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Loving Lucy: Chapter 1
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Lucy Scott shivered as all eyes where upon her. Today was her first day at Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry and she was being sorted into a house.
While most of the people starting at this school where around 11 and 12, she was not. Lucy was 16 and transferring from a school in North America.
She sat on the stool, flicking back a strand of her long, dark hair, and a teacher, that appeared to have a stick stuck up her bum, placed a patched up old hat on her head.
What kind of cruel trick was this? She wondered. Sitting nervous students in front of the entire school.
Suddenly she heard a voice in her ear and she realized that the hat was talking to her. "Hmm now, you don't look like a first year." it said.
Her eyes widened. "I'm not." she said quietly. "Ho hum, where to put you, where to put you..." it sang, either not hearing or not caring what she had said.
"Very loyal, you are, aren't you? Intelligent...Hmm.." it continued, then it yelled out for the crowd to hear: "Gryfindor!"
Nervously, she took the hat off her head and put it on the stool, then stumbled down to the tables.
She knew which one to go to only because she had watched the kids who had been sorted before her.
Every one was clapping and whooping for her as she approached and she took a seat beside a girl with dark red hair and green eyes.
"Hey, I'm Lily." the girl said. "I'm Lucy." she replied as the rest of the new students got sorted. "You don't look like a first year." Lily joked. "No, I'm sixteen, I kind of, well. I transferred." she said.
Suddenly, Dumbledore rose and everybody in the hall fell silent. She knew him, he was the reason she was here. She had been expelled from her last school and he was the only one who would take her.
"Now then." he said, clearing his throat. "For our newest students: welcome. For our returning students: welcome back. " he started.
"Now, our caretaker, Mr. Canton, has asked me to inform you that the forbidden forest is, as always, forbidden and anyone wishing to throw things at the giant squid are to do so at there own risk. Any students with harmful Zonko's products, you have been warned. For a complete list of banned substances, there is a list posted on Mr. Canton's office door.
"Now, before we indulge in our wonderful feast, I would like you all to join me in singing our school song."
Before Lucy knew what was going on everybody had started to sing, with the exceptions of a few first years.
"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, hoggy warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something please,
Whether we be old and bald,
Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling,
With some interesting stuff,
For now they're bare and full of air,
Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing,
Bring back what we've forgot,
Just do your best, we'll do the rest,
And learn until our brains all rot."
Lucy looked around awkwardly, as everyone started to clap and Dumbledore sat down.
Food appeared out of nowhere on the golden plates that sat in front of everybody and Lucy, still slightly shocked at the outbreak into song, started to pick through hers.
She glanced up the table, feeling as though some one was watching her. She was right, about half way up the table a boy with black hair and gray eyes was staring right at her. She stared blankly at him for a few moments until he winked at her and turned back to his meal.
Feeling a bit ridiculous she turned back to hers as well.
"Who's that?" she asked, turning to Lily. Lily scanned the table then said. "The boy with the long hair?" she asked. Lucy nodded, glancing back at him.
"Thats Sirius Black." Lily said, turning back to her meal. Lucy sensed a certain tone in Lily's voice, a tone that said that that boy was an idiot.
Lucy turned back to her meal and picked through any meat to the mashed potatoes, she was a vegan, which meant that she didn't eat any animal products.
Even though she was slightly preoccupied with eating, she couldn't get that boy off her mind. He was really cute, no, not cute, amazingly fine. Yes, that was it.
After she finished eating Lily offered to show her to the Gryfindor tower, so she wouldn't have to go with the first years.
They made there way up to the seventh floor corridor, talking all the way. Finally they came to stop in front of a portrait of a, rather rotund, lady in a pink dress.
"Codswallop." Lily said as they approached it.
The portrait swung forward, reveling a hole in the walls. The climbed through to find a comfy looking common room with overstuffed sofa's and a roaring fireplace.
"Wow..." Lucy breathed, pausing for a moment to take it all in. Staircases led to what she assumed was the dormitories and tapestries hung on the stone walls.
"Common." Lily said "I'll introduce you to everybody." and Lucy followed her over to a table in the corner where a small group of people had gathered.
"This is Julia Thomas -she motioned to a olive skinned girl with brown eyes and many long, dark braids- this is Brianna Ollivander- she pointed to a pale girl with blue eyes and blond hair- and there are a few other, where are they?" Lily looked around the room, searching for her friends.
"Anyways, this is Lucy Scott." Lily said, putting a hand on Lucy's shoulder. They said there 'hellos' and then started to chat about who came back to school and who didn't.
Lucy didn't really know what they where saying so she just peered around the room at the people who where getting to know each other and such, hoping to see that Sirius boy. She couldn't stop thinking about him.
"So..." Lily started, bringing her back into the conversation "Where did you transfer from?"
"My last school was the Salem Witches Institute and before that was the Toronto Academy for Witches and Wizards and ... well, the list goes on..." Lucy said, hoping they wouldn't judge her strictly by that.
