Hey everyone! This is the start of my next fic, so yes that means that I will be completing Broken soon. I'll be focusing mainly on that task so updates to this story won't come super fast however I'll be sure not to neglect it.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this fic, I'm still coming up with the storyline but I have a good idea of where I plan to go.

As you have probably guessed, my attempts to purchase Clamp have been less than productive so I don't own Chobits or any of the series' characters.




"Here, I picked this up for you!"

"Huh, what?"

Sara turned around to see what her boyfriend was talking about. She turned to see him standing next to a rather tall persocom. "You had mentioned getting a persocom for help around your home, so I pulled a few strings and managed to land one for you."

Sara's eyes opened wide. She let out a squeal as she ran to hug him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She had wanted a persocom for a long time, but never had the money to afford one.

"Do you know what kind it is?" she asked.

"I dunno. It's been through a couple of owners so it isn't top notch or anything."

"I don't care. It's great!"

"Anything for you." her boyfriend said, catching a quick kiss.

That was over a year ago.

Today, Sara still lives with her persocom, Kai, though the man who gave him to her was long gone. She really didn't mind what happened, merely just moving on with her life as normal. Her job and her friends kept her busy and Kai always managed to keep her life interesting.

Exactly how interesting, she was yet to find out.