DISCLAIMER: I….do…do…n…not..Ok, ok FINE! I don't own Gundam Wing! pouts and huggles Duo plushie But I DO own this! And you can't have it! glares menacingly
AM-Y: Now on with the STORY!
Chapter 1: Unwanted Surprise?
Duo Maxwell, lead singer and guitarist for Death Wish, was thoroughly pissed.
"No way! No fucking way, Une! We are NOT going on tour with those bastards! We can't!" His violet eyes lit up in fury as he eyed his manager. Here he was sitting idly on the couch, fiddling with his trademark waist-length braid and she just HAD to come and blurt this out!
Sliding her glasses up the bridge of her nose, Une glared at the 17-year-old. "You ARE. You CAN, and you WILL. I've already spoken to Miss Catherine, and she agrees with this completely. She's informing the Light Wing members as we speak."
An amused scoff could be heard across the room. "Heh. 10 bucks says Noins' gonna throw a hissy fit!" Hilde, the drum player for the band, laughed and stood from her position in the chair.
Quatre, the youngest and by far the most innocent looking, turned his gaze from their manager to Hilde. "I wouldn't be surprised if the all were. We aren't exactly on the best of terms" The blond hoisted himself onto the back of the couch Duo currently occupied.
"That is exactly why we're doing this!" Une crossed her arms, glaring. "Your constant fighting is bad publicity for BOTH bands!"
Zechs, the bass player, who had similar hair to Quatre except it was down to his mid-back chuckled lightly. "Like that time Dorothy, and that Relena got into a catfight on stage? Ahh. That was priceless." Yet another blond, this time female, glared at the floor as if it was Relena's face. " That bitch was the one who started it. I was merely retaliating…" the second guitarist defended, crossing her arms also.
"HA!" Hilde flung her arm around Dorothy's shoulders.
"So, you trying to trip her off stage was really HER starting it Doro?" The blunette smirked and raised a brow. Dorothy's own eyebrows drew together as she pouted.
"Well…she kept sending me dirty looks and it just pissed me off! Now I'm going to have to spend 3 weeks in the presence of that snotty little princess!"
Everyone laughed, with the exception of Une. After calming down, their attention returned to her.
"Hmm…." Duo leaned back in his seat, and smirked "Now that I think about it. This could be a great opportunity to annoy the hell outa Hee-chan!"
Quatre chuckled, "Aw, Duo. That's so cute! You gave Yuy-san a pet name!" The keyboardist loved to tease their leader, even if he didn't look the type to do so.
Everyone's eyes widened slightly at what he said, then burst out into more laughter, even Une smirked this time. Duo sunk down into the couch slightly, muttering curses under his breath as his cheeks flushed. "And what about you and that one banged wonder, eh Quatre? You guys are the only one's who get along. I wonder why…" His smirk returned full force as the blonds' face turned crimson.
Taking this time to speak, Une continued. "Then it's settled. Pack for a 3 week trip and meet back here tomorrow at 10:30 am. If you are late," her gaze wandered to Zechs and Duo, who tried to look innocent. "So help me I WILL send your Other-Halves after you, understood?"
The Death Wish members nodded and scurried off to pack their instruments.
'Other-Halves.' Duo thought. 'That's what she calls 'em.' Though the description DID seem to fit. Each member of Death Wish had someone of Light Wing who seemed to be either a rival or an opposite. Mostly both. Like circumstances with his 'other-half' Heero Yuy. "God, what have we gotten ourselves into?"
-(AN: They have the same instruments, just different people on each band!)
"You cannot be serious! This is injustice, injustice I tell you!" Wufei, Light Wing's Drum player looked ready to blow.
Catherine, the manager for Light Wing and also the older sister of their Bass player, Trowa, put her hands on her hips and glared at the Chinese teen. "Stop being so damned dramatic Wufei! It's not that big of a deal! Besides, this tour will be good for us! Don't you agree Heero?" the brunette asked the stoic band leader, who was currently sending one of his best death glares her way.
"I agree with you Catherine. "Trowa said from the floor by the couch. "It could be good for us."
Relena, the keyboardist shot a glare towards the uni-banged Bass player. "You can talk! You're the only one who gets along with your Shadow!"
Trowa raised brow at her and answered in his usual monotone. " We do not get along. We've simply come to an agreement, since you all can't seem to behave around your 'Shadows' as you insist on calling them."
Noin, the blue haired guitar player, smirked knowingly, despite her anger at the news. "Oh please. The only reason you agreed is because you like the little runt."
Catherine raised a brow as she spotted what she SWORE was a blush on her brother's cheeks.
"You are completely mistaken. It's not like that and you know it." Trowa protested, glaring at her. Wufei chuckled to himself, "Right, Barton." He said sarcastically. Relena, forgetting her angry state joined in with Wufei.
"Really, Trowa. The first time that boy looked up at you with those baby blues you were toast."
"This is the most talkative you've been in a while." Heero finally spoke, a hint of amusement in his voice, and a smirk on his lips. "I'm thinking your excited to go. If just to see your little angel again."
Trowa growled lightly as his blush got darker. "Don't even get me started, Yuy…" his tone was a warning one. He gave a glare that said, 'I know your secrets and I WILL start talking if you don't shut up'
Catherine giggled delightedly at their antics and shook her head. "Wow, you guys…Well anyway. We're going to meet in their studio since it's closer to the bus station. 10:30 am SHARP! If you sleep in, your gonna wake up to your Shadow dragging you out of bed." she smirked at the horrified expressions of her band.
"Now pack your shit and get the hell out!" She pointed and laughed. The others joined in good naturedly and started to pack. (Except for Heero and Trowa of course )
'Shadows..' Heero though absent mindedly, walking out the door to his apartment a few blocks away. 'Makes me wonder if they have some sort of name for us too.' Unlocking his door, the Prussian eyed teen walked in and threw his guitar on the sofa. Heero smirked to himself, "Well…at least with Maxwell to tease, it won't be boring." Mentally scanning the house to make sure everything was locked and secure, he flung his weary body on the bed and quickly fell asleep. His last thought being, ' What the hell are we going to do tomorrow?'
AN: YAY! First chappie is complete! I now it's short but bear with me! The next one WILL be longer. Trowa seems sooo excited ne? Hmm…I wonder how everyone else is going to act….Well your just gonna haveta find out! Hehe. RR PLEASE! -