A/n I wrote this for Jennifer, aka the main character of this story, because she's just kool like that. This is my first Harry Potter Fic, so please, go easy on me. Hope you Guys Like It!

One night stand?

Chapter One: Oh, we met over margaritas.

Jennifer sat on the bar stool, fiddling with her belly button ring, while trying to drown herself in dry martini's. "Bar-hic-tender. sniff Another martini please, on the rocks, and hurry up with it." She wiped another stray tear from her eye, and lt. her mind wander. Her raven black hair was mussed and a few strands fell onto her tear-stained cheeks. Her deep sapphire blue eyes overflowed with tears once again, and she once again downed the martini the bartender provided her. Why did I have to let myself get attached? This won't happen again, I won't let myself attached. She ran her finger along the rim of the glass. Jennifer sighed and deeper into her thoughts, not aware of who walked through the door of the pub.

"Congrats Oliver, nice save today!" Grinned Fred Weasley. The girl on his arm smiled at Oliver.

"Yea Oliver, it was bloody fantastic!" She grinned at him, then at Fred. "You too Fred, you saved your chasers from a couple of close calls." Fred blushed slightly, regained his composure, and one-armed hugged his girl, pulling her closer into his side.

"Thanks Babe, but you're just trying to make me feel better next to Super Keeper over here." He smirked, and ruffled Oliver's hair. Oliver leaned away and batted at Fred's arm playfully.

"Cut it out Weasley, Or I'll send a bludger after you!" Oliver said sarcastically. "not that there's a bludger in the entire Wizarding World that could stop you!" The rest of the quidditch team was around the Pub already, Fred and Oliver had to pick up Shannon, aka Fred's lady friend, which made them late. One of the chasers, Jon Joahanson, Spotted Oliver and rushed over. Jon slung his arm around him, and walked him over to the rest of his buddies.

"Hey Olli, good game today, you saved the game!" Everyone patted the Scottish keeper on the back.. They were referring of course to the game they played that day, against the Chudley Cannons. Oliver had played a shut out game, and so had the other keeper, then the Seeker found the snitch and the game was one. Everyone had given Oliver Credit for keeping the score at zero.

"Hey, Olli, there's a girl at the bar over there, and she seems lonely." Fred said with a suggestive grin. He looked at the figure with long black hair running down her back, leaned over the bar. Oliver was mystified. The girls blue jeans were tighter around the hips and thighs but became loose and baggy around the calves and ankles. She wore All black Etnies, and a navy blue T-shirt. The look on the girl's face though, that's what drew Oliver in. She had unshed tears sparkling in her eyes, her cheeks wet with the ones she couldn't control. Her red lips were quivering in a pout and she was occupied with staring into her wine glass. With out realizing it he was walking over to her, almost in a trance. Oliver twined through the packed pub and sat next to her. She didn't even look up from her martini.

"Hey, Are you OK?" Oliver asked shyly.

"Hey, are you OK?" Jen heard a Scottish accent asked quietly. She didn't look up, assuming that no one would talk to a drunk girl like her. "Hello? Are you deaf? Are you OK?" She heard the voice again, this tie it was full of concern. She looked up this time, and found herself gazing into hazel eyes. "OK, I guess the last statement doesn't count if you heard me" Wood said awkwardly. He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed at his stupid comments.

"I'm, I'm just upset, that's all." She replied meekly, not wanting to tell some stranger her life story. Especially since it was so depressing.


"Hello Eric, how was you're evening?" Jen asked, reaching up and kissing her boyfriend of a year on the lips. Eric drew away from the kiss, and sighed heavily. Jen stared, confused. He had never done that before, not since she'd knew him, not since they started going out. She started to get nervous, not sure where this was going, although deep in her gut she did. Her throat started to close, tears started coming but she kept her composure. "Eric, honey, what's wrong?" She asked calmly, although there was a slight quiver in her voice.

"There is no easy way to say this Jen. I was…. I was Unfaithful. I slept with the sme woman since we got together, and… And I am leaving you to get married to her. I'm so sorry I did this to you Jen. I'm sorry I brought you along for the ride. I'm sorry, but I have to go." Eric turned around and walked out Jen's front door.

Jen never saw him again after that, it was two weeks ago, and she didn't want to. If she did she would surely have a hex or two to share with him. Even though she knew that it wasn't her fault she was still torn up inside wondering what she did wrong, why wasn't she good enough to keep a man happy. She stopped herself before she began to dwell on those thoughts again. She looked back up at Oliver and examined him more thoroughly. He had an oval face, prominant nose, Brownish Hazel eyes. His hair was short and messy. His eyebrows were expressive, his lips were thin, the bottom fuller than the top. Wow, he's got sexy lips. Wait a minute, when you are depressed over a guy, then you aren't supposed to be thinking another man's lips are sexy. Even though, they kind of are. She blushed and Oliver followed suit. Oliver gathered up the courage to brush away one of the stray strands of her glossy black hair from her face. Jen kept her eyes down, refusing to let herself to become smitten with the man. "Thank you for wondering about me. I don't think I caught the name." Jen said, more bravely than she felt.

"I didn't tell you, I'm Oliver Wood. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Jennifer Stranger. Pleased to meet you as well Oliver." Jen replied, and then it hit her. He was Oliver freaking Wood. The hottest quidditch player in the league, and he was kind of hitting on her, only better. He was trying to make her feel better. She giggled like a school girl on the inside, suddenly feeling giddy and forgetting all about her guy issues. "Are you the Oliver Wood of the Shooting Stars Quidditch team? The one that just one the semi-finals of the division championship?"

"Wow, someone knows their quidditch facts now don't you?" Oliver said, amused he had found a girl that didn't scream like a groupie when he met them.

"I'm a fan of your team." She said simply. She flashed him a small smile, as if inviting him to stay and talk.

"So, Jen, where are you from?" Oliver asked, trying to start a conversation.

"I'm an american girl from Pennsylvania. I moved here when I got my letter to Hogwarts. I graduated a few years ago, and I couldn't find a way to leave England, so now I live in the Wizarding Communities in London. It's just so, interesting here, there's always something going on." Jen said.

"That's interesting, an American. That's cool." And hot. Oliver smiled at her and she blushed again. They talked for about a half an hour before Fred and Shannon walked over. Oliver smiled at the pair and introduced them. "Jen, this is Fred Weasley and his Girl Shannon, I told you about them. Fred's a mate of mine. I think you'll like them." Shannon sat down, her jeans hugging her small hips. She was wearing a black "Beatles" Shirt. Her brown hair had a few blonde streaks in it and she wore it in a bob that was to her ears. "Jen, Shannon is an American also, she's from Connecticut." Jen and Shannon exchanged polite smiles, Fred wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Nice to meet a fellow American Jen. What state are you from?" Shannon asked, curious.

"Pennsylvania." Jen said. The four talked casually until it got late. When it hit 2 A.M., the bartender starting shooing people out of the premises. Fred and Shannon left to head back to his hotel room. When Jen paid for her bar tab and started heading out the door after them Oliver caught up with her.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come back to hang out with me at the hotel, I'm sure there will be a couple of after parties there, Fred and Shannon will be there, and I want to show you a good time." Oliver flashed her a charming smile, and Jen's insides melted. She couldn't refuse even if she was the coldest human being on earth.

"I guess I can, I'm not working tomorrow." Jen said.

"Great, c'mon then, let's go!" Oliver grabbed her hand and they walked together out of the pub, laughing and talking all the way back to the hotel.