I awoke to Hedwigs' hooting from her perch, getting up I pulled my glasses on and went over and untied the package that was on her leg. Giving her some owl treats and water, I turned on my bedroom light so that I could read the letter in dawn of the new day. Sitting down on the floor he opened the letter, sitting the package down on the ground next to me I began to read.
Dear Mr Potter,
We at Gringotts were very surprised to find such a polite letter from a wizard. It's not every day that a wizard treats us with respect and offers us such a unique task. We goblins do not like to get in the way of wizardry wars by choosing sides but that does not mean we will not aid you in your task. Since you have not asked us to choose your side or anyone else's and with your generous donation we were quite happy to collect some items for you from around Diagon Alley as well as from your family vault. Just touch each item with your wand to enlarge them to their proper size.
Also enclosed in the package is an inventory book, with a guide to what each item is and what it does as well a complete bank statement to all your holdings. We have also enclosed a new key with has made your old key obsolete.
The drop of blood you enclosed on your letter after testing it to make sure you were who you said you were, we also used to trace your family tree at no cost to you. Your family history book has been included at no charge to you. Due to our own curiousness we traced your line back to 2247 BC. We hope you find the information as intriguing as we did.
If we can be of any more assistance do not hesitate to call on us.
Yours truly,
Lord Smickett Brack
Wizard-Goblin Liaison officer
I smiled, 'you see that Hedwig, the goblins came through. Told you they would." Hedwig hooted in agreement and went back to preening herself.
Opening the package I found a box, and on top of that the inventory book and the bank statement. Opening my school trunk I put the bank statement into my school and clothes section, pulled out a fruit salad and a bottle of water and a fork and began eating while I read the inventory book. I wouldn't be able to get any food to Aunt Petunia for at least 2 more days because today was Saturday and Vernon was at home. He'd already yelled at me this morning that I wasn't coming out of my room until tonight when I could use the bathroom. He'd pushed some stale bread through the cat flap and a glass of water. Personally I couldn't care less. It was perfect for what I needed.
After reading the instructions on how it worked I touched the label Harry Potter Gringotts Key and information appeared.
Your Gringotts Key can be used to open your vault to get money from your trust fund vault until you turn 15 than it can be used to withdraw from any number of your family vaults as well as any family items out that have been stored in there. It can also be used to pay for any owl-order transaction by pressing your key onto your order form where money will be automatically deducted from your vault. To retrieve your key from the Goblin box prick your finger so that a drop of blood falls out and press it into the lid of your box while saying Gringotts Key.Re-reading the passage three times, not that it was complicated just to make sure I knew what it said I closed my eyes and entered my mind, using my password I went in to sort my memories that I'd just made. Going to my inbox, I sorted my messages out so that any information gotten from my information book got sorted into the right section as well as connecting it too my information and memories stored on Goblins, I reset the wards and left my mind.
Smiling to myself, I was pretty sure that the box next to me was my Goblin Box but just to be sure I checked the book found out I was correct. Using the pin attached by a string to the box I pricked my finger and did as the book instructed. A whole appeared at the top of the box and my key floated out and than settled down on the top of the box. Finishing off my fruit salad, I looked to see what else was in my books, I found one highlighted with the magical equivelant of a post-it note next to it.
Lilys Trunk- Mr Potter we believe you will find this trunk beneficial for using magic outside of school. Since you now know how to use our goblin box, we suggest you read up on this item. It should prove very beneficial – Smickett
Touching the name of Lily's Trunk I smiled as I read through the information.
Lily's Trunk- Bought By Lily Evans from the Depermant of Magical Education at the end of her 5th year of schooling, she used this trunk to study ancient charms and curses in the summer between her 5th and 6th year. It has two compartments, the first a normal compartment to keep her school supplies in- it is now empty. It is opened as a normal trunk and has no key. Just open the lid and you will find that compartment.
The second compartment has an ancient charms and curses section as well as a schooling table. The schooling table is used to apply and be tested on study courses offered by the ministry of magic in Britain as well as any other magical country independently of school. The table supplies a book with a list of all subjects available as well as cost for each subject. Any subject sat and passed by using this trunk allows anyone under the age of 16 to use the wand spells that they have successfully passed outside of this trunk. To open the second section, say the password 'potter is a prat' and than open the lid. Stairs will appear at the base of the Trunk, walk down and you will find yourself in the schooling section.
The information was followed by another message from Smickett to check his bank statements so that I would know what I could afford, not that I should have a problem affording sitting any subjects and that I should probably pay extra for the secrecy charms. I thought about getting it out, but if Magic was telling the truth than I could slow down, no expand time. Looking down his inventory list I found that they had gotten me a normal muggle watch, which was exactly what I wanted. Getting the digital watch out and attaching it to my wrist I looked at it.
'Now how was I supposed to do this,' I thought to myself while looking at my watch, 'I want to slow down time so that seven seconds is expanded into a week but I only want it to apply to my room me and Hedwig.' My magic swirled out and around me exiting outwards and traveling faster than I could see, I slumped down when it had finished and looked out my window to see a pigeon frozen mid flight.
