshi felt the same cold feeling shudder thru his body as he looked at the dark.
He sure was glad that he saw no face on the shadow, because just a glance on this thing made him want to throw up and faint at the same time.
In silence the shadow continued to stare at him as the young seishi finally regained his courage to speak again.
" Who are you! " He shouted and drew his flute from his belt. The shadow only hissed in reply and lashed away a dark tentacle towards Amiboshi's chest so he got smashed to the ground. Then a second tentacle lashed out and slapped Amiboshi across the face when he tried to attack the first tentacle.
" Agh! " Amiboshi let out a cry of pain as he got thrown into the opposite wall. Then slowly his body skidded down onto the ground so that he came into a sitting position. A venomous laugh echoed thru the ally.
" Insolent little brat! Do you really think that you could fight against me? Phaw! Not in a million years kid! Be still and quiet. I will take us to Akina…" It growled at the stunned boy.
Then suddenly a violet light was engulfing the two of them. Amiboshi yelped in fear and tried to get away. But he disappeared into the light with the dark shadow that sighed in annoyance at the boy.
" If you don't stop that I will eat you and spit you up when we arrive! " It threatened as they both got completely devoured by the light.
And after a few moments later they landed in another ally much similar to the other one they had just left.
The shadow floated over to the edge and motioned with a tentacle for Amiboshi to follow it.
" W-what are you? " The boy asked as he obeyed and walked over to the shadow.
" Look over there young Seiryu seishi, there she is. With him. " It said as Amiboshi stepped up beside it and peeked around the corner.
It felt like his heart stopped at the moment he saw the girl he loved in the arms of another man. Chichiri and Akina was standing by the bridge and kissed each other passionately.
Amiboshi watched as Akina's arms gently embraced Chichiri's neck and that she pressed her body closer against his. And Chichiri let his other arm leave her waist and slowly travel up to her neck, and tilt her head to get more access to her mouth.
Amiboshi felt his body tremble with anger as he watched the couple, who did not notice or felt his presence at all. He watch as Chichiri pushed Akina up against the bridge wall and trail kisses down her neck. He heard a small moan escape Akina's mouth. And then she whispered out his name with her loving voice.
" Chichiri…" Amiboshi knitted his fists together and his hands was slowly turning white. It felt like a beast that had awoken inside of him and screaming at Amiboshi to hurt and kill the man who dared to touch the woman he loved.
" Damn you…..damn you Chichiri…She's mine! " He mentally screamed at the Suzaku seishi.
The shadow snickered in satisfaction as he felt the rage in the young seishi's chi and leaned down to whisper into his ear.
" Kill him Amiboshi, kill him and claim what's yours." It said and the seishi started to walk towards the couple in response with his flute ready in his right hand. The shadow grinned wider and disappeared into thin air.
" Everything goes as planned…"
Akina and Chichiri:
Chichiri and Akina parted after another breathtaking kiss and gasped for air. Both of them stared lovingly into the other ones eyes before their lips met once again.
Akina let her arms wrap around Chichiri's neck and sighed happily as she caressed the back of his head. Chichiri could feel that his entire world was spinning around as Akina's soft lips caressed his own.
" She loves me…She loves ME. Suzaku-sama I don't even know if I deserve to have someone to love again after what I did…"
He thought as he pulled her closer to him and gently entwined his hand in her hair. The sweet scent of strawberries invaded his nose as he inhaled. And he could feel her warm breath blowing softly at his cheek.
A small gasp escaped from Akina's lips, as she pressed closer to his body. Chichiri smiled inwardly as his lover when she eagerly kissed and caressed him. She then let her hand brush slowly over the monks butt, which made Chichiri, let out a small yelp of surprise.
" I did not really expect her to be so bold…well I guess i have to repay that then don't i? " He thought and returned the favor by brushing her butt.
" MPHH! " She yelp into his mouth and glared up into his eye in a threatening way that said. " Test your luck again if you dare lover boy! " Chichiri laughed mentally and started to caress Akina's neck again.
" I can't believe this is happening… We just met a few days ago and I've already fallen in love with Akina…" Chichiri thought as he pushed her up against the bridge wall and kissing her fiercely.
" Oh my god…I feel so…! " Akina thought when Chichiri's mouth for a short time left her mouth a trailed soft kisses down her neck. She gasped loudly and tugged his tunic so hard that she thought it would snap any minute.
