Hey all! This is short, but I like it. I'll update again as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Chapter 13: Fight!

Starla's head whipped around from the force of the slap. She turned to look at Ginny again and yelled, "You bitch!" And she then lunged at Ginny, trying to scratch her and knock her over. Ginny fought back, pulling her hair and yelling.

Harry and Hermione came running over to the fight, and Harry and Ron pulled the two girls off each other. Ron held Starla back by the shoulders and Harry held Ginny back the same way.

"You're such a whore, Starla! I hope you don't give any innocent guy herpes!" Ginny snarled trying to get out of the iron grip Harry had her in.

"At least I don't start a fight with a girl just because she kissed my boyfriend, you controlling cow!" By now a crowd of people had gathered and the band had stopped playing. The insults were flying fast.

"At least I know how to put make-up on, you ugly pig!" Ginny shrieked.

"At least I'm not a fat slob!" Starla yelled, a big, ugly, red handprint blossoming on her cheek.

"At least I didn't have a bad nose job and an even worse boob job!" Ginny shot back.

Starla gasped. "You take that back!"

Ginny smirked triumphantly at her. "I shouldn't lie."

As Ginny said this, Starla broke free from Ron's grasp and she straightened her dress and her hair and said, "I'll have you know, I'm too much of a lady to continue this. I am dismissing you."

Ginny raised her eyebrows at her. "Well, that's just amazing for you. Dismiss away."

Starla huffed, turned on her heal and left the beach.

Before she left however, Ginny got the last word. She called after her, "Get your roots done!"

She saw Starla's back stiffen, but she kept on walking. Ginny turned to the crowd and said, "Show's over! Continue on!"

Hermione looked at Ginny and said, "I can't believe that just happened."

"Yeah, well, believe it," Ginny turned back to the coat pile. "I'm going to go take a walk or something." She pulled her coat on and headed towards the beach, intending to walk along it.

She moseyed along, thinking about what she heard. If felt so good to finally know that he hadn't betrayed her, and she could allow herself to love him again. A few minutes later, she felt someone's presence behind her.

"Hey," Harry said, falling into step with her.

"Hi," Ginny responded, giving him a sideways look. He was so handsome. She loved the way his hair wouldn't lay flat; she loved his impossibly green eyes…everything about him made her heart race and her head spin.

"So…what do you think of Starla's story?" He said nervously.

She stopped and turned towards him. She stepped closer and hugged him. He was shocked, but wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her gently. She closed her eyes and leaned into his chest more, inhaling his scent. Oh, how she missed the feeling of his arms around her, his calming touch.

"I love you, Ginny. Don't ever forget that," He whispered in her ear.

She pulled away slightly, still in his arms, and she looked up into his eyes and said, "I'll try not to."

His lips touched hers and he kissed her with everything he had. Her hand found his hair and she started playing with it, just like old times.

They broke away from each other a little while later, and Ginny smiled. "By the way, how did you guys get Starla to tell the truth?"

"Well…you see, Ron and Hermione wanted to help me, so they fed her Veritiserum." Harry said with a grin.

"Ah. I always knew Hermione would break out of her shell and let out her inner bad-girl."

There was laughter, and they both felt so happy and relieved to be back together…finally.