HS: YAY! I win!

LL: ¬.¬' you can't win your own competition, idiot

RP/points at HS/ hahahaha

HS/sad face/

LL: anyway… no one got it right, the answer was /drum roll/ RAY!

Readers: Wtf? o.o'

LL: lets explain, the three spirits will take the form of the people closest to Kai, though it's not really them, they will look slightly different and have different personalities etc.

RP: understand…good.

LL: Thank you SO much for all the reviews, you all rock

HS/sigh/ again Laurelleaves does not own Beyblade or Christmas Carol

LL: well here's Chapter 2, god this must be my quickest update ever o.o'

RP: Please review people, Happy Christmas! Again short-ish chapter.

LL: hehe my mum just gave me a candy-cane /hyper smile/

Dedicated to: cUt-TilL-aLl-ThE-bLoOd-SeApS-OuT – for being a great friend and a soon to be TyKa fan Lmao!

Past, Present and Future

Chapter Two: The Past

Kai groaned into the pillow below him, his thoughts swirled around in his head, his eye lids fluttered open his vision was blurry, why did his head hurt so much? He pushed up from the sofa and sat up with his head in his hands, he groaned again and leaned back against the wall.

"Bout' time you woke up"

Kai's crimson eyes shot open in shock and stared at the figure in front of him, he had extremely long raven black hair, tied back in dark red band with a sprig of holly attached at the bottom, which coiled around his leg to his ankle, he had bright amber cat eyes and black cat ears sprouting from his black hair, he wore a old style dark red Chinese shirt with long black sleeves and black trousers and black finger-less gloves, he had a huge old book strapped to his back and in his hands he held a smaller battered book, his amber eyes sifted from left to right as he flicked over each page, he didn't seem to acknowledge that Kai was staring at him.

"Excuse me?" Kai finally found his voice, the boy didn't move his head but his cat-like eyes shifted up.

"I said it's about time you woke up, you've been asleep ages" he said in a board voice and returned to his book, Kai looked he boy over again.

"Ray?" the boy sighed but didn't look at Kai

"Hmmm, close" he answered

"Close?" the boy sighed angrily, and slammed his book shut and stared directly at Kai.

"You were informed about this ne?" He asked in a very official voice

"About what? And who the hell are you?" asked Kai, the boy sighed dejectedly

"You didn't meet a boy, red hair about yay high" he held his hand to his waist Kai shuck his head, he sighed again and muttered something that sounded oddly like 'I'm going to kill that little bugger'

"Who are you?" asked Kai again, the boy smiled for the first time

"Me? I'm the ghost of Christmas Past Kai"


"Kai I realise this hasn't gone as planned, who were supposed to be foretold of our arrival, but you did ask for our help" he stated

"I asked for your help? And what do you mean our? There's going to be more than you?"

"To answer you first question, yes you did, as I remember you were wondering about the point of Christmas, my job is to show you that" answered the ghost "and to the latter question yes, you will be visited by two other spirits there jobs are to help you with other aspects of your life"

"What are-?"

"Ah Kai it's not my place to tell you that now come on, we're already late because of you babbling"

'Me!' thought Kai, the spirit opened the small old book again and flicked through the pages then placed the open book on the floor, no sooner than he had done that a large golden orb shot out from the tattered pages and swirled around in the centre of the room

"What the: -?" started Kai, he was cut off when two hands push against his back

"Off you go Kai" yelled the ghost, and then shoved Kai into the light.

Kai hit the floor with a thud, luckily it was carpeted so it didn't that much, but the sore aching pain in his head had come back; Kai groaned and laid his head back down.

"Geez Kai sleep much?" came a voice, Kai turned his head towards the spirit, who was stood above him.

"Where are we?" he asked

"Ah Kai I think the better question would be when are we"

"Huh?" Kai pulled himself up and looked at his surroundings, they were stood in front of a huge staircase decorated in beautiful holiday garlands of holly and ivy, this place looked oddly familiar but he couldn't place it, he noticed a calendar hung over a phone table that read:

24th December 1992 (1)

"How the…why?"

"Where here Kai" said the ghost answering his unfinished question "because this is a time when Christmas wasn't so pointless"

Kai was about to speak when he was cut off by a loud cry of excitement

"Mum! Come on mum get up, it's Christmas you don't sleep on Christmas, get up, all the presents will be gone if you don't" pleaded a child's voice

"Sweetheart they wont be going anywhere," replied a unmistakably tired women's voice

"But!" argued the child's voice, "they might, Santa might think we don't want them and take them away!" this would of sounded funny if the child didn't sound so serious, a male voice laughed

"Why don't you go guard them then son, and we'll be down in about 10 minuets?"

"Yeah! Ok I'll make sure no one takes them!"

Kai heard small fast padding feet approach the stairs, a small boy about the age of 3, was walking down them trying to hold on to the banister that was way to high for him, he had large bright red eyes and an unruly mop of slate/navy blue hair, he wore dark blue pyjamas with a phoenix on the front and flames up the side of the legs and arms (2) the small boy didn't seem to notice the ghost and Kai.

"He can't see us Kai," said the spirit "do you recognise the boy?"

Kai nodded "yeah…"

"You didn't always hate Christmas Kai" pointed out the ghost, Kai watched his younger self squeal in delight at the sight of a giant brown fuzzy with a red ribbon around his neck that was about ten-times bigger than him, the small boy ran up and hugged it while laughing.

"No" sighed Kai "I didn't"

"You have to let happiness back into your life Kai you can't carry on hurting your friends"

'Friends!' thought Kai "Tyson! Is he ok?" the spirit looked at him sadly

"I'm sorry Kai, I only know of things that have already happened" he answered sadly "Well my work here is done, time to go back Kai" Kai saw the gold light shine over his shoulder and again felt himself being pushed into it, then darkness.

(1)The fic is set in 2006 (don't ask why) Kai is 17 years old and his younger self is 3.

(2)All join me in saying…awwwww! LoL!

LL: Another great chapter

HS: Apparently…

LL: What was that?

HS /sweet smile/ nothing

LL: Right…anyway I though it was dead sweet!

RP: Don't worry there will be Tyson in the next chapter which should be posted on Thursday or Friday.

LL: If you can't wait that long, leave a review and get a sneak peek at Chapter 4- the Ghost of Christmas Future! How cool is that!

HS: Again the competition is open who do you think the ghost of Christmas Present is?

RP: PLEASE REVIEW! Merry Christmas!

LL: All reviewers get a sneak peek from Chapter 4, so it's totally worth it, REVIEW!