Hello All!

This, although a short chapter, is setting the scene for this story...which will be a LOT shorter than my previous story "All Year Round" (though I'm considering a mini-sequel to that one!). There doesn't seem to be enough Will and Jack pairings on this site! Also, this is a challenge I took up...So I hope you guys enjoy.

The Challenge: Jack gets an invitation to his high school reunion, and Will volunteers to go with him. What will his old friends say?

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, they belong to the FABULOUS writers of Will and Grace!



Jack wasn't the least bit interested in the magazine that he was anxiously flipping through, seeing as he had just grabbed whichever on was at the top of the pile. He was giving his nervous hands something constructive to do. He relied on the pictures to serve as a distraction from the cement-mixer of troubled thoughts irritating his mind. Feeling that his method of distraction had failed, he tossed the magazine back onto the pile. Readers Digest, ugh! Why didn't I pick a better magazine to pretend to read?

"Jack, honey, you look about as comfortable as Paris Hilton actually in underwear, what happened to you on the weekend?" The hairdresser questioned as he began to comb his client's hair.

Jack actively focused on undoing and redoing the button on the left cuff of his shirt before sighing. "You really don't want to know, Phillippe, and I mean that in the dramatic way a woman in a daytime movie means it. I really don't think that I should disclose it with you."

"That's alri…"

"Will started it." Interrupted Jack. How can I even begin to sum it up?

Phillippe parted Jack's hair, preparing to re-dye it the usual colours. "You mean your extremely hunky best friend?"


"You mean your…best friend?"

"Yes, the one that has always been sickeningly, gaggingly in love with me."

The two men were approached by a tidy young woman clutching a saucer with a cup on it. "Hey Jack! Here, I brought you your tea just the way you like it, with no tea bag this time."

Jack gently collected the cup from the woman's hands."Thank you, Eliza, how could we forget the tea bag fiasco slash drama from last month?"

"Well I suppose you're the first person in here that has an issue againt tea bags because the string reminds them of tampons"

Jack shuddered at the mentioning of the feminine word.

"Eliza dear," Interrupted Phillippe. "Jack here was just about to start telling us about his boy-troubled, loser-in-love weekend!"

The woman's eyes lit up as she anxiously grabbed the closest chair and pulled it over to the congregation. "Ok, shoot, I don't have a client until twelve!"

Jack rolled his eyes and breathed in, preparing to relive what his mind had been attempting to bury.

"Ok, where do I begin? I guess it started with the invite…"

Please review if in the mood!

1st Chapter: Date troubles...