Kittycutie, Evelyn Lucia, Paula79, zoi, jabarber69, athenakitty, MarauderinglyMagical, eternaliris, Loonytunes, momocolady, Touch of the Wind, Ddwellings, weirdo-onzstreet-ya, Kaydeek, Hazel Maraa, ChipmonkOnSpeed, TheSlytherianMuggle, hermione1208, Mistress of Eternal Night, ladyBlue Wolf, Aqua Mage, FluffySmarts, flower123, Sheba, solana, Persephone of Peridot, Amarthiel, Akira Stridder, JerseyPike, KikiLala, Draco's Advocate, high lord mage, Obsidian-Dragon-Phoenix, Bleudiablo, Lady Erinyes, enchantedlight, Live2sk8, animewolfgurl, Melpomene Terpsichore, Fansyfree, Anna Evans, Bukama Stealth, goddessa39, Rain Seaker, JediBorme, GoofBall44306, bandgsecurtiyaw, Swirling Bloom, Myrddin Ambrose, Bluebear13, Catri Howlman-Carthaki spy, alwaysariyana, Lucy Nikolaievich Derzhavin, Purebloodgodess, genogoth, Anaid, Snuffles is my idol, poke-me-i'm-strange, me, smileenov, Vincent, ima witch, and Princess Prongs
This is the only one of these I'm doing, lol. If i left you out I'm sorry, I haven't checked my reviews yet.
Finally Anti Thule for allowing me to adopt this fic,
IMPORTANT Also, i accidentally left out a part on Lily's P.O.V, last chappie, so here it is...
He now no longer wore the eye patch that James and i forced upon him. Now along with a blue eye, he had a green one,not like my own, but the color of magic. I shuddered as it poured into my soul.
There you go,
"Welcome to the Vatican Order of Witchcraft, My name is Sir Isaac." A Cloaked figure said, he stood in front of the sea of cloak children. They all remained silent, but their stances told Harry they were all as nervous as he was.
"Here at the Vatican, One of our strictest rules is to keep your faces covered at all times, you may not look upon a professor or the opposite sex' members face. When in the towers, there and only there is your head to be un hooded. As many of you know, The Vatican is a very religious facility. We ask that if you do not believe in the Roman Catholic belief, to remain in your tower one the sabbath day, which is Wednesday."
Sir Isaac led them to a hall which consisted of many rows of vertical, square table. One side of the hall was devoted to the male population, the other was female. In the acceptance letter, came a pamphlet of rules which told that male and female interaction was prohibited with extremes, unless it was a student/teacher interaction.
Sir Isaac pointed for the boys to head to the left, girls to the right, and strode to a larger table, which Harry guessed consisted of the teachers,as they were all bigger then the students.
Harry sat down and house elf's' began to shuffle about, pushing carts which were filled with different foods, setting them on the table as they went. It was all rather foreign, but good.
The boys next to him started a whispered conversation on blood lines. "I'm a pure blood, my surname is Swelty, Aidan Swelty." the Figure diagonal from Harry whispered. Harry had heard of the Swelty family, they were very loyal to the light and their family went back generations.
"I come from a non magical family." Said the boy next to him, "My name is Hunter, Hunter Volly. My family was shocked to death when I got my letter. Mind you, my uncle's a pastor, so I was considered evil 'round him." The boys chuckled silently at this. "Course, my mum went ballistic when he told her that, but it was fun all the same." Harry chuckled at that, muggles were so stupid sometimes.
"I'm Daniel Poth, My father is a wizard, my mother is a muggle."
"Nathan Tucker, pure blood"
"A you." Aidan whispered to Harry, "Whats your name?"
"Harry Lupin."
Gasps were heard from around him, "No-Not Harry Lupin, formerly Harry Potter?" Aidan asked in awe.
"You will not know me by that name if you value your life." Harry stated coldly. Aidan just hpmh'd and asked, "Is that a threat, mate?"
Harry nodded, "Call me Potter Once more and it will be."
Harry knew it wasn't a good idea to make enemies so early in the year, but no one would get away with calling him by his former last name. They would have to learn.
"Listen, Harry..Lupin isn't it? Listen He was just asking. Don't worry no one will call you that, will they?"Daniel said, his head turned to the other boys and Harry was happy to note they all nodded, Aidan bowed his head, but didn't nod. That was fine with Harry.
The next morning at breakfast, a hooded figure moved along each table handing out schedules. Harry took his and continued to eat while reading it.
Harry J. Lupin, Class Schedule.
