The vampires were gone. The stranger had killed one of them. The other villagers were over by the church, threatening him or thanking him, or something…Maria wasn't really listening, she had more important things to worry about.
"My cow's in your house." she said.
"Yes," said her friend Aaron, "it is. And there's a big hole in the wall…Dad won't like that…"
"Sorry, if it's any consolation Ma's not going to be happy about the cow either…"
" It's alright, not your fault… … … Is the cow ok?"
"I think so," Maria said, "she doesn't seem too upset does she?"
"Nope." Aaron scratched his head and looked at Maria, "How are we going to get her out?"
"I have no idea."
"She won't fit through the doors…" mused Aaron.
"And getting her out through the way she came in is out of the question…" Maria added, "I guess there's only one thing to do."
Behind them the crowd was dispersing, Anna and the strangers had left, and everyone was muttering about someone called 'Van Helsing,' whoever that was… Maria wondered if she ought to pay more attention to these type of things…
Aaron's father walked up, he looked at his house, Maria, the cow, and back to Maria.
"Your cow's in my house." he said.
"Yes. We've established that." Aaron said with a wry smile.
Maria winked at Aaron, then turned to his father and said, "Would you be interested in purchasing a cow?"