"My cousin goes to the Salem Witches Institute, she says its really nice." a girl with medium colored hair and freckles said, coming up behind them.
"Oh, this is Bridget Acherly." Lily said, moving aside to let her into the circle. "Where where you?" Julia asked.
"Caught up with James Potter." she said, smiling mischievously. "You might have seen him." she said, turning to Lucy "Short black hair, hazel eyes."
Lucy tried to think back, boys, boys, boys ... black hair ... hazel eyes... "Nope." she said, all she could think of was Sirius Black.
The girl just continued to smile, Lucy knew that smile all too well. It was the smile you give when you just made out with a nice looking guy and you didn't want to actually go through all the trouble of saying it out loud. Lucy knew, she had used it many times in the past.
Then she noticed that Lily seemed to have shrunken back slightly and she was able to piece together why.
"I'm going to bed." Lily said suddenly, standing up. "I think I'll go to, long trip." Lucy said, not wanting to listen to the group talk about things she didn't know any longer.
She followed Lily up a staircase and into the girls dormitories. She found the bed closest to the window had all of her clothes on it, so she took that one.
Lily found her clothes on the bed next to that and they both took turns, changing in the bathroom and then getting into their beds.
"So, you like that Potter guy?" she asked after a few minutes. She saw Lily sit up on the next bed and look around, making sure the room was empty. "Maybe." she replied.
Lucy smiled, she knew what that meant. "So, why aren't you with him?" she asked. There was a pause before Lily said: "I don't know, thats what people would expect. And besides, Bridget is my friend, I can't just steal her boyfriend."
"Mmmm." Lucy agreed.
There was a pause and she knew that Lily wasn't sleeping but thinking, and in Lucy's books, thinking wasn't a good thing.
"What is there to do around here?" she asked. "I could show you around the school? It isn't curfew until nine." Lily repled.
Lucy thought for a moment, not exactly what she was thinking, which involved a lot of guys, but it was better that doing nothing.
"OK, lets go."
Wandering around the school wasn't exactly as fun as Lucy would have thought. As they rounded a corner she heard footsteps and focused down the corridor.
"Oh great." Lily moaned. "The marauders."
Lucy raised her eyebrows. "The who?" she asked. "James Potter, Sirius Black, Petter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin." she replied.
Lucy started to walk forward. "Where are you going?" Lily asked from behind her. "To see what there up to." she replied.
Lily grabbed her elbow. "Trust me, you don't want to, there ring leader is James Potter, he's arrogant and cruel and big headed and ... if he where the only other person in Britain, I would move." she said.
"OK, fine. Wanna go back then?" Lucy asked. "OK." Lily sighed, relieved.
They started to talk and as they rounded a corner Lucy felt herself smash into something and she stumbled backwards.
Strong hands closed around her shoulders before she fell and when she opened her eyes she found none other than Sirius Black.
He quickly let go of her and ran his fingers though his hair. "Are you OK?" he asked. All Lucy found herself able to do was nod smile stupidly.
Beside them Lily had her arms folded across her chest as she stared daggers at the black haired, hazel eyed man she assumed was James Potter.
"See boys, I told you, girls every where are falling for me." he joked. Lily had apparently bumped into him the same way she had collided with Sirius Black.
"Well, I bet if you watched were you where going there would be fewer girls with broken limbs." Lily snapped.
"Oh, Evans, we all know you enjoyed it." he retorted.
"I know you did James, its not my fault you get pleasure out of pressing up against unsuspecting girls." Lily said calmly, cocking her head to one side.
"Oh, sure, pin it all on me. Your like a serial bumper, you are." James said, taking a step forward.
"Serial bumper? That must have took you a whole three days to come up with. Congrats." Lily said, taking a step forward and looking up at James angrily.
They glared at each other for a few minutes until Lily turned on her heel, causing her hair to flick back in James' face.
"Don't wanna miss curfew!" James taunted, although he didn't seem all to big headed now for some reason.
Then she stormed off and Lucy decided it best to follow her.
By the time they reached the portrait hole Lily was in a right state, clicking her tongue every few seconds and running her fingers through her hair.
"Well, he seemed nice." Lucy said as they came in the portrait hole. Lily scoffed and kept walking, all the way up to the girls dormitories, past her friends and onto her bed.
Lucy took a seat on her bed, she didn't know what to do to help her new friend. "To tell you the truth he seemed like a bit of a jerk" she said, trying to cheer her up.
"He is more than a jerk, he is a pompous, pig who, who, who... is a big jerk. A big, wet jerk." Lily said.
Lucy had to laugh, Lily was obviously infatuated with that boy. She had to admit, he was cute as in your-only-friends-crush kind of cute.
By around 11 all the girls had wondered into bed and fallen asleep but Lucy's light green eyes where still wide open. She couldn't sleep. She couldn't get over him, the way his hands had felt against her arms.
She was known to go through boys as fast as a swinging door. It wasn't her fault she fell in and out of love as many times as she changed her socks.
But this guy... he was so ... intoxicating.