AN: Hey everyone! I got this one up a little quicker this time to make up for how long I waited for chap 4. This one's more jumpy like the first ones, but there's still a good part on 1x2. Thanks to ALL my reviewers! -sniffle- You guys ROCK! -hands out cookies- . Alright well, I'm gonna stop now. Here's Chapter 5 of BAD LUCK! Enjoy!
Chapter 5: No Clue
Zechs winced slightly as he heard the scream from upstairs. He shot an amused glance at his room mate, "I think someone's unhappy with the sleeping arrangements." Wufei shook his head, smirking as he watched Heero and Duo fly back down the staircase.
"Uh uh, no way, NOT HAPPENING!" Duo screamed at Une, pointing to his and Heero's room. Heero was looking at Cat as if he was desperately hoping she would somehow turn into a man just so he could punch her.
"It's bad enough we have to share a room…but a BED is out of the question! I'd never get any sleep with that idiot next to me."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean Yuy! You probably snore or drool or something, it's me who wouldn't get any sleep!" Duo growled, turning his glare to the man beside him. Catherine and Une looked completely unfazed by their anger, which only proved to piss the two off even further.
"And YOU!" The braided one pointed at Lady Une, "You KNEW about it didn't you!" She shrugged.
"No I didn't actually. I thought all the rooms had two." She saw Heero open his mouth to speak and cut him off. "And no, you cannot trade rooms. We're not the only one's staying in this hotel, everywhere else is booked. Your just going to have to deal with each other."
Heero glared and she sent one right back. When she didn't sway he turned to walk back to his...their room again. Duo followed reluctantly, to tired to argue anymore, but grumbled under his breath the entire time.
Quatre tilted his head and raised a brow at the retreating figures. In other circumstances he would've felt sorry for Duo, but he still hadn't forgiven him for the whole picture stunt. The guy really DID have Zechs, make t-shirts! Duo had gotten at least 3 before passing them out to everyone else. Quatre huffed indignantly, remembering the looks on everyone's faces. Some friend!
"Hey Quat!" The blond turned and saw Dorothy waving to him.
"Yeah?" He called back curiously. Dorothy grinned and pointed to the other blond beside her.
"Me and 'Lena are gonna go swimming. Do you and bang-boy over there wanna join us?" Quatre sent a questioning look over to Trowa, who shrugged and nodded, before answering.
"Sure! See you back down here in a few minutes!" Running over, he grabbed Trowa's arm and proceeded to drag him to their room vaguely wondering what he whole, 'Lena' thing was about.
Hilde walked up to Zechs and Wufei, Noin trailing behind.
"Alright, so we still going to the arcade Zechs?" She asked the blond as she crossed her arms waiting. He nodded, "Yeah. You comin' Dragon?" He smirked at the Chinese teen, who glared, but nodded.
"Sure…Milly" He smirked right back at the older teen who's face went from shocked to bright red as the two girls started laughing.
"How the hell did you..?" Wufei's smirk got bigger.
"I have my ways." He shrugged. "Besides. You never did ask for Your nickname." He finished, eyes glinting.
Noin wiped a tear from her eye as she and Hilde composed themselves. With a wave to their managers, the four headed out. Zechs, stood where he was for a moment still staring at Wufei in shock. Noin taped her foot in mock impatience.
"C'mon Milly, we're going now!" She laughed as Zechs broke out of his stupor.
"Dammit don't CALL me that!" He flushed again, chasing the other three out of the building.
Cat looked to Une with a raised brow and threw her arm over her head. "I'm to YOUNG to be babysitting teenagers!" She whined pathetically, Une chukled. "Your 28 Cat." The brunette looked outraged and gasped dramatically.
"I am not! I'm 23 years old!" Lady rolled her eyes, as they found their room.
"Don't lie. Besides, you have nothing to worry about. You don't even look 20, yet."
Catherine squeeled with delight and hugged the other woman happily. "Really? Yay! Une, you always know what to say!" She exclaimed making the taller of the two blush.
"Thank you?"