"Well shit Hedwig it worked." She hooted disapprovingly, looked outside, bobbed her head once in acknowledgement and tucked her head under her wing and went to sleep. Smiling at her, I got my bank statements out and began to read. Reading through my purchases it I nearly had a heart attack when I read my gross worth which included properties, business, stock, and money came to just under 4.5 Billion Galleons which was roughly 28.44 billion pounds. Looking through the brief description of my assets I had 1.3 billion galleons. Not being able to comprehend having that much money, I picked my key up off the box and than pricked my thumb and got Lily's Trunk out. Releasing my wand from my wand holster I placed the trunk under my window and than tapped it. Turning around to make sure that I had everything I'd need for the trunk, I was surprised to find a lady floating above the floor directly behind me. Before I had a chance to do anything she smiled at me.
"Hello Emeralds, it's been a long time since I've come across one who plays in my domain." Her voice was ethereal, soothing, and calm.
"Your domain?" I managed to stutter out.
"Time child. Now just who gave you permission to fool around with this sort of power?" Her voice was still soothing and calm but I could detect the hint of steel and power. This was not a lady you wanted to mess with.
"Um Lady Time, Magic told me to. Well maybe not told me, but he said I could do it, well not me but my magic could." I rushed out nervously.
She chuckled. "You can talk to Magic, well that explains you messing around with things, I could have at least warned me, bloody irritating bastard. Right than, I better give you a gift so the power doesn't drive you mad." Reaching out her hand she touched my forehead and my body was covered with a golden glow that then soaked through my clothing, tickling my skin than entering me to go down and settle through my body.
"Now the thing magic didn't tell you Emerald is that before my gift you would still be able to slow down time like you've given it your instructions, you wanted a week to sort out everything in that goblin box of yours and to get everything sorted out in your mind. Well you would have been awake for that entire week, imagine though that you wanted to expand an hour down to its longest timeframe. 9 years without sleep would drive you insane.
Good thing that wasn't your parameter, anyway I passed on some of my knowledge on how to use the power of time, as well as I gave your body the ability to sleep." Reaching forward she kissed my forehead, left of my lightening bolt scar, "Good luck Emeralds." And with that she dematerialized in front of me.
Slumping down onto the ground I shook my head. Deciding not to bitch about how the weirdest things always seemed to happen to me, I occluded my mind, and sorted through the knowledge and my meeting with Lady Time. I was surprised to find that some of the knowledge she'd given me had already been sorted into a box. Sorting through the knowledge I was surprised to find that I could send myself, others and one belonging back through time. I couldn't send Hedwig though but I willing to pay that price. If I could do that I could save Sirius, stop this all from ever happening. I could even save Petunia and I. Pushing that thought away so that I didn't have to deal with that loss, I sorted all the information out than exited my mind.
Turning back to my mothers trunk I stood in front of it, "Potter is a prat," and opened the lid. Just as the inventory book said, stairs appeared. Looking at the trunk I entered surprised to find candles lit and lighting the way down.
See I told you it was going to get interesting. Well I could give you a blow by blow account of those stretched out seven seconds but I won't. I'll summarize for you. I read my Gringotts statement, and no Dumbledore wasn't stealing from me. The man does have some morals. I also studied the book and sat all the tests I needed to become a legal port key maker, all I needed to do was register my forms at either Gringott's or the Ministry of Magic. But I wasn't planning on doing that until I went back in time.
See I had a plan now. All I needed to do was talk to Aunt Petunia. I'd studied a couple of the books Magic had bought me, he'd bought me a lot of books and I found a banishing spell which if I had known about I would have used on Quirell in first year and than I wouldn't be having any problems. So that was when I decided, I was going back in time. And Aunt Petunia was coming too if she wanted too. I had a plan. It was pretty simple and it was going to work. Or my name wasn't Harold James Potter. That Monday couldn't come any quicker. I was excited and nervous. We were getting out of this hell hole.
Well if your thinking that weekend went quick it didn't. I studied every book Magic had left for me as well as all the books I'd ordered before I had left hogwarts that arrived late Saturday afternoon, and I made copious amounts of notes in hundreds of notebooks. All with different titles ranging from magical disguises, to a magical cookbook, as well as good defensive spells. I also paid money to have various tracking charms of different spells removed from my wand.
If your wondering how that worked, the school table in mums' trunk allows you to apply to be tested on your different spells. You need to put the tester bracelet on your wand, and perform the charm perfectly 10 times in a row. If you can manage that, than a bill appears on your desk next to the payment box. By pressing my Gringotts key into the box, the money was automatically deducted from my account, than somehow the bracelet on my wand was notified and than a little light show and hey presto tracking charmed for that spell is removed. Every spell I came across I made sure I mastered and than used.
Now if you wondering how I got this done than obviously you haven't been reading properly you imbecile. I can slow down time. I believe that says it all. And if your wondering what I ate, remember Dobby gave me enough food to last at least a year. I ate about half of it. God I love that little elf.
