A/N: I should probably be working on my James/Lilly fic, but I thought that I could use a small break to write this one shot that's been stuck in my head.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything Harry Potter.
Hermione cherished every moment she got to share with Ron these days. Sure it was only a few moments here or there, but it was all she saw of him lately.
It had started off slowly, once or twice a week maybe. Then it became almost every night, once everyone else had gone to bed. They would sit together and talk mostly. Hold hands while finishing a paper last minute or just sit and stare at the fireplaces' diminishing embers.
Then every once in a while he would kiss her; leaving her breathless. Nowadays each meeting became more heated. There was less talking and more snogging. Not only was their time shared increasing in heat; but the meetings were becoming more frequent.
Almost every night once the other Gryffindors had gone to bed wasn't enough. They met during breaks in the Room of Requirement, and in the library when she was done with her homework. She knew that she shouldn't be doing it. She should concentrate on schoolwork and Harry's mysterious book, but she found herself really not caring. Her grades weren't slipping and she could still focus during lessons, but she wasn't sure how long that would last.
She was becoming addicted, no matter how much she denied it. She was addicted to his blue eyes and the way the back of his hair would stick up after she'd ran her fingers through it. His fringe always fell in his eyes, and she loved to push it back and see his heavy eyelids fall shut before he continued to kiss her.
She always wanted more after each time they met, even though she knew she shouldn't. Even Prefect duties were nearing the danger point. She was always tempted to enter an empty classroom, but she'd stop herself each time. How much longer until rounds weren't even a safe time?
No one knew about their meetings. Not even Harry. Although Harry was busy with his own things these days. Still, Hermione had always been able to tell him everything, save the Time Turner in third year. It just didn't feel right to tell him about this though. Somehow it would just be too awkward.
Even Ginny didn't know. Hermione had always been able to confide in Ginny, and vice versa. But Ron was her brother and Hermione feared that Ginny would find the whole thing a little odd.
So Hermione kept quiet about it. She knew that Ron wasn't going to tell anyone, so it was simply their little secret. It was fun; sneaking off to enjoy a little Ron-time.
Currently Hermione was making her way back to her dormitory after another snog in the library. She'd always loved the library and this past meeting had bumped it up yet another spot on her 'Favorite Places in Hogwarts' list.
She had a few minutes before dinner, so she was taking her things back to her room. With any luck Lavender would already be heading to the Great Hall; she didn't want anything to ruin her euphoric state.
She gave the Fat Lady the password and stepped through the Portrait Hole. The Common Room was clearing out as everyone started heading for the Great Hall. Hermione fought through the queue to the girls' staircase and hurried to her room.
When she opened the door to her room she noticed two things. Firstly, it was completely empty. Secondly, there was a large basket, with an even larger red bow, on her bed. She immediately recognized it as a Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes' delivery basket. She had received one just like it earlier that year.
She walked over to her bed, setting her bag down at the foot. She examined the basket and saw that everything was there. She then noticed an envelope with her name on it next to the money pouch she had sent with her owl order.
She picked up the letter and opened it with her nail. Glancing at the signatures she saw that it was definitely from the Weasley twins.
She read over it quickly.
Dearest Hermione,
Thank you for your generous order to Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes. However we regret to inform you that you have been caught. You have sent us this same order form once before and as proud as we are that you claimed to be selling these to the other ladies of Hogwarts, we know that you would never do something as low as us common rule breakers.
Besides Ginny has informed us that very few girls have ordered this particular product; not to worry though, your secret shall die with us.
Because of the size of your order, we also feel that we cannot accept your payment. You are practically family, (hopefully someday you will be family) and it would not feel right to accept such a large amount. However we know that you would not feel right taking these products for nothing. Therefore we have graciously taken half of the gold you sent us, and the other half you will find in the returned money pouch.
Forever Yours,
Gred and Forge
(Mischief Makers Circa 1978)
P.S. We also had the discomfort, er...pleasure of hearing of dear Ronniekins' new "girlfriend". IF this has ANY connection to your orders we are here to tell you that our dear baby brother is a git. However he is our git. You just have to give him some time to come around. He'll notice soon enough. Sweet daydreams!
Hermione set the letter down and reached into large pile of Patented Daydream Charms. She pulled out the money pouch and tipped it over onto her scarlet bedspread. She counted the gold and was surprised to see how much she had been willing to pay. And that was only half. But she knew it was worth it.
She was just placing the money back in the pouch when she heard someone coming up the stairs outside her door. She quickly shrunk the basket and placed it and the pouch in her trunk. She stood up as the door swung open and Lavender entered the room. Ignoring Hermione, she walked over to the mirror and reapplied her lip gloss.
No doubt Ron was in his room removing her first coat from his own mouth. Just as silently she left the room, a smile plastered on her face.
Hermione fell onto her bed with a sigh as the door closed once again. She blinked back the fresh set of tears forming in her eyes and swallowed the lump in her throat. She crawled to the foot of her bed and opened her trunk, reaching past the small library for one of the Daydream Charms. She'd be a little late for dinner tonight.
A/N: Hopefully not all of you saw that coming. I was trying a little plot twist. So to tell me how I did all you have to do is push that little review button. Cheers!