Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Dick and Jane, or anything else for that matter...

See the Dursleys.

See the Dursleys be stupid.

No one likes you, Dursleys. No one likes you.

See Dumbledore.

See Dumbledore give plot set-up.

Set-up, Dumbledore. Set-up.

See Baby Harry.

See Baby Harry sleep.

Sucks to be you, Baby Harry. Sucks to be you.

See Dudley and Harry.

See Dudley and Harry go to the zoo.

Watch out , Dudley! Watch out!

See Harry.

See mysterious things happen to Harry.

Be confused, Harry. Be confused.

See the owls.

See the owls deliver letters.

Deliver, owls. Deliver.

See Mr. Dursley.

See Mr. Dursley flip out.

Ha-ha, Mr. Dursley! Ha-ha!

See Harry.

See Harry sleep on the floor.

Sorry, Harry. Sorry.

See Hagrid.

See Hagrid kill a door.

Nice job, Hagrid. Nice job.

See Harry.

See Hagrid tell Harry he's a wizard.

Cool, Harry. Cool.

See Harry.

See Harry see Diagon Alley.

Ooooo, Harry. Ooooo.

See Hagrid.

See Hagrid get a mystery package.

Shhh, Harry. Shhh!

See Draco.

See Draco be mean.

Evil, Draco. Evil.

See Mr. Ollivander.

See Mr. Ollivander be all cryptic and weird about Harry's wand.

Scary, Mr. Ollivander, Scary!

See Harry and Ron.

See Harry and Ron going to school.

Woohoo, Harry and Ron. Woohoo!

See Hermione and Neville.

See Hermione and Neville get real introductions.

Sorry, Dean and Seamus. Sorry.

See the Sorting Hat.

See the Sorting Hat read children's minds.

Creepy Sorting Hat. Creepy.

See Snape.

See Snape hate children.

Look out, Harry. Look out.

See Harry.

See Harry meet a three-headed dog.

Dumb, Harry. Dumb.

See Professor McGonigall.

See Professor McGonigall reward Harry for disobeying rules.

Quidditch, Harry! Quidditch!

See the Troll.

See the Troll try to crush Hermione.

Bad Troll! Bad!

See the Snitch.

See Harry Catch the Snitch.

Good job, Harry. Good job.

See the Mirror of Erised.

See Harry turn into a mirror junkie.

Get over it Harry. Get over it.

See Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

See Harry, Ron, and Hermione do some snooping.

Snoop, guys. Snoop.

See Norbert.

See Norbert breath fire.

You have a wooden house, Hagrid. You have a wooden house.

See the Forbidden Forest.

See the kids go in the Forbidden Forest.

Uh-oh, kids. Uh-oh.

See the unicorn.

See the unicorn lie very still and leak important fluids.

You're dead, unicorn. You're dead.

See Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

See Harry, Ron, and Hermione read about the Sorcerer's Stone.

Smart, guys. Smart.

See Snape.

See Harry, Ron, and Hermione be suspicious of Snape.

Act suspiciously, Snape. Act suspiciously.

See the trap door.

See Harry, Ron, and Hermione go through the trapdoor.

Sleep, Fluffy. Sleep.

See Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

See Harry, Ron, and Hermione do three tasks perfectly suited to their abilities.

Come on, JK. Come on.

See the plot device-I mean mirror.

See Harry get the Stone from the mirror.

Nice job, Harry. Nice job.

See Quirrel.

See Quirrel be the bad guy.

Sorry, Snape. Sorry.

See Lord Voldemort.

See Lord Voldemort stuck on the back of Quirrel's head.

Ha-ha, Voldie. Ha-ha!

See Harry.

See Harry use his magic skin to defeat Voldemort.

Don't die, Harry. Don't die.

See Dumbledore.

See Dumbledore explain more stuff.

Explain Dumbledore. Explain.

See Neville.

See Neville 'win' the House Cup for Gryffindor.

Hooray, Neville! Hooray!

See the fanfic.

See the reader read the fanfic.

Review, reader. Review!