Me- ok, this class is over, just as soon as we get rid of Naraku's dead Jell-O-ness and I give out the report cards.

Inuyasha- wait—we're getting graded!

Me- uh…duh…? What'd you expect? You have to graduate to leave.

Inuyasha- (suddenly feels sick) ugh…damn…it…all…why must the world torture me like this?

Me- stop complaining! You haven't even gotten it yet!

Miroku- If I may ask, won't it be bias if you grade us? You like some of us more than others…if I might remind you…

Me- absolutely right! Which is why the Evil Dust Bunnies From Hell are the judges! Otherwise Inuyasha would totally get an A+ times infinity!

Inuyasha- wait…damn!

Me- so Miroku, how about you suck up Naraku as a reward for your insightfulness?

Miroku- I'd love to, but…my wind tunnel is gone…

Me- oh well, now that I think about it, why don't we just give him a grave so we can dance and piss and spit and shit on it?

Everyone in the whole demon world, regular world, the audience and the universe- sounds like a good plan!

Evil Dust Bunnies From Hell- (hand out report cards)

Sango- cool, A. "very cooperative"

Miroku- …B… "moments of profanity"…

Kouga- …B-…"moments of idiocy"…

Shippo- A-, "cooperative yet whiny"…

Kohaku- B, "cooperative yet swore a lot"…

Kagome- B, "cooperative but lost temper more than once"…

Jaken- D…"vulgar and gay"…HEY!

Sesshomaru- …C…"resistant to learning"…(anger cross)

Kagura- C…"only talked twice but otherwise cooperative"…I didn't know Naraku couldn't kill me…I was scared…I was his bitch…I don't like whips…(fidgets and twitches nervously)

Inuyasha- …F…WHAT! "vulgar, uncooperative, hostile and resistant to learning"! WTF!

Me- oof…looks like you'll have to sign up for another class. Don't worry, there's one coming up that the band of seven is signed up for. See you then I guess!

Inuyasha- (melts into puddle on floor)

Me- oh! And just for those who want to know, Tsubaki got an X, Naraku got a Y, and Kikyo got a Z. so long for now!

Inuyasha- (still in puddle form) I should have listened to mommy and become a monk…


Disclaimer- all characters in this fic belongs to Rumiko Takehashi once more except for the Evil Dust Bunnies From Hell and Inuyasha since he failed.

Regaime- the lawyers can't hurt me; it's not my fault Inuyasha failed.

PLEASE REPLY! Let me know if any of you want a sequel with the band of seven and Inuyasha of course. Also let me know if there's any other character no matter how small that you'd like me to put in. I'll try and comply.