(AN: Haha, Cat's a little crazy and some of 'em are probably OOC, but I don't care I LIKE them this way! )
-Duo and Heero
Duo made his way over to the bed and fell face down on it, completely exhausted. He didn't even bother to change, he could hardly get his shoes off! For some reason, all the yelling had only tired him further. He turned his head slightly to see Heero walk into the bathroom and slam the door shut, the sound of the shower running could be heard a moment later.
"Yeah well, I'm not exactly happy about it either buddy." He half-sneered, eyes slipping shut. With one long, loud yawn, Duo was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow again.
1x2x1x2x1x2x1x2-An Hour Later…
Heero finally stepped out of the bathroom, a fluffy blue towel wrapped snug around his thin waist. His hand searched for the bedroom light then unconsciously stopped as he noticed that someone was asleep. He contemplated turning it on just to spite the idiot, but decided against it and started to pull his sleepwear out of one of his bags.
When he was dressed, Heero cast another look at the sleeping body. Duo's hair had fallen out of it's tie and was cascading behind him in waves. His body was turned facing Heero, a serene smile lighting up his heart shaped face. It wasn't dark yet, but the sun was just setting, casting a variety of colors through their window surrounding the other in an almost ethereal light.
'Beautiful…' Heero thought suddenly, not noticing that he was starting to get closer to his Shadow. Almost as if moving on it's own, his hand began to reach out to the other. It brushed lightly against the other teens cheek, feeling the soft, flawless skin. The Light Wing leader's eyes widened in realization of what he was doing and he pulled away as if burned. He glared at Duo, as if it was his fault for his bodies strange actions.
"I must be really tired or something…" Heero reasoned, shaking his head in annoyance at both himself and the other boy. He quietly crawled into bed beside Duo, making sure that he was as far away from the Death Wish singer as possible. He proceeded to glare at nothing before finally slipping into unconciousness.
Quatre let out a strangeled cry as someone grabbed his feet and pulled him underwater. He came sputtering up to the surface, fixing an only half serious glare at the culprit.
The guitar player only burst into laughter and swam away, knowing Quatre would follow her. He abandoned the glare and with a his a laugh of his own he dived back down, catching the other blonds feet and pulling her further downward before surfacing. When she followed, he was ready and with a sweep of his arms, pelted her in the face with water. She looked around, glaring at the other three.
"Which one of you did that!" Quatre pointed to Relena and said 'innocently'.
"She did it!" Relena's eyes widened in fear as she Dorothy advanced toward her. With a yelp she took off swimming. "He lies! I didn't-" She was cut off as Dorothy lunged at her, knocking them both underwater.
Quatre was doubled over in laughter, holding his stomach which felt like it was going to burst. Trowa stared in shock from the bleachers at the little blond, not actually believing that he would do something like that. He chuckled lightly, maybe his angel wasn't exactly what he looked like. The brunette blushed. 'Did I just think that AGAIN?' He looked up as he heard Relena calling his name from the pool.
"What?" Relena was waving him over to the pool…sitting on Dorothy's shoulders for a reason that he could not figure out at the time. "Come on in! You said you were gonna come swimming not sit on the side the whole time!" She yelled out the other two nodding in agreement. Trowa blinked and shook his head no. He was content to just watch.
"No I don't think so…I'm ok here."
Quatre and Dorothy looked at each other and nodded. Dorothy smirked at the bass player. "C'mon Trowa! You told Quat, that you'd swim. And besides," she gushed with fake sweetness and pointed to the male blond. "How can you resist a face like that?"
Trowa's brows furrowed in confusion as he gaze wandered back to Quatre. His eyes widened as he saw the synth player with the most cutest pout he'd ever seen. His eyes were wide, teary and chibi-like, his bottom lip sticking out and his hands clasped together in a pleading gesture.
Trowa's mouth dropped open slightly as he stared in shock. Oh, they were evil. He sat up straighter, trying to avoid the look.
An adorable whine followed after a moment, forcing him to look back again. He let out a large sigh and gave in. 'Dammit…'
"Fine, you win." Quatre lost the face immediately and winked at his band mate before swimming over to the edge his Other-half was on. After a few minutes he was getting impatient with the pace the other was going and grabbed his ankles, much like the way Dorothy did to him, and yanked the green-eyed teen into the water.
