Weeeelll here's chapter 2 - please let me know what you think...can't really write very long chapters at the minute. Sorry :)
Disclaimer: I own nothing, nada, nada, nada.
Dean sprang out of bed and grabbed his wand first, and was joined by the other boys seconds later.
Harry was completely white and shaking.
"Harry, what's wrong?" asked Dean, handing him his glasses, "Was it a nightmare?"
Harry nodded, "P-p-professor McGonagall….arghhhh" Not being able to say the words he pointed a finger at his lips.
"WHAT! She kissed you!"
Neville gave him a hug, "It's OK Harry," he soothed, "It was only a dream."
"Yeah, don't worry man, if she tried it with you then we'd all stop her. Especially Ron"
"Heh. Thanks guys," grinned Harry, "Uh speaking of Ron – where is he?"
The three boys around Harry's bed parted like the Red Sea to show a sleeping, mumbling redhead lying in the bed across from Harry. Ron was muttering to someone. Curious, Harry clambered out from under the sheets and went over to his friend.
"Hey Seamus, listen to this," he whispered.
"Mmmm…ironing. Ohhhhh ironing."
"What the hell!.." started Seamus, " I knew that boy was nuts…I mean, a passion for wizarding chess, a rat named Scabbers, an obsession with the Chudley Cannons and now a fetish for housework." He continued, shaking his head.
Harry gasped.
"What?" said Seamus, " I know he's your friend, but come on…"
"No not that – he doesn't have a fetish for housework. Listen harder." Harry beckoned Dean.
"Oh my gawwwwd!" giggled Dean, "He's saying HER-MIONE!"
"Shut up!" hissed Harry.
But it was too late. Ron awoke with a jolt.
"What are you doing?" he squeaked, scanning the three guilty faces surrounding his bed.
"Nothing," they chorused in unison. Ron eyes them all suspiciously, especially Harry who was trying to back away nonchalantly. Unfortunately for Harry, his heel hit something on the ground, which toppled him onto the floor with a loud thud. Ron peered over the side of the bed to see a rumpled Harry rubbing his foot and cursing a sleeping Neville, who lay sprawled across the floor.
This was going to be a long night.
By 5am the boys had given up all hope of getting back to sleep. For different reasons of course: Ron didn't trust any of them and quite understandably wasn't going to risk his chances by dropping off. Harry didn't want to go back to sleep in case he met Professor McGonagall in his dreams again. Neville was fed up with the bruises he'd obtained from tossing and turning in his bed. Seamus had just realized he hadn't done his Potions homework and was sitting on the floor scribbling furiously, and Dean just couldn't get back to sleep. To make matters worse he could hear Lee Jordan and a couple of other Gryffindors singing rude songs in the dormitory next door. He wouldn't have minded, but really, none of them had what you would call great singing voices. Sighing to him himself, he got up and looked at Harry's watch. Oh well, only another 3 hours 'til breakfast.