Finally Monday rolled round and I found myself waiting for Uncle Vernon to leave for work. I really didn't need him at home. Yeah I could have stopped him, but I didn't want to put Aunt Petunia through that. This was something that needed to be discussed without Vernon's presence making it more stressful. For all I knew Aunt Petunia wouldn't want to come back with me. Anyway let me flip this switch, and you'll see what happened. Why your reading I think I'll have dinner.
I was laying on my bed looking at the ceiling, mum's trunk all packed with books and my minimized trunk sitting inside it. It was 8:30 in the morning and I could hear Vernon leaving for work. Smiling to myself I reviewed what I would need to do to bring Petunia, my trunk and I back through time. It wasn't difficult. All it required was old calendars and I had them in a pile next to me as well as a few pieces of paperwork, which were essential for this to work. My new wristwatch beeped. It was time to get too work. I could hear the vacuum going in the downstairs living room.
Picking up my wand, shrinking mums trunk and putting it on a chain around my neck, I pretended it was just a charm, using one of its handles to keep it on I walked over to my bedroom door and using Alohmora 6 times on the 6 different locks opened my bedroom door and was got ready to face my aunt and follow through on my plans. I probably should have checked to make sure Dudley was sleeping but I just assumed he was so I rushed down the stairs. I couldn't wait to tell her.
"Aunt Petunia we can leave." I said rushing into the lounge room practically bouncing around. She stared at me and then smiled.
"You have a plan?" She whispered turning off the vacuum and stared at me.
"It's complicated though. We'd have to go back in time but I can do that. All we need to do is get Vernon to sign these divorce papers and we can do that from this time and then travel back and leave the area." I rushed out.
Aunt Petunia's face lit up, and then fell. "He'll never sign them Harry."
"I can use magic." I said as if that explained everything, and in this case it did. Aunt Petunia's face lit up again.
"So how will this work?" Aunt Petunia asked curiously.
"Its basically I'll send our spirits and a trunk full of everything we need to get started, its easier to send inanimate objects back in time than living things, but only after Vernon signs the divorce papers."
"If he doesn't?"
"I'll make him. Don't worry Aunt Petty. It will be ok I promise." I gave her a hug, she looked liked she was about to cry. Then a voice startled both of us. More accurately scared the shit out of us.
"I'll make him too Mum, I know where he keeps his shotgun." Dudley said from his position on the bottom stair. Aunt Petunia screamed.
I let go of her, turned around and faced Dudley with my wand pointed at him.
"How much did you hear?" My wand was shaking, Dudley could ruin everything.
"Enough, and I'm coming too. If you two get to leave this hell hole so am I." Dudley stated, and than he did a normal Dudley action, "Mummy tell him I can come as well." I smiled, same old Dudley.
"Dudley it's up to Harry, I don't know if its possible. Here Mummy's going to make you a sandwich." Aunt Petunia walked into the kitchen, her shoulders shaking.
Dudley was about to speak but I raised my hands to my lips. "She just needs a minute."
"I don't even want a bloody sandwich." Dudley mumbled.
"Why do you want to come Dudley." I said looking into his piggy little eyes, and than looked closer. His eyes didn't look so pig like anymore. In fact they looked like they held compassion.
"Mum and you will need someone to protect you both. Well maybe not you but mum will. She's not sneaky enough. If she was she would have gotten us out of here a long time ago. Though I don't understand why we're going back in time?" Dudley asked.
"I need allies, the best way to make them is as a child, sweet innocent Harry Potter- the perfect friend someones child could have to make politically secure, the perfect neice/nephew for a politician. And It will be fun. Getting to be kids again. Normal kids. Not the bullied kid. Nor the bully."
"So that means I can come."
"Yeah I guess. Promise to be on your best behavior till we get sorted into our new home."
"Aren't I always." Dudley smiled batted his eyelashes and walked into the kitchen looking for his mother. "He said I could come."
"That's nice dear. Heres your sandwich." Aunt petunia set the plate down at the table and glanced at the clock. 11:02 am. "When's your father due home."
"12:30 mum, why don't you go upstairs and have a lie down. Harry and I will deal with dad when he gets home."
"Harry dear, how are we getting to the past?" She looked so lost that Harry nearly cried for her than and there.
"Once we get uncle Vernon to sign the backdated divorce papers, basically I'll click my fingers, say some mumbo jumbo and we will wind up in out own bodies. Then we meet in the backyard, I'll summon the night bus, go to gringotts, get my inheritence, set up a bank account for you aunt petunia in your own name with your own money, and get the goblins to find us a house in the country and then we are set."
So that's what we did, well it didn't go too badly, Dudley shot Vernon in the foot, it helped to speed things up a bit. And then hey mumbo jumbo we were back in time. The goblins got us set up in a new house, Aunt Petunia was officially divorced, Dudley and I were enrolled in our local primary school, and than magic found us. Not the god, but the people. But my Aunt had a plan for them.
But as I said this is the story about traveling back in time its not about what happened next.