" Chichiri…" She murmured and let her hand roam freely down his back. She felt him shiver under the soft pets from her hand. A small smile appeared on her lips in satisfaction that she could make him feel like this. Akina yelped when Chichiri turned her face back at his and clamped down his mouth over hers.
" I love him more than anything else…..i want this to go on forever…never ending….." She thought as she lost herself in the kiss.
" I never thought I would feel this way again after what happened to Kouran and Hikou…But my heart is aching with love for Akina. Every time I see her…..i….i want nothing more than hold her tight in my arms just like this."
He thought and tightened his hold on Akina's waist and pressed his lips harder against hers. He could feel Akina's body shiver with pleasure from the kiss, he could sense that her chi was clouded with passion and lust.
"… But I'm ready to give it a try…" Chichiri thought when he suddenly felt something watching their backs. He also felt a cold and unpleasant feeling tickle his back.
" What the? " The seishi snapped up his face from Akina's face and tried to scan the area for the source of this disturbing feeling.
Akina growled loudly at Chichiri as he quickly withdrew his lips from hers. She opened her eyes to look at him. She saw that Chichiri was looking around in all directions with warily expression on his face. Akina became a bit confused when Chichiri released his hold on her waist and pushed her behind him.
" Chichiri? " Akina asked as she placed her hand on his shoulder.
" A Seiryu warrior…" Was all he said when he reached inside of his Kesa and pulled out his staff. Akina stiffened when she heard that his " No da " was gone, and because she knew of only one Seiryu warrior was here on the Stargazing festival and that was Amiboshi.
" Oh no! Don't tell me he is throwing his disguise off now! What reason does he have to do that? " She thought in panic as the said seishi stepped into sight.
Amiboshi appeared from behind a building and watched the couple from where he was standing. He was holding his flute in his right hand and an angry expression was covering his face. His eyes were burning with hatred and disgust, and he was glarering straight at Chichiri.
Akina could hear Chichiri gasp in disbelief as he saw the Seiryu warrior that he believed had been a Suzaku warrior.
" Chi-Chiriko? " Chichiri looked at he young boy who stared back at him. He felt angry for being so blind and not sensing the boy's chi earlier. And he was furious about the fact that one of the Seiryu warriors had been so close to them all and had many opportunities to kill Miaka, Akina and the others.
" What's the matter Chichiri? Cat caught your tongue? " Amiboshi asked as he began to approach the couple. Chichiri growled and held up his right hand and chanted on a spell. But Amiboshi raised his flute to his lips and began to play a very sharp and painful melody on it.
" Agh! " The monk gasped and placed his hands over his ears to prevent the noise to reach inside of his head. But it was futile the sharp melody was driving him near insanity as his legs began to wobble under him.
Another sharp tune from the flute made Chichiri drop down onto the ground and scream.
" Chichiri! " Akina shrieked and dropped down beside him. The seishi gritted his teeth and tried to stand up. But he had no strength to do that, so he tried to push away Akina from him.
" Akina, get away from here before he kills you! " He managed to say before the noise got so loud and painful that Chichiri started to scream more loudly than before. Akina violently shook her and refused to let go of his tunic when he tried to wriggle it out from her grasp and push her away.
" If I don't do anything Chichiri will die! But what can I do? Now I really wish that I could do Rekka Shinen like Tasuki! " She mentally screamed at herself.
" Please stop this, you're killing him! " She pleaded with the Seiryu seishi. Amiboshi stopped playing and looked straight at Akina.
" No use to beg for his life Akina, Nakago wants your company at the palace. And he ordered me strictly to not let any of the Suzaku servants to be left alive to cause any troubles." He told her as he gave Chichiri a cold emotionless glare.
" And the order includes your beloved monk here to! " He said as the painful song rose up to the skies and brought more torment and pain onto the Suzaku seishi. Akina watched in horror as she saw Chichiri throwing his body back and fourth on the ground as he screamed. It all felt like a nightmare.
" Die Suzaku seishi! " Amiboshi roared.
" No! I can't let him kill Chichiri! " She darted up and was about to sprint over to Amiboshi to take the flute away from him when something stopped her.
" Please… Innocent one don't move…" Someone whispered into her mind.
