Copyrights/Disclaimer: This story belongs entirely to me but the characters from the TV series Navy NCIS belong to a bunch of other important people that aren't me.
Summary: Abby's got a boo-boo. Can Gibbs make it feel all better? A very short little GABS ficlet.
Notes: I couldn't resist. >D While the probability of this ever happening is very low, it's still a cute picture. -squeals fangirlishly-
Poor Little Goth Girl
Abigail Sciuto knew that she had to hurry. If she didn't get this analysis completed before Gibbs got back from the crime scene, she'd be roast meat...even if she was the Abbs. Slipping off her latex gloves, she brought her face a bit closer to the knife she was supposed to be inspecting, the one she was comparing to the test subject.
To the naked eye, they seemed identical,but something strange was bothering her. It was almost impossible to identify it by just looking at them, Abby realized, and huffed. She was putting the gloves back on and reaching for the comparison when Timothy McGee spun out from behind a computer nearby, scaring her a bit.
"Can I ask - uh...blood."
It was true. The knife had slipped from her fingers and sliced through the latex and into her skin. "Ow!" cried Abby, giving McGee a deserving glare. "You dork, that HURTS!"
The chinless wonder gulped nervously and backed up in his swivel chair. "I'm so sorry, I-"
"I am so going to tell on you!" she warned, pointing the index finger that was currently not dripping blood at the rookie. Grabbing at a piece of paper from the printer, she quickly folded it into a square and wrapped it into an effective if unorthadox bandage.
The goth turned back around just in time to see Gibbs slapping McGee upside the head. "What did you do this time?"
"Giiibbs!" tattled Abby, thrusting her finger into his face and pouting rather adorably. Gibbs eyed her cut finger curiously and arched an eyebrow, blue eyes confused. "He made me hurt myself!"
"I did not! She's exagerrating the situation, sir-" McGee stopped and gulped again at the look on Abby's face.
Gibbs asked, "Would you two stop acting like kids? Geez, here-" Her took Abby's finger and slipped it between his lips.
McGee and Abby both deadpanned, the rookie's face gone blank with shock, while the goth girl's mouth spread into a wide "o."
Gibbs sucked at the cut for a couple of seconds before releasing the younger girl's finger and ruffling her hair affectionately. "Now, do you have my analysis ready?"
But for the first time in a long time, Abby was speechless.
Notes: Told you it was short. Reviews are wonderful.