Disclaimer: Again, I own nothing.
A/N: Thanks to everybody that reviewed! I'm glad you like this pairing, there are only 3 stories, including my 2 on FanFiction, and I wish that there were more! Colin has had the same amount of screen time as Finn and there are lots of PDLD's! I love all the Limo boys though.
"Rory, calm down. We will find a way to fix this. You are on the pill right?" Colin asked
Rory nodded and tried to even her breathing. "What if..." She started
"Don't worry about it. I mean, well, just don't worry yet." Colin said, trying to be soothing.
"This is the last time I try to prove something to my mother." Rory groaned, banging her head on the wall.
"Huh?" Colin was obviously confused.
"I was pissed that I broke things off with Logan yesterday, and realized that my mother has to much control over me. So I decided to go out and be casual, so here I am, being casual, hyperventilating, sitting on the floor."
The freaked out duo sat in horror trying to figure out exactly what happened last night, when Rory finally remembered, 20 minutes later.
"Rory, I'm walking you home." Colin declared, staggering up from the booth.
"Col-Col, can I call you Col-Col? You don't have to walk me home." Rory slurred, walking past Colin.
"I insisit, my fair lady. I, being a gentleman, must walk the beautiful debutante home, even though you aren't a deb," Colin said before Rory interrupted.
"I did have a debutante ball, thank you very much." Rory said indignantly
"Oh really?" Colin challenged.
"You are looking at the MASTER of the fan dance."
"I don't believe it! Lorelai 'Rory' Leigh Gilmore is a society girl." Colin said shocked.
"Oh yes I am!" Rory said joyfully.
"Who was your escort? Some Logan wanna-be?"
"Nope, my ex-boyfriend, Dan. No, Dean."
"Wow, you are drunk." Colin said.
"I need a taco. Lets go back to my dorm."
"You are very odd."
"Thank you." Rory said before she burst out laughing.
"What's so funny?" Colin asked quizzically.
"Well, if we were 16 and on a piano bench, this would be deja-vu."
"I'm not even going to try and understand what that means." Colin said, shaking his head.
"I am so gone right now, I don't even know what it means." Rory said, bursting into another fit of giggles.
"Lets go!" Colin decreed, taking Rory's arm and guiding her out of the pub.
They arrived back at Rory's dorm, and on the message board was a note from Paris saying that she stopped back to grab clothes and that she was staying at Doyle's that night.
"Well Mr. McCrae, it seems that we have the whole place to ourselves." Rory said, giving a suggestive smirk.
"It does seem that way." Colin said, walking closer to Rory.
"Whatever are we going to do?" Rory said, now standing a mere centimeters away.
"Hmm..." Colin said as he closed the slight distance between the two as he crashed his lips on hers.
-End Flashback-
"Neither of us initiated it. It was a mutual thing." Rory said, cradling her head in her hands.
All of a sudden a phone started to ring. Colin grabbed the offending loud object and quickly answered it.
"My daughter's voice has gotten extremely deep in the last 12 hours."
'Shit!' Colin thought as he handed the phone to Rory.
"Hello?" Rory said timidly
Rory winced at her mothers screaming voice.
"I did mom, that was Colin." Rory defended.
"Oh ok, at least I know nothing happened."
"I never said that."
"What? Did you guys... you know..."
"Yes, now I have some things to do, I will call you later, bye mom."
Rory closed her phone and looked at Colin.
"So, what do you think of my mom?"
Colin just laughed half-heartedly in response.
A/N: Short I know, I might put up another chapter tonight, if not definitely tomorrow sometime! Sorry I made Rory such a bitch to Lorelai, but when the whole thing with Logan started in the show, it just seemed like Lorelaiwas trying to keep Rory a little girl, and I started to not like her so much. Please RR!