" W-who's there? " No reply could be heard and suddenly the sound of Amiboshi's flute echoed out thru the night again. Akina snapped back to reality and tried again to make him stop playing.
" Amiboshi stop it! You're killing him! " Akina screamed towards the Seiryu seishi as Nuriko and the others came running towards them to see what was going on.
" Chichiri, Akina are ya alright? " Kouji called out to them when they spotted Chichiri lying on the ground and screaming like a mad man, with Akina standing beside him and staring towards Amiboshi. The Seiryu seishi looked at the others with an expression of disgust across his face as they approached him.
" So the other fools of Suzaku have arrived, then you can share your friend Chichiri's fate! Die! " Amiboshi shouted at them and played another high-pitched tune on his flute. And as Chichiri the others fell to their knees and started to scream.
" Chiriko stop it! " Miaka screamed from her spot beside Tasuki. But Amiboshi ignored the calls from Miaka and concentrated to kill the warriors and miko. Akina cast another glance down on her beloved seishi and noticed how pale his face was growing very pale.
" R…u…n….A…k….i…n….a! " Chichiri hissed towards her.
" No! "
Then the music suddenly stopped and the Suzaku seishis and miko looked up to see why Amiboshi stopped playing. And they spotted Akina standing right in front of Amiboshi, she was trying to pull the flute away from him.
" Hey let go! " He growled at her as he tried to push her away from him. But Akina held on to the flute like her own life depended on it.
Amiboshi halted the slap and looked down on the girl before him. Tears were falling down on her cheeks and she was still holding on to the flute. She had closed her eyes as she waited for the slap to hit her.
" My music should calm peoples hearts? "
" Akina…" He whispered and let his hand drop down at his side. As soon as he was about to speak a gentle song could be heard thru out the night and recovered the others chi and made the pain from Amiboshi's music disappear.
" W-what's that music? Its sound waves disturb the magic from my flute and breaking my control over the warriors! " He said.
Suddenly Amiboshi felt a sharp pain on his cheek and winched when someone suddenly kicked him at his cheek. Amiboshi looked around to locate his attacker and found a young man standing right in front of him. Separating Akina from the Seiryu warrior.
" Who the hell are you? " Amiboshi growled at the stranger. The young man didn't respond but stared at the Seiryu seishi with wary eyes.
He was about the same length as Chichiri. And looked as like his was around eighteen or nineteen. A long light blue plait went down his back and was flowing down over his cloak. A white tunic could be seen sticking out from the waist of the cloak and also wore ocean blue pants and brown boots.
His sharp hazel eyes was focused on every single movement Amiboshi made, he was standing in a battle position and waited for Amiboshi to make his move.
" Like I would tell you that servant of Seiryu. " The young man replied.
" Dang it all! " Amiboshi mentally screamed and lifted his flute back to his lips.
As Amiboshi tried once again to play on his flute to make him scream in pain as the others did, the other music once again destroyed the poisonous sound waves from his flute as soon as he tried.
" What is this music? And who is playing it? " He growled and lashed out on the man, who easily dodged the blow and quickly moved Akina and himself out of harms way.
" HALT! " Someone shouted, as Amiboshi was about to strike at the man again. And everyone turned their attention towards the owner of the voice and spotted Hotohori standing five feet away from Amiboshi.
" Amiboshi how dare you step onto the lands of Konan, and defile it with the powers of Seiryu? " The emperor asked him in a dangerously low voice. A shadow was resting over half his face and made him look quite scary, like he was going to murder the boy when he stared at him.
The Seiryu warrior paled and sweat was starting to form at his forehead. He was cornered from all sides and had no option of escape. The situation looked dark.
" Shit! "
Amiboshi did in a last desperate attempt to fulfill his mission he tried to lash out towards the defenseless miko. Miaka gasped in fright as she saw him dove towards her and Tasuki.
" NO CHIRIKO STOP IT! " She yelled, as he got closer. But the Seiryu seishi didn't even get more then four steps closer to the miko until the mysterious young man suddenly appeared beside Amiboshi in the air and dealt him a powerful sidekick, which made him fly towards the bridge.
" NO! " Miaka and Akina screamed in union as Amiboshi flew over the edge of the bridge. Miaka ran over to the edge and quickly bent over and grabbed his flute and tried to pull him up.
" Chiriko…" Miaka whispered while she smiled down at the scared seishi.