Monday/Friday: 9:00 A.M- Potions- 11:00 A.M
11 :00 A.M- Transfiguration- 1:00 P.M
1:00 P.M – LUNCH- 2:00 P.M
2:00 P.M- Charms -4:00 P.M
Tuesday/Thursday: 9:00 A.M- Herbology- 11:00 A.M
11:00 A.M- History of Magic- 1:00 P.M
1:00 P.M - Lunch-2:00 P.M
Free Period
12:00 A.M- Astromey- 2:00 A.M
Wednesday (SABBATH) : 9:00 A.M- Defense Against the Dark Arts- 1:00 P.M
1:00 P.M- LUNCH- 2:00 P.M
2:00 P.M- Ritual Magic- 6:00 P.M
7:00 P.M- Bapstium- 9:00 P.M
Harry wasn't too sure about attending the Bapstium, but decided to not dwell on it and stood up to head to his first class of the day. Harry started to make his way to the doors, when someone tapped his shoulder.
"Hey Harry, want to walk to class together?" It was Daniel, His head was lifted so Harry could see his face. Harry shrugged, and continued walking.
"So, whose your Quiddtich team?" Daniel asked, trying to make light conversation, Harry sighed and shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't want to make friends, it was just that being the brother of the boy-who-lived, he didn't get many opportunities too. That being the case, he really didn't know how.
Harry looked at the boy next to him and studied his confident expression, then shook his head again. What the hell, he might as well try.
"I'm a fan of the Asoebere's ."
"Really. Wow, not many people are, you sound brave." Daniel's voice had a tone of amused sarcasm to it, but Harry knew he was joking, so he smiled to the boy.
"Come on, we're going to be late if we don't hurry." Harry stated, checking his watch. The hall they were in held four great oak doors. One lead to classes, such as Transfiguration, Potions, etc,One lead to the hall they had just emerged from, and others were being too, The third one was the chapel where the baptism took place, and the fourth was the doors leading outside.
They made their way down the hall, before coming to a door marked by a cauldron, and walked inside. The classroom was dark and big, black cauldrons stood in two rows of five with tables next to them. Harry and Daniel went and stood by the cauldrons in the front row, waiting for the teachers and the rest of the class to arrive.
"So, can I ask you a question?" Daniel asked, nervousness evident in his voice. Harry turned his hooded head towards the other boy and nodded, refusing to relax.
"Whats your wand core?" Harry raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to the right, to convey his confusion and disbelieve of the question. "What?" Daniel asked.
"Why would you want to know that?" Harry asked.
"Oh, it's just that I studying different wands, and magic, cores and how they make a wizard tick. For example, did you know that since the wand chooses the wizard, then however strong the core actually is, and its strengths, the wizards magic will play off of it. If the core is, say...A unicorn hair, then that person will be skilled in healing and white magic, since Unicorns are such pure creatures?"
Harry didn't know that, but thought it made sense. "Phoenix tail feather." He told Daniel as people had begun to file in the classroom and murmur softly to each other.
When all the students had entered and stationed themselves around cauldrons, a taller hooded figure entered and closed the door behind, him or her.
"Hello," Came a deep croaky voice. " My name is Sir. Ingle. You will need to fill your cauldron half way for the potions we're working on. Its called the Boils Burt, which will heal any minor boil or bump you get. Supplies are over there." He said pointing to a cupboard to the right. "Get started."
Harry walked over to a row of sinks that lined the opposite wall, carrying an endless bottom pot, and filled it for 30 seconds, like the book had stated. He then went to the cupboard and pulled out a jar of lacefly wings, jellied toadstool, crushed rosebud, bubblerforn shedding, and lycararian petals, and head back to his cauldron, setting his stuff on the table and began reading off instructions form the text.
Harry began to crush up the wings and add it with the powered rosebuds, when he felt someone eying him, making him squirm uncomfortably. Looking up, he noticed Sir Ingle's head directed towards him, his chest falling up and down in a rapid breathing pattern.
The mans head jerked and he lowered it so his eyes were on the book in front of him, his breathing back to normal.
An hour and a half later, Harry began to clean up. "When you are finished, tap the cauldron with your wand stated Relivous. This is a preservation charm, until I get around to checking your potions, You may go." Sir Ingle said, and people began to pack and file out in silence. Harry just looked at him, before he began to pack up and headed out the door with Daniel.
Authors Notes: Hello people I know its been forever since I last update and I'm terribly sorry for that. School just started up and I'm trying to keep up with that and work and family. So Please don't come after my with torches. Also, not that many people did, but if you read my story, Harry Potter and the anti-chirst, I just wanna let you know, I deleted it and will be revising the entire thing.
Also, with Disturbance in Time, I have a huge writer block for this one, but I'll try to update soon