Mmhmm, yet another irrelevant double-drabble. Yayy! Btw I have nothing against 'Sues, they just get annoying sometimes. If you want REAL anti-Sue shorts, look for stuff by Authoressinhiding.
I own nothing.
Writer's Block
Jack paced back and forth in the dark, foreign room. He glanced up again at the glowing screen of what this girl called a 'laptop,' and noticed the words had stopped writing themselves across it, noticed the tappity-tap of fingers on a keyboard had come to a stop. "What happened?" he asked tentatively, coming over to read over her shoulder.
"I can't think of anything else to write."
"This is a story about me, aye?"
"You're not one of those...'MarySue' writers, are ye, luv?"
"Never. I write OC's, but they never get into a romance with a main character."
"Good." Jack wrinkled his nose. "Those 'Sues are treacherous."
"You know, not all MarySues are bad."
"Aye, well you're not the one who has to fall in love with every last one." The girl nodded assent, still staring blankly at the screen. "How about you put in...a big sword fight, a battle to the death in unbeatable odds in which I miraculously come outas the victor? Maybe a bit of a fist fight," he paused to act out a bit of one. "Aye, that would do nicely. And maybe a bit of a mythical adventure, like yet another deadly encounter with the kraken, eh?"
"No, you have more than enough adventure in here—check it. Three battles with the squid, five sword fights with enemies, two with friends, and four physical fights. It needs a bit more romance. Like a bit of you and Ana." Jack blinked. "Yes, yes. Some of that, even just you playing the hopeless romantic. Yes." Her fingers began to fly over the keyboard once again. "'His eyes glinted with a little more than a captain's fondness, and he placed an arm casually around her shoulders. Moments later, the echoes of a slap could be heardon the other side oftown.'" The pirate groaned. "Don't worry, you'll get her in the end. She likes your smile."
Jack blinked again before smirking. Maybe all fic-writers weren't so bad after long as they didn't end up getting writer's block and start writing very desperate attempts at additions to the plot...