" She is trying to save me, even though I tried to kill her? "
Amiboshi stared up at the Suzaku no miko in confusion before his expression turned soft and he gave her a small smile before he closed his eyes and let go of the flute. Miaka watched in horror as Amiboshi was falling down into the fast running water and disappeared.
" Farewell Suzaku no miko, farewell Akina….."
" CHIRIKO! " Miaka cried and clutched his flute against her chest. Tasuki, who finally had gained back enough strength to stand, rose up and embraced the crying miko.
" Amiboshi? " Akina got up from the ground and wobbly walked over to the bridge edge. She then fell to her knees and stared down into the raging waters.
" He's gone…" The waters destroyed all evidence that anyone had fallen down in seconds.
" What's happening? The story is changing so much, what if Amiboshi really died this time? And I failed him because he didn't understand what I was trying to tell him! " She thought as new tears slipped down her cheeks. A picture of the seishi appeared into her mind as she closed her eyes.
" It's my fault again! I killed him to!" She raged at herself as she embraced her shaking body.
" W-why? " She asked out loud. A pair of arms embraced Akina from behind and gently petted her hair to make her calm down.
" It's okay, it's okay…" Chichiri whispered and kissed her forehead while he continued to pet her hair. Akina sniffed and leaned back into his arms while he softly hushed her.
" Who else is going to die because of me? Miaka, Nuriko, Kouji or even Chichiri? " She wondered and turned around in his arms and latched on to his neck and buried her face at his shoulder. The emperor went over to Miaka with Mitsukake in lead to inspect the miko for wounds.
" Miaka are you alright? " Hotohori asked the miko who was still crying in Tasuki's strong arms. She dried her tears off her face and nodded.
" I'm okay, but Chiriko…" She said but got cut off by Akina's voice.
" His name is Amiboshi, not Chiriko. " Akina said from her place in Chichiri's arms while he looked down at Akina with confusion written over his face.
" How does she know the name of the Seiryu warrior? Does she know something we don't? " He wondered and pressed her more tightly against his body.
A small cough caught everyone's attention and they looked back at where the small girl was standing. Beside her was a young boy who looked like he was in his early thirteen's.
He had blue eyes and hazel brown hair tied up into a ponytail. He was about the same height as the girl. And was wearing a long mint colored cloak with a yellow inner cloak. Akina lifted her head and looked over at the boy, she immediately recognized him.
" Chiriko…"
" Don't cry for him miko-sama, where ever he is now it is surely a much better place…" The young boy said as he walked up beside the emperor's side.
" And two you are? " Tasuki asked as he watched the new arrivals with a suspicious glare. The boy bowed towards Miaka and Tasuki and then to Hotohori.
" I am the real Chiriko of the Suzaku seven." He replied calmly while the others looked at him in disbelief. Chiriko smiled and lifted up the end of the cloak and showed the symbol of the warrior Chiriko on his foot.
" So you are the real Chiriko? Then who's your friend over there? " Miaka asked him as the man approached the couple.
" My name is Aska, miko-sama. " He replied and bowed before Miaka. He held out a hand and helped her to her feet and did the same for Tasuki.
" Thanks." The fire seishi said and brushed off dirt from is pants.
" You're welcome." Aska replied and smiled towards the seishi. Chiriko walked over to the miko and pulled her hand to make her follow him.
" Miko-sama we have to return to the palace, Tai-Yi Jun is expecting us." The Chiriko said as he held her hand in a firm grip.
" Tai-Yi Jun-Sama's here no da? When did she arrive? " Chichiri asked as he and Akina got up to their feet.
" Not so long ago, she fetched me from my school and…"
Chiriko got cut off by Hotohori as he suggested that they all should return to the palace and discuss everything there since a large crowd was starting to gather there around them all.
Everyone agreed to the idea and started to walk away from the curious people. Chichiri was walking beside Mitsukake with a firm hold around Akina. Akina simply let her lover take the lead while she rested her head against his shoulder as they walked.
Kouji was walking beside his sister and had a worried expression written all over his face as he watched her.
" She seemed pretty taken by the Seiryu warrior's death… I hope that she didn't get injured or anything before we showed up…" He thought. But he did not say anything; right now she needed emotional support from Chichiri, he could talk to her later about it.
