Summary: The shell was shaped strangely, and was sharp along the edges. I'd always assumed that was the reason Mother never let me touch it. A VERY TWISTED RETELLING OF THE LITTLE MERMAID. SIRENNI ALWAYS KNEW SHE WAS DIFFERENT, BUT JUST HOW DIFFERENT IS SHE?


White Shell
A Retelling of the Little Mermaid


The water swirling in mass curlicues around the rocks sparkled with sea foam as the mist rose in clouds, surprisingly thick for such a cool day. Someone had once said that to truly understand the ocean, you must first understand the world above it. Whoever they were hadn't met the child that leapt about in the waves this very instant, short black hair clinging to her neck and ears, the salty sting of the water delighting her in ways that no one else could ever understand.

Wide eyes, doe-like but for that they were the color of the pale early morning sky, closed with rapture for a moment as she disappeared beneath the weight of a particularly heavy wave. Wait – was that a flash of scale, where the child had just been…no, no, impossible, for here she rose again. Scaleless….



Okay, the third in my Fairytale Retellings series. Fun. Review, please.