Wowzer, another drabblex in the same night! I'm on a roll! R&R, I own nothing. Darn mouse.
Sea Rat
Sea rat. He'd been called that more times than he could remember. It had once irritated him, that insults would be thrown at him because of his position. But now, he took it as a compliment. Because he was one of the sea's disciples now, and the sea was all he needed.
Just a young boy. Cabin boy. Deck swabber. And already making a name for himself. Sea rat. He would make them see. He would make them all see. But how?
He recalled the legendary sailors they sang of in taverns. That's it! He'd sink himself deep within legend. So deep, no one would know what was true and what wasn't. So deep, no one would ever remember him as a sea rat, but rather as one of the greatest sea men that ever sailed the briny deep.
That was when it all had really started.