While they all walked off from the bridge towards the place, they did not notice the watchful presence of the shadow. Who snickered down at them before he disappeared again. Leaving a small whisper behind.
" Everything goes as planned…"
Back at the palace:
Tai-Yi Jun was waiting for them all to come back inside of one of Hotohori's private chambers. And as soon as she heard the door open she growled loudly towards it.
" What are you waiting for? Get in here you celestial idiots! " Tai-Yi Jun growled as a chibi Miaka poked her head inside of the door. Miaka nodded and slowly entered the room with the other warriors following closely behind her.
Tasuki looked like he wanted to jump into the closest vase and hid there until Tai-Yi Jun left.
" MAN! What an ugly lady. She gives me the creeps with just one single look at me! " He thought while he felt goose bumps coming all over his skin. They all stopped a few feet away from the emperor off the heavens, and then they bowed in respect for the old lady. Miaka was the first one to speak.
" Tai-Yi Jun-Sama, what are you doing here? " The miko asked as they all entered the room. The old lady waited for them all to gather near her before she started to speak again.
" Since the death of Tamahome has ruined the summoning of Suzaku, I've come here to tell you about another option to summon Suzaku. And that is to obtain the Shinzaho's from Hokkan and Sailo."
" Shinzaho? " Miaka asked and looked pretty confused.
" Yes, these are magical items that will help a priestess to summon her respective beast god if the ceremonial summoning should fail for some reason…" Tai-Yi Jun explained and stared straight at Tasuki.
" Then I'll go and retrieve the Shinjiho Tai-Yi Jun! I defiantly succeed this time for sure! Just leave it to me! " Miaka announced and patted her chest with a confident look on her face.
" Shinzaho! Well if this matter is cleared then…" Tai-Yi Jun said as she then started to mumble and chanted on something. Everyone stared at the old woman and waited anxiously for her to finish, and then suddenly six lights appeared in front of the warriors.
" W-what is this? " Hotohori asked as the light transformed into a sword in his hands. Mitsukake received a small red bottle, Chiriko a scroll. Nuriko's bracelets were glowing but nothing else, and Tasuki's iron fan turned into a diamond fan, and Chichiri received a decoration on his praying beads.
" And you Miaka… hold still. " Tai-Yi Jun said and threw small blue glittering powder all over the priestess. And then she shortly explained what it was for.
" Thank you Tai-Yi Jun, I will certainly retrieve the Shijaho! " She said and bowed respectfully towards the old woman.
" Shinzaho! " Tai-Yi Jun corrected her. Miaka and the others were just about to leave when Tai-Yi Jun called Miaka back to her for a private chat and she asked the others to wait outside.
" Don't take too long now, ok Miaka? " Tasuki called to her while he quickly retreated from the old woman. And stood outside by the door as he waited for his love to finish the conversation with the emperor of the heavens.
Everyone then also gathered near the shrine door chatting with Chiriko and Aska to make time fly by while they waited for the miko to come back outside and join them.
" So Aska were are you from? " Nuriko asked after he was finished with questioning Chiriko about where he came from and what he was studying for at the academy.
" Around, I travel a lot on my own….." Aska answered plainly. Akina did not join into the conversation, she was in a quiet discussion with Chichiri.
" Around from where? You must have a home! Everyone is born somewhere and that includes you! " Nuriko chirped happily.
Chichiri and Akina slipped away from the group and walked off to Chichiri's room when the conservation with Aska got a bit louder, since he was hard to prey out a long sentence from. The others believed he was shy and tried to make feel a bit more at ease by making him talk more.
Chichiri led Akina down the hall and opened his door for her and asked her to go inside and sit down on the bed. She nodded and went over with him following behind. When both were seated on the bed Chichiri broke the silence again.
" So…Akina is there something you wish to share with me? " He asked her while he pried his mask of his face. His " No da's " were gone.
" Uh oh, he didn't forget about me knowing Amiboshi's real name… Maybe it's time to tell him the truth…" She thought and sighed.
" This time I have to tell the truth….I don't want Chichiri to be all to mad at me…" She thoughts as she finally had gained enough courage to start speak with her love.
" Yes and you'll probably hate me for this…" She began while Chichiri was watching her and waited for her to continue.
" You remember that day you guys asked me where I come from? I… don't come from Miaka's world but one beyond it… It is a similar world to Miaka's but still it isn't the same world. " Akina said while facing Chichiri and looking him straight into his eye.