Trowa came back up and took a few greedy gulps of air, before turning on the blond and shaking his head. "I can't believe you did that." Quatre shrugged, smiling. "What can I say? Me and Zechs are usually Duo's partner's in crime."
Dorothy walked over to the two, Relena still on her shoulders. " Alright Quat, get on bang-boys shoulders."
"Why?" The two males asked together. Relena smiled and clapped her hands.
"We're gonna play chicken!"
"Ha!" Hilde laughed as she and Noin sunk down on the Dance Dance Revolution pads in exhaustion. "I SO won that time!" Wufei raised a brow and pointed to the scoreboard. "No…It appears you've tied this time." The blunette let out a defeated moan and sprawled out on her back. Noin had beaten her at exactly 15 rounds of DDR, excluding the tie. Said winner smirked and took a long drink of her soda. "To bad, maybe next time koneko"
Hilde shot her rival a glare. "I'm gonna kill you one day…if I live through this one anyway." This only had the other girl laughing. She swivled her head and looked over at the guys who were currently arguing over…something, she couldn't quite tell.
Noin stood up and stretched, checking her watch. "Hey, we'd better get going it's almost 9:45." She turned and held out a hand to Hilde who was still on the ground, who took it and hoisted herself up. For some reason she found herself not wanting to let go, but did so anyway ableit reluctantly.
Zechs and Wufei stopped their argument to check the time also, confirming the blunettes' claim. Zechs yawned quietly and slung his arm around Hilde's shoulders, pretending to use her as a walking pillow. "I'm to tired to walk. Carry me Hilde?" he joked, smirking at the small teen who chuckled at swatted at his head. "You wish you idiot."
Wufei crossed his arms, half-glaring at the two. "Since when are you all buddy-buddy?" He asked not able to keep the hint of envy out of his voice much to his displeasure. Zechs turned his smirk to him. "Jealous are we?" He chuckled as the Chinese teen flushed lightly and look away.
"Aw, you know I still love you Dragon." He winked, making the other flush more. Wufei growled, "Bite me, MILLY" His flush dissapeard as the other blanched.
Wufei, Hilde and Noin all burst into untamed laughter at the fuming blond.
-Back to 3x4
"Quatre…I don't think this is a good idea." Trowa whispered, sliding the card in the door and unlocking it. His companion pushed the door open quietly and tip-toed in.
"Duo knew when he did it that I wasn't going to just back down. Besides, he's a hard sleeper, a few clicks from a camera's not gonna wake him up." The brunette shut the door behind him and followed his Shadow. "Yes, but Heero's extremely easy to wake up. Actually I'm surprised he's not beating us now."
Quatre rolled his eyes. "Oh for goodness sake, all we've got to do is move them around a bit, take a few pictures and get out. It's not all that hard." They made their way into the bedroom and stopped in the doorway.
"Or maybe not…" Quatre smirked.
It seemed that Heero had turned over in his sleep and was using Duo like he was a human sized teddy-bear. The violet-eyed singer didn't seem to mind all that much, for he was smiling like there was no tomorrow. Trowa raised a brow and tilted his head. "Well…one less thing for me to do.." He stopped as he heard very disturbing cackle/giggle erupt from the small blond beside him, who was furiously taking pictures of their leaders.
"Quatre…you know your really starting to scare me." The blond stopped for a moment to beam at Trowa.
"I'm going to take that as a compliment." He returned to his picture taking while the other just sighed.
Duo and Heero were in for quite a surprise…
Hehehe! Quatre's and evil little bugger ain't he? Lol, I didn't want to make him girly or anything like some of the other authors are doing. He's a GUY for Shinigami's sake! Well now you've got both Hilde's and Zechs' nicknames. And for all of those who don't know, Koneko means Kitten…well at least I think it does! Haha. SO, review my friends so I'll update faster! Oh! And BTW: I'm not sure what songs I should have them sing! Are what language for that matter. Give me some suggestions in your reviews! Well, hope ya liked this one and like I said before REVIEW!