" And how did you know about the Kodoku poisoning of Tamahome and about the Seiryu warrior Amiboshi? " He asked. Akina felt a large lump in her chest building up until it almost became so painful that she wanted to lie down and close her eyes.
" Because… were I come from this is all part of a book that many people reads about in my world." She told 's eye widened as he took in what she just had said.
" That must have felt like a slap into the hear something like that….." The seishi regained his ability to speak and continued to question Akina further.
" A book? We are in a book? " He asked her. Akina nodded and continued her explanation.
" I've read everything about you and the Suzaku seven, your pasts and future… From when Miaka entered the book and onwards… "
" She knew about all of this? Then why did she not say anything earlier about it? And how much does she know about everyone? And their future? " He wondered.
" Tamahome's death was predicted in a book? Why did you not tell us about it so that we could have prevented it? " Chichiri asked sternly. Akina jumped little at the tune of his voice but replied.
" I did not know of Tamahome's death, the book is changing. I tried to prevent the horrible events from Kuto to happen and I tried to stop Amiboshi from attacking you all. And make him understand that Nakago is only using him. But instead… I killed both of them…" She whispered out the last part as her face was facing the floor, and her hair flooded like curtains that covered her face.
Chichiri did not know what to think. He was getting so confused by all this information about the things that happened. She had just told him she knew of his past and their future, but that she did not know of the death of Tamahome.
" What am I going to do? She lied to me….Can I really trust her after a lie as huge as this? " He wondered and adverted his eye from Akina and stared down into the floor. Akina noticed this and lump in her chest grew even more painful.
" Maybe this was all a mistake…" Chichiri whispered to himself. Akina felt like someone just had ripped out her heart from her chest as he spoke those words. Her breathing felt heavier and tears burned in her eyes.
" I'm sorry…" Akina whispered as she got up from his bed and started to walk away from him, but stopped when she had reached his door. She turned around and looked at Chichiri who still faced the floor.
" Chichiri… there was no lie in my words that night we returned from Kuto… I do not judge people for their looks or past. I just wish you could see why I didn't want to tell you about me knowing all of this about all of you guys… And the future….." She said while one single tear ran down her cheek.
" Please look at me…..just one time! Please! " She mentally begged him from her spot at the door.
But when Chichiri didn't say anything or made no eye contact with her she sighed and walked out from the room and away from him.
" Forgive me…"
Akina's thoughts:
Akina walked down the hall towards her room while tears flooded down her cheeks. She growled and fiercely brushed them away as she reached her door and stopped in front of it.
" I hoped that he would try to understand me just a little… who wants to hear straight out that their lives are just imagined together by someone? And that their actions is commanded by an author? "Akina thought as she wiped of another tear that fell from her cheek.
" Does he not love me anymore because of this? " Akina wondered as she opened the door and walked into her room and dropped down on her own bed.
" Maybe it wasn't supposed to be as Chichiri said…" She mumbled before she buried down her face into her pillow and let the tears roam freely down her cheeks.
" What am I going to do now? Surely Chichiri will tell the others and they to will hate me for not telling them the truth…" She thought and sniffed loudly into the pillow as she pictured the others turning away from her in disgust.
Akina felt painful yanks in her heart, but the worst pain was when she pictured Chichiri leaving her for this. He must hate her for the fact that his friend died because of her.
" I don't blame him… he has every single right to hate me… I don't blame him at all… It is my fault that Tamahome and Amiboshi died. I only bring death with me…. "
" If I couldn't prevent their deaths then, who will die next because of me? " She thought as she rolled over onto her back and glanced up into the ceiling.
"…..I got it! "Suddenly Akina jerked right up into sitting position and a determined look was plastered on her face. But then a worried expression also crossed her face, and she knitted her hans together over her heart as she tried to make her decision.
" Maybe…Its just a thought but…if I do that then maybe I can…"
" I can do it, I have to do it."
" Forgive me Chichiri….."
So what did you think of this chapter?
Was it good?
I hope so because I had a really hard time to make all of this fit together somehow…
T-T (took me forever! I remade this chapter about six times….) my dad who cleaned out all old documents was kept deleting it and as I said exam trouble. It's a miracle if I survive those tests and the teachers…T-T
Well see ya next time!
